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1/8 Pickup LONDON ON. (Strain?)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Astronaut, May 27, 2009.

  1. picked up 1/8 for $30, i live in London Ontario, no idea anything about it, just asked for an 1/8. Im pretty amateur so i dont know much.


  2. paid about right
  3. i live close to toronto, i think you should have paid 20 for that, unless its real dense
  4. alright wat would it be considered low mid?
    and ye its pretty dense
  5. nah notl ow mids i say mid mids cus its kinda leafy
  6. looks like some nice dank
  7. Get a scale... that doesn't look like an 8th to me.
  8. honestly u might have gotten ripped off by Canada standards. personally i would kill to pick up that bud for that price.

    btw if that's all of it u might have been shorted. but im not sure and theres no way of telling from a pic (unless its super bad).
  9. only way its an 8th is if some of the buds are super super dense which some of them are
  10. Ontario bud usually is pretty dense..

    Personally I would of paid no more than 25$, usually 20$. You didn't get ripped off though, just paid the average price by most standards.:smoking:
  11. ha yeah you only paid 30 bucks for it, thats about right for what you get around my parts.
  12. Hey I live in london ont as well what area are you in, and yeah looks a little short
  13. hmm doesnt look to good to me.. i might be wrong
  14. looks like regs

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