1-2 business days?

Discussion in 'General' started by artic, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hey blades, I recently lost my phone in the snow. :( I ordered a new one today at about 6 pm and they said it would be 1 to 2 business days. What are the chances of my phone getting here tomorrow? Do you think they would process and ship my phone by tonight? I don't want to wait until Monday to meet my new beauty. Tell me what you think blades. :hello:
  2. Who is your carrier? If it is Sprint there is a good chance you will have it tomorrow. I ordered a phone around 4pm one day and got it from FedEx or UPS the next day.
  3. AT&T (sadly)
    They said it was through FedEx I believe, I just want it by tomorrow so I can get a hold of people over the weekend. :hello:
  4. cell phones usually ship really fast but patience is a virtue...... its also a bitch
  5. I just hope it's here by tomorrow. :(
    My plan runs out at the end of February also, so hopefully I can return the phone also. :rolleyes:

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