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1/8 Headies DANK [Boston, Ma]

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Headin2Mars, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Alright, I picked up an eighth of some no-name Headies in Boston Area for 60$ an eighth which is standard price around here. Very dank, smells very piney and sweet, stinks up my whole house and the smoke is the sweetest most refreshing taste and smell. I smoked alot so this isnt the whole eighth. Here it is:
    Extra Pic: Joint
    Extra Pic: Blunt

    Thanks Post Thought Please.
  2. looks pretty fire im around worcester myself 55 sometimes but looks good man im tryin to find more quality bud around here myself :wave:
  3. Love seeing some dank in mass! not easy to find
    looks bomb though

  4. yeah It's not difficult to find if you look in the right places, I hear there some nice nug in Worcester good luck finding it!

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