0 deaths related to MJ

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by crazyclimber43, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. More people die from texting while driving.

  2. If marijuana is so bad for driving then why do the police have to do hair tests and urine tests just to determine whether a person even consumed it?

    ..if it's as bad as they say it is then it should be obvious when a person smokes and drives!
  3. This study is meaningless. Marijuana stays in your system for up to months at a time. Most of these people were probably not even high at the time of the crash. Just because something is in your system doesn't mean it caused you to perform and action. They could've taken an ibuprofen earlier but did that cause the accident? No.

    Your lack of common sense is apparent and you are just sounding like a prohibitionist. You cannot relate driving under the influence of marijuana to driving under the influence of alcohol. I would have to be extremely high for it to impact my driving. Most people focus more while they are high because they are still able to consciously worry about getting in an accident. It isn't this way with alcohol.

    There is no statistic on the actual number of deaths related to people driving under the influence of cannabis. There never will be one either because of how long it sticks around in your system.
  4. another argument that is unsettled about marijuana. this has been talk over many times. and no1 ever wins. but as far as comparing the dangers of marijuana vs. alco and tobacco marijuana is the most safest by far.

    i did see an accident involving a few female weed heads but they were parked and trying to find some1 to get it from. well this other female that was fully sober and was not paying attention had backed up into them trying to leave the park. funny thing was that the stoner chick were parked and still ended up getting into a accident. so would they be at fault cause they have thc in there system. or is this just an unfortanet accident. by the way no1 got hurt but the cars.
  5. Just to clear up the whole -people dying from being allergic to weed- deal. That wouldn't be a death due to cannabis consumption, it would be due to their allergies. Seeing as people can be allergic to pretty much ANYTHING, your argument is quite moot.
  6. people die every year from drinking too much water. It doesn't mean we should make water illegal.

    There's a huge difference between saying "marijuana should not be used (too much)" and saying "marijuana should be illegal". Politicians keep marijuana illegal because it gets them reelected.
  7. Yea the point of the statistic is to show how harmless marijuana is for you, college students OD on alcohol all the time, but to get a lethal dose of THC in your system would require consuming about 1,500 pounds of marijuana in 15 minutes, an i invite anybody to take up that challenge

    And for car accidents, alcohol impairs your driving by a much wider margin, but driving under the influence of anything is not wise, but nonetheless the cause of death is not marijuana or alcohol but by car accident

    And for allergies, people die of being allergic to peanut butter, but do we consider peanut butter toxic?
  8. Peanut Butter. THE DEVIL'S BUTTER!

  9. #29 Sketchy Newb, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    Weed makes me a better driver. All of my tickets have come when I hadn't blazed at least a week prior. I don't think I necessarily focus or react any better than I do sober, but I'm a paranoid motherfucker when I drive stoned so I demonstrate intense risk avoidance

    It's important to at least chill out for half an hour or so after smoking to get adjusted to the high. One time I smoked and didn't feel anything, so I started driving right afterwards. Well, I got one of the craziest creeper-highs of my life, and all throughout the drive over to my destination I kept saying to myself in my head "Holy shit, I'm WAY too high to drive"
  10. Well, there was Bruce Lee... but I guess you could say that was an irregular case...
  11. Cannabis has NEVER caused a single recorded, direct death. EVER. Full stop.
    NO overdoses
    NO allergic reactions


    If somebody dies under the influence of a drug, the drug may have played a role. This can't be blamed on the drug, it can only be blamed on the individual. The fact is cannabis has NEVER DIRECTLY killed anyone. Sorry if I sound pissed, but I can't stand it when people blame cannabis for road deaths etc. :D
  12. I hate to keep playing devils advocate, but I find it hard to argue with that study as I looked through the actual study. It is not "meaningless." It showed that people with MJ in their system were more likely to get in a car accident than people without. Whether you take it to mean that they were high at the time or not, the people with THC in their system were in more accidents. Granted it is all correlative data which doesn't infer causality but it is something that should be kept in mind.

    And as for the allergic reaction, I do agree that it is not the drug itself that would be the culprit in that case but a sever allergy. I do not think that this is something that would be highly publicized though as it is extremely difficult to reconstruct what allergen was responsible for a fatal allergic reaction unless it was known previously and one random unlucky allergy does not help the case against MJ at all publicly when legal drugs kill hundreds of thousands a year.

    I am just one of those people that thinks that people shouldn't be so ironclad in their defense of the 0 deaths thing. I find it far more responsible to say that with current evidence there are 0 deaths that MJ can be shown to be solely responsible for.

    I definitely do not support prohibition as alcohol and tobacco are far more dangerous to the public than MJ.
  13. My only question to you then is, do you find it OK to blame road deaths on alcohol? I am not saying they are equally as hindering to the ability to drive. I am just wondering if you believe that overdoses are the only correct way of measuring the potential harm of a drug.
  14. i can't count the times i've been on a burn cruise, just jammin my way down the highway....at 45 fucking mph! lol:p
  15. This is no joke my buddy drives like an old lady when he's baked. Dude is the most cautious person I've ever met in my entire life.
  16. An acohol related road death is the fault of the user for deciding to drive whilst drunk. EVERYONE knows the dangers of drink driving regardless of how pissed they are.
    Overdoses are not the only method of measuring the potential harm of a drug. One of the other meathod is the amount of damage done to the body resulting from use: e.g. smoking - emphysema and injecting - HIV/AIDS etc.

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