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Zune's BC Pickup thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by zune, May 22, 2010.

  1. #1 zune, May 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2010
    Heres a few pickups my friends and I have had.These ones are from California. Amazing buds. All the other buds and such, after this post are from BC.

    PS: There's also a bit of some Glass in the thread:cool:

    White Widow


    Unknown Dank
    Allen Wrench


    Lavender Kush
    Lavender Purp


    [​IMG][​IMG]TrainWreck Cone
    Zong W/Dank
    Silver Haze

    Triple Perc


    Blueberry X Northern Lights

    Unknown Cronic

    Grand Daddy

    Silver Haze




    Unknown Trainwreck








  2. Wow... great buds all over the place man. Thanks for sharing!! :smoke:
  3. Thanks guys. I'll be sure to keep your frequently updated with photo's and such.

    Keep on Tokin:smoke:
  4. Erkel is probably the coolest looking bud I've ever seen.
  5. ^OP i completely agree with you, such vibrant and beautiful looking purps man. awesome collection, next bowl is to you:smoke::smoke:
  6. Glad you guys are enjoying the photos. I haven't got anything else to show you at the moment, I'm smoking some very chronic purple though. I guess this is a polite way to say.......

  7. damn all that in one post?!:D
  8. The Unkown Dank looks :eek::eek::eek:
  9. Haha yep, Was probably a bad idea. I should have probably saved it all and shown you a few at a time but what can ya do? :D I'm glad you guys are diggin' it though. Keep this thread up, I need a little inspiration to post my new buds and such. Also, plus rep for you :hello:.

    :smoke: + rep.
  10. Sorry guys, I haven't been smoking much pot recently so I haven't really picked up. Please keep my thread alive! I'd like people to see my budz

  11. Dank buds man, +rep :)
  12. that urkle is straight DARK damn dude good shit.
  13. that erkle looks delicious!
  14. Dank Nugs bro, looking awsome how much does this stuff cost ya? Gotta Love California Man.

  15. Price doesn't matter, just quality of smoke:smoking:

    Thanks for the comments though guys, keep blazin' what you've got though!

    Stay high.
  16. Sorry guys, I've been away for a while. I picked up an oz of OG Kush. But I didn't get any photos :(, It totally slipped my mind. I only got a picture of the final nug though:p Very dense bud. Enjoy :hello:



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