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1/8 of compressed keif

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by lilithlove1492, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. I am good friends with my friends and I've been tokin' almost non-stop since the day I started. However, I was given an eighth of compressed keif today. First time I've had it in bulk and in such form before. What is the best utilization for this? :confused::smoke:
  2. top all your bowls with it
  3. I'd make some hash then cook with half of it and smoke the rest.
  4. Get a screen and break off little chunks and blast it in the bong! Thats my favorite!
  5. Slice it and top it with a bowl, only a little bit and you'll be lifteeeed
  6. looks like I have lots of options! Thanks everyone :) Basically it doesn't matter that it's in a pretty cylinder it's just mostly straight THC right?
  7. By that I mean I'd use it as if I just had this much keif in just in a jar or something.
  8. Roll a joint
  9. [quote name='"lilithlove1492"']By that I mean I'd use it as if I just had this much keif in just in a jar or something.[/quote]

    Exactly, it's just been compacted so it travels easier.. Hot knife it!!!

    I would smoke it all kinds of ways, just be careful cuz smoking lots of keif will fuck with your tolerance.
  10. what a wonderful gift to give someone :)
    I feel spoiled.
  11. Damn man, show us some pretty pics! I'd top bowls with it, personally. Straight kief just gets me too blazed lol.
  12. make hash
  13. If I had an 8th of keif I personally would get a glow rod and heat it up with a torch and then pack a decent size bowl and just smoke the keif alone.
  14. anybody else really doubt he's got 1/8th of kief ? ( just seems like a grip to me)

    and by given do you mean for free?

    because then i really really doubt this unless your a chick lol
  15. [quote name='"TheZodiac"']anybody else really doubt he's got 1/8th of kief ? ( just seems like a grip to me)

    and by given do you mean for free?

    because then i really really doubt this unless your a chick lol[/quote]

    ...but thats not much kief at all and my friends give eachother stuff all the time. I make edibles for my friends, i give my friends hash and hash oil. Its just something we do.
  16. [quote name='"deadheadparker"']

    ...but thats not much kief at all and my friends give eachother stuff all the time. I make edibles for my friends, i give my friends hash and hash oil. Its just something we do.[/quote]

    That's awesome, wanna be friends? Lol

    Seriously though I must not hang out with the right people cuz I don't know anybody that does that...
  17. [quote name='"tnh"']

    That's awesome, wanna be friends? Lol

    Seriously though I must not hang out with the right people cuz I don't know anybody that does that...[/quote]

    Haha, it all depends on the people you attract i guess. Im actually giving my friend a pipe soon. Haha

  18. So start something :hello:
  19. Yo post a pic of this beautiful kief, will ya?
  20. If I were you, I would just top every bowl. And of course smoking small bowls of straight kief once in a while.

    Let's see a picture of that!

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