1.50 a gallon gas?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by SouthrnSmoke, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. it sounds nice, but have they put it in a car to see if it works?
  2. Won't be long til that guy gets an arsenic sandwich.
  3. Im guessing no .. but ...

    Maybe they tested its combustion properties in other ways?
  4. the Bushs and Saudis will find away to fuck us over with this oil.. lol
  5. first we hear of it is from gizmag.com? I'm VERY doubtful. even google put out a white paper before forming into a company. I'm fairly sure if this is true there would have been a research paper before this company put it out there. Although you never know...I wouldn't hold my breath though.
  6. this is exactly what i want to do with my degrees.

    my future is lookin' bright, awwww yeeeeeee

  7. You working on getting into the chemistry field?
  8. please hold to be true!

    maybe then i can finally get some resale value on my 04 suburban.
  9. lol unless your selling it for scrap metal I wouldn't count on it :D
  10. I have a relative working in bio fuels, Specifically fuel from algae.
  11. i am doubling in Chemical/Biological and Environmental Engineering. minors in Physics, Chemistry, Math and Business.

    the lab i'm working in does this :) and synthesizing biomedical polymers.
  12. This man is a true hero. GL to you sir.

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