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1/4 Oz of decent, how much butter?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Pravius, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Hi guys, Long time reader first time poster. I am going to attempt my first batch of cannabutter and have been reading religiously on how to do so. I really do not want to waste a quarter on this so I want to make sure to do this correctly. I have some mid grade decent stuff and my max I am using is going to be a quarter. How much butter do you think I will need to melt down to make me some good potent stuff? I have never tried eating and my girlfriend and I are looking to see what the difference is between smoking and eating. Thanks for any tips you may have! EDIT: Just to add I will be using buds not shake.

  2. Hey man, and welcome to our community!

    Well, in general its 1/8 for every half stick of butter, so you want about a whole stick of butter for a quarter.

    I highly suggest either using a crockpot [they can be bought cheap, got mine at walmart the other day for $10], or using the water method stovetop. [If you don't know what this is, I'll explain]

    Tips, always wait about 2 hours after consuming a dose. Edible highs are much more intense and last longer than smoking. I find the high a lot more enjoyable than smoking, but it can easily be overdone. This is because unlike having the luxury of visably seeing the herb you want to SMOKE in front of you, the potency of the herb is dissolved into the butter, so your packing the potency of 7gs of herb, into a small buttery package. The edible high will last roughly 6+ hours, taking anywhere between 30 mins - 2 hours to kick in. When it DOES kick in tho, you will know because its like going on a rollercoaster to space.

    Make sure you:

    A: Decarboxylate your herb first. This can be done by heating in a preheated oven at 225F for 20 minutes. Check after 20 mins and make sure your herb is darker, and very brittle/crumbly. If its very dry and crumbly, it is decarboxylated.

    B:After decarboxylating, make your herb VERY powdery. Since it should be really crumbly, you can either do this with a grinder, or just mash it with a glass bottle and a piece of paper. The more powdery the better.

    C: Keep your details in check. Make sure the heat is not too hot, that you stir ocassionally, that you use real butter instead of margarine, ect. Also, adding 2-3 tbsp of some vodka or other 80 proof alcohol will aid in the extraction, while not being a hazard. Also, use a electric stove if possible.
  3. #3 Pravius, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Great info man thanks alot. I do know how to do the water method and that's what I plan on doing. Just will be filling a large pot with water bring to a light boil and then place a smaller pot in that one and leave the butter to melt. Add the ganj and let it sit for an hour or so in the butter before extracting the additional weed.

    I do have an electric stove and that should not be an issue. Do you think that if I have a good grinder I may be able to pass on doing the Decarboxylate?

    Thanks again for the great info, I really appreciate it.

    Also I do have an infrared thermometer so I can gauge the temp of the butter, just for sake of having this information in one spot at what temp does the THC evaporate as opposed to bind? I think I was reading like 300F?

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