I have plants, that have 1, 2, and 3 leaves. The leaves are located on the upper nodes of the plant(2 1/2 to 3' up). Does anybody know whats is happening, we thought it could be a root diseasee. please help, thanks
HIGH All, did your light times get screwed up somehow? It sounds like your plant is revegging, going from Bud to Grow again. When a plant starts to revegg it starts out with one leaf then usally three and on to five and so on.
There are 3 lights, 1000 wt, 400 HPS, and another 400. I'm postin for a friend, so i'm gonna try and get some specs on what he does. I'll try to post a pic. thanks
Unless it is strain related,,it appears as unoit stated,,,revegging from the tip,instead of flowering,,very possibly light cycle related...