Hi everyone, I am trying to set up a cabinet that I have. It's 1.5x3' and about 5.5' tall. What size light should I get? I was planning on a 250w hps/mh but I wonder if a 400w would work? It will be in the basement where temps are usually around 60 deg F. Also what kind/ size fan should I get? I know it kind of depends on lighting. The less noise and the smaller the better. Thanks for the help!!
I have seen 400W in 1.5' with less headspace than you have. Esp if you get an air-cooled hood, it will definitely be alright...you might even think 600W but I think that at that point, you're more limited by space than by lumens. If you get anything bigger than 250W, I would air cool the hood, and have a separate can-fan for ventilation through carbon. If it turns out your temps are too low, you can put the intake for the ventilation to the exhaust of the hood-ventilation system so you can bump up the temps; otherwise you should basically be able to put your hand on the hood and it will be cool. You can run a 6" inline fan to cool the hood, but get the can-fan for the ventilation because it will need to pull through (or push through) a carbon filter at some point, which dramatically slows down an inline fan.
My box is 2'x3'x6' and I'm running a 400 watt HPS right now. I have a 170 cfm fan cooling my cool tube and another 170 cfm fan for my ventilation and carbon scrubber. My temps get to 78* with the lights on. My house is at 68*. Hope this helps.
Awesome, looks like I'll try to fit a 400w and a few fans! Might as well get as big as possible now just in case I get a little bigger cabinet. Thanks again.