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0.5 gram white shark macro

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by SmokeweedRNN, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Here's a .5 gram of white shark that we just got for free! Our dealer saw me on the street with my friends and handed it to me haha. :)

    Looks pretty dank.. not the greatest, but def not the worst. Ive seen better nugs of white shark, (and my camera is not very good so it doesnt pick up the small details) but all and all ill give it a solid 7/10




    have a great day guys!
  2. damn thats dense
  3. looks pretty good.. i can feel the stickiness just by looking at the picture haha
  4. Looks a little bit more than .5 but either way nice and free cant hate that.
  5. Looks pretty good! Can't complain with free weed!
  6. Dense?

    Looks like .7 or so to me, he hooked you up slightly. And damn does it look frosty. Good stuff, hold that shit in and blast off!!! :hello:

    edit: Oh I see it was free. Damn this dude is tight! Definetly send him his share of karma!
  7. looks good... enjoy :smoke:
  8. aaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha

    that avatar is hilarious :cool:
  9. I hope he didn't do anything dirty to it before he gave it to you.
  10. That looks dense as fuck. Light that shit up! :smoke:
  11. noo he's a good friend haha

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