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1 cop vs 25 4/20 celebraters

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by umopp, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. Good shit.
    I like how baffled he got when they all split, priceless.
  2. That was great
  3. funny ass shit
  4. Now this cop is going to devote his entire career to the development of a multi-subject tazer, and get rich. Honestly though, this is why there are cases of police brutality. Dumb fucking college kids trying to see how far and hard they can push, and when John Law pushes back, someone is there with a camera. I'm all about enjoying some weed responsibly, but dicking with police officers is just bad judgement.
  5. That was great! I love this movie, now where can I get myself a parachute?????
  6. maby in some cases but those kids had a great idea and went though with it, looks like they had a great time to... fair play in my books.
  7. this video has been posted 1000 times.

    its still funny

    that guy was annoying as hell, but that was a funny ass video, and an awesome idea for a party, hotboxed parachute LOL. awesome.
  9. that was pretty damn funny.
    i like how the cop was trying to figure out how to get in.
  10. Why? Police profile us and harass us all the time. If I get the chance to pull one over on a cop , or fuck with him, I will.

    Fuck the police!
  11. Thats funny! The camera man was geekin

  12. yea hes all tryin to lift it up with the people sittin on it. i bet i would have been so scared it was one of 15 cops all surrounding us, and i defintaely would have gone for the slide tackle on my way back to the dorm, i was wiating to see that cop taken down LOL
  13. i keep readint eh title as "celebratokers"
  14. haha yeah its been posted but it still gets me every time. I love the wave of smoke that comes out when he lifts the parachute.
    Funny shit.

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