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​First real attempt to cook cannabis

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by 420DJ, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Hello,

    Okay so I am cooking a brownie for real tonight and wanted to create a thread to document my success and/or failure. I am using around or a little less than a gram for half a cup of cooking oil in a slow cooker. I added 1/4 cup of water to prevent burning. The basic recipe for the brownie calls for half a cup of regular oil so I was just going to substitute that oil with the cannabis oil. I am going cook the oil for 8 hours, the brownie creates four pieces so if I get high off one piece I'd consider this a great success. A moderate success if two pieces get me high and a failure if more pieces are required.

    Pics, check out my work.



    I am open to suggestions cause I am a noob at cooking but I feel good about this giving my experience the other day.


  2. your best bet for cooking, is to make canna butter, it would certainly require more than a gram, what i do is use shake or bag bottoms , works just as great, i like to use couple ounces to a pound of butter, use double boiler method (i use pot inside frying pan) boil on low heat for bout 2 hours, then strain through some cheese cloth, and voila canna butter, generally half cup is enough to make some decently potent muffins or brownies. you can use the butter in any recipe, spread it on toast ,or whatever you require. adjust the amounts as needed up or down until you find what works for you. you will find that straining out the plant material via cheese cloth makes for a much better tasting product and doesn't effect the potency,
  3. Dully noted, I am exploring several methods so I will try the double boiler at some point.

    For now, here is what I've got as far as oil after 8 hours in the slow cooker compared to the oil itself. I didn't filter out all of the leaves because I don't have anything to filter out matter that small. However I caught most of the herb with a tea bag.


    The brownie is in the oven so fingers crossed


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  4. Update

    Ate one piece, hour and 40 minutes later and I feel high but barely so I redosed with another piece. Will report back in a few hours to see where its at. This is weird, my eyes are bloodshot but I don't feel much different and I have the munchies early. Something is a bit off, I am thinking maybe I burnt it (The weed not the brownie).
  5. Last Update,

    This is semi moderate success, two pieces did provide a high but its still a little bit on the weak side. Plus the brownie caused a stomach ache which I can only assume was the weed cause everything on the brownie side was legit. I guess I need more weed, I have never got a high off an edible thats comparable to smoking. I'll continue to work on it, additional comments, questions, suggestions welcome but I am done with this method I think.

  6. I would decarb the herb and then infuse it in oil. You can decarb THC by putting it in a 250 degree (F) oven for 30 minutes. Ideally, you should have a thermometer inside your container of weed in the oven. When it hits 230, turn on the 30 minute timer. Make sure it doesn't go over 260. You'll find the numbers on your oven and reality don't quite mesh! It takes a bit of experimentation to estimate the lag between the real temperature in the decarb container and the oven temp. I usually turn off my oven when the decarb thermometer hits 240, because the temp will keep rising. I also set my oven beyond 250... Like 300-340, and then turn it off when the thermometer hits 240. It will creep up, sometimes beyond 250. If it gets close to 260, I open the oven door.

    I recommend ThermaPro wired thermometers for monitoring decarb temps. They're like $30 but they're very good. I had a few that came with my Magic Decarbox, and they're garbage. One of them was giving me way off readings. Also, test your thermometer every time. I boil some water and verity that it hits 212F before I decarb anything. I also test the battery. I'm doing like 1-2 ounces at a time, so a mistake is a massive waste.

    Since I live in California, I do this with ounces at a time. I make a bottle of extremely strong THC oil and take a few drops under my tongue. I like brownies, but weed edibles usually have a weird taste. Also, the sublingual THC will hit really fast -- in seconds.

    You can also eat or put the decarbed herb under your tongue. Once it's "activated" it will get you high.

    But brownies do have an appeal. They taste good. No one will think you're up to anything strange. You can eat one at the office and no one would think anything about it.

    I OD'd on THC with the last batch I made. It was that strong. I just licked the remnants in the bowl and utensils I used. I felt high immediately, but 2 hours later, I guess what I ingested kicked in. I thought I was going to die. I had the shakes! It was scary. I dropped some CBD/CBG oil under my tongue, and hell transformed into heaven!

    Pro tip -- if you F with edibles, have some CBD on hand in case you take too much! I've OD'd on edibles at least five times. It sucks. It feels like I am dying, but I know that's not possible. A few drops of CBD turns it all around.

    Let me know if you need any help or advice! Brownies are cool, and what you're doing will work, but you can get more out of that herb, for sure!
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