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1/8 of Green Crack

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Cruzkid, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. Just picked up and eighth of green crack, and for fairly cheap too! Only $55!

    Attached Files:

  2. That looks lovely
  3. Wow wonderful pickup. I definitely second the guy above me. One thing I wanted to say is that even in this world where prices are driven up to outrageous amounts due to cannabis prohibition, you still manage to be happy paying the price you paid. That says a lot of good about you. Keep up the awesome attitude man, and enjoy the smoke. The rest of this trench (bowl of my vaporizer) is for you. Cheers!
  4. [quote name='"TheTruthIsrael"']Wow wonderful pickup. I definitely second the guy above me. One thing I wanted to say is that even in this world where prices are driven up to outrageous amounts due to cannabis prohibition, you still manage to be happy paying the price you paid. That says a lot of good about you. Keep up the awesome attitude man, and enjoy the smoke. The rest of this trench (bowl of my vaporizer) is for you. Cheers![/quote]

    Thanks man you too.
  5. [quote name='"Cruzkid"']Just picked up and eighth of green crack, and for fairly cheap too! Only $55![/quote]

    I can get that for a 10 at school
  6. Well then Jacob must not be smoking the dank.

    and looks good op
  7. That looks a lot like the nugs I have right now.
  8. nice pickup bro, I picked up an 1/8th of that green crack a few weeks back myself


  9. ur cool
  10. OHH burned...:cool:

    ANYWAYS...yeah that looks good man, enjoy that :smoking:
  11. [quote name='"Cruzkid"']Just picked up and eighth of green crack, and for fairly cheap too! Only $55![/quote]

    Smoke report blade hows it hit?:bongin:
  12. [quote name='"jacobsmokeDdank"']

    I can get that for a 10 at school[/quote]

    Good for you man, I wish I could get green crack and other high quality buds for that much.
  13. [quote name='"rastaballer209"']

    Smoke report blade hows it hit?:bongin:[/quote]

    For the first like five seconds it's so smooth, can't even feel it. But hit that shit any longer and I cough. But that's from a bowl. I'll let pack a bong tonight.
  14. Green crack is one of my favorite strains, working in some grape ape fresh outta Cali right now though! Nice bag sonnnnn!

  15. Really, I can get 100 boxes of mangos for $89. You guys have to pay $127. Hahahahaha! I'm the man!!!!!!! :laughing:
  16. Beautiful looking buds even with the crappy picture quality. Enjoy your smoke OP. :)
  17. Sweet buds, boss! Now I gotta figure out where Jacob goes to school!!
  18. Nice man, I liked green crack it was a nice strain but i didnt think to take a picture at the time.
  19. jacobsmokDdank
  20. I have been getting an 1/8th of this once a week for the past month or so from a local clinic. The perfect sativa strain in my opinion, EXCEPT for the smell! I know some people like it but I'm not a big fan. After packing a bowl my hands smell like BO (thats the best way I can describe it), it's embarrassing haha...

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