1 flaw in science

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by forthelulz, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 forthelulz, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Ok, maybe im just extremely high at the moment, but do you ever notice that scientists never look at their data about matter as actual physical matter, but rather a mere number? I mean.. right now the idea of flying to the altitude ideal for orbit seems so far fetched, yet it has been done. Now there is talk of near light speed travel and whatnot, and even considering the thought for a second makes the concept seem laughable. Yet people thought the same way about many things in science that have been achieved despite mass disagreements. So my real question is, where do we, as humans draw the line between realistic achievement and pure fantasy? Like.... covering the distance from here to the moon seems like the most insane thing man could ever do, but despite all preparations that had to be made in order to actually get there, people disregard all of the used resources and keep going with this search for ultimate knowledge. Even microscopic things like atoms just seem unreal, and the fact that we are the only species who is aware of type of measurement for matter of such small size is quite strange to be honest.The idea that we are a on giant rock in a completely inhabitable space just makes life seem like the most random event, and we as people are being inconsiderate of what we really are.Again i am insanely toasted, so i apologize in advance if my reasoning seems illogical at some points
  2. Who's talking about it? I'd like to buy stock in their company....

    I haven't heard any serious talk about it.
  3. Yes, not serious but it's still there. Meaning that there are people who would use that kind of method of transportation if they had the chance, Just the thought of it seems completely impractical
  4. And you wouldn't?
  5. Read the following sentence please, i said that if it existed and was a sustainable method, sure why not? however it's far from that and i cannot imagine it ever happening on a scale to accommodate humans
  6. 1,000 years ago they couldn't imagine TV and cell phones.
  7. But did anyone have the desire to?
  8. Apparently they did, because someone invented TVs and cell phones.
  9. The one flaw I see in science is that it demands factual evidence. These facts can often be contradicted over time, as new understandings of nature pave the way for new theories of the day. Science is an ongoing process that may not always get the facts correct, so we try and we try to improve the methods. Nothing is ever permenent in this existence, and the very foundations that support our knowledge can just as easily be brought to the ground as they were constructed.

    Like the late stoner_lukas once said,

    "What we think we know now may be turned upside down tomorrow. We're only beginning to truly understand the world around us."
  10. eventually yes, not 1000 years ago though
  11. i once watched stephen hawkings "into the universe" and it said something that ill always remember. "life just seems to be what happens to matter given the right circumstances"
  12. youre just using your universe given mind brosir.
  13. The line between real shit and imaginary, in scientific terms, is like regular Newtonian physics compared to quantum physics. There is far too much for me to explain here, browse over wikipedia and if it piques your interest get some books, 2 good ones that are broad and easy to understand are Brian Greenes first 2 books but I forgot what they were called haha
  14. the problem is the life those people lead. They had larger concerns that didn't allow their mind to think of larger problems like how to talk to someone over the next hill.

    I really think that if we has a system in place that allowed people to not have to worry about basic things like, food, shelter and medical needs many more people would be thinking about larger problems. Unfortunatly in this lifetime we aren't there yet and those are the things people are thinking about today.
  15. People really don't have a clue. So many odd phenomena that is attributed to spirits, angels, aliens, etc... Like if ghosts are actually real, someday there will be theorys explaining exactly what they are and I bet we will be waaaay off.
  16. That's a utopia.

    Utopia = fantasy, that's the line right there, OP.

    WE CAN think about larger ideas, but in today's society, people would rather go to school to be a masseuse instead of studying any form of science, that is where our limitations are at.
  17. Well obviously there was a drive to invent TVs and cell phones because TVs and cell phones were invented. It's a pretty simple concept.

  18. I agreed with what you said and then I saw your sig.... Now I don't know what to think.:confused:
  19. #19 riejgndtueodtrd, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    ;) :wave:

    Edit: There, I changed it.
  20. That's not its flaw, that's its biggest strength. Always striving for better answers and accepting that what we know now may not be completely correct.

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