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1/4th of DRO for $100??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by alex_in_da_chi, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Hey everyone, uhhh I was wondering if that would be a good deal, 1/4th of dro for $100.

    And yes I know what dro is.


    oh btw, I'm in Chicago if that makes any differences, getting it delivered from cicero illinois
  2. Well where i live dro isnt good and i pay 50 bucks for 1/4 of dro. If it was dank then i would pay 100
  3. I think $100 of dro/kb is a pretty standard price aside from very high-end circles. Assuming you don't have any real connections. If you do really have a connection you should pay between $200 to $300 per ounce. I have paid as little as $175 directly from the grower up to $480 per ounce for medical marijuana.
  4. sounds like a bit much, I used to get exotic shit for 90 an 1/4th and I thought that was alot. But I guess maybe you gotta factor in delivery?

    and dro is just slang...originally for hydroponic I believe, but now just widely used and abused for anything around here atleast
  5. im no expert but isnt dro just a form of growth and not a strain? buying anything without a strain name isnt suggested by me.
  6. It's funny. Being from the Midwest I only had the opportunity to buy a real name of weed twice before. I would get good dro or kb but I usually didn't know the name of the strain. I wonder if it depends upon how many steps you are away from the grower if you get to know the name? Maybe it's a Midwestern thing?
  7. As long as it's dank, buy that shit! All the bud around here is way overpriced (someone tried to sell me some schwag 100/ fourth) but i make it my purpose to get dank, even if i gotta drive a bit.
  8. where I live dro is 10 a g, but idk about where you live.
  9. honestly its rather rare to get a real name from somebody that isnt a step or two fromt he grower, then they just bullshit you to get more coin
  10. There was a day. about three-two years ago when dro was abundant, kb, beasters dro whatever you called it, it was there
    in high school i would buy dro for about 15 per gram and 40 an eight,
    but than a couple years after i got out, i started geting great dro for around 200-250 per ounce and it was all worth it,
    alot of the headies i buy now i dont know if in the long run its really that great cause dro gets me high, but nothing better than good headies

  11. Exactly, hydroponic Im pretty sure is the way its grown, w/ water or something. But dro is really good, like headies or some call dank. What would you say it is compared to the pictures in the sticky at the top?

    If its 1/4 of top notch bud for 100 is normal I think.

  12. If you actually knew what dro was, you would never ask this question. "Dro" is slang for hydroponically-grown marijuana, it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with quality. You could have "dro" that is absolute brown schwaggy dirt-weed, or you could have "dro" that is phenomenally grown afghani khush. So there is no one on this board that can tell you if that is a good deal or not, because you haven't told us anything at all about the quality of the bud.
  13. if its killer id go for it...round here ppl will smoke a bowl b4 u buy a bigger bag example a bag for the price u so just ask em to look at it and smoke a hit or 2 then decide
  14. lol, when people say dro' they just mean dank...
    not referring to the way it's grown typically, but down here in texas people call dank chronic dro..
  15. standard price
  16. Depends... Also to the people explaining the technical definition, on the streets in some states the word "dro" has become slang for good weed.
  17. thats on the "streets". When the word "Dro" was first used, it was short/slang for hydroponic. Look it up. Shwag can be grown hydroponicly.

  18. That drives me crazy when people call good weed dro
  19. Thats standard price.
  20. speak the truth brotha! power to the people! down with big business comercialization of over-exagerated terms that have little to do with quality

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