Whats wrong with my 3 week old plant With LOts of picsPLEASE HELP~!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by kushkushkush, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 kushkushkush, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    ok a little backgroung their about 3 weeks and a couple of days. they were stated in Fafard potting soil but i just switched to fox farm happy frog and using AN 3 part system. it was under a 250 watt feliz cfl and 2 smaller cfls up until yesterday when i bought a 600 watt lumatek running a 400 watt mh. I went away for three days like 2 or 3 days ago and the person who was supposed to water them did not i came back and this is what i came home to. Is the DEFF a watering problem or is it the PH or something PLease help

    PS i also topped her and it has not started to grow back yet

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  2. I think me and u have the same problem..
  3. lets see some pics of where you tried to top it and also we gotta know what your PH is.
  4. ok will post that in a second and i spent all my money on lights and shit so the ph is going to have to wait :(
  5. come on im desperate any thoughts
  6. well just by looking at it seems stressed, maybe from the topping/change of soil/under-watering and that leaf damage looks like a nutrient deficiency because those spots aren't from under-watering or anything else you listed.
  7. some one suggested that now as i transplanted into a much better soil that it should go once the roots hit the new soil it got done like 2 days ago
  8. no one knows what kind of deffinciy it is so i can fix it pleasse helpppp
  9. You have a calcium deficiency. this will cause your lower leaves to get yellow or brown spots. This can also cause the plant to have stunted growth and a generally weak structure with leaves drooping or curling down. This also has an effect on the roots health which explains the stunted growth.

    This issue is caused by having your soils PH level too acidic. To fix this problem bring your PH level above 6.4 and your plant will absorb calcium effectively.
  10. ok im about to run to home dept for a soil test kit what should i buy to lower the ph if its to high and should i take a sample of the soil it was in or the happy frog i just transplanted to
  11. i recommend the analog kind that has a line that moves between a meter. it uses a pole or 2 to stick in the soil to test. but either way you wanna water your plants and test the runoff water and base it on the PH it reads. buy PH up at a hydro or nursery store (maybe lowes too) to adjust the water you put into your plants, and then continue to test the runoff from watering the plants to find a good balance.
  12. I just bought one at home depot that test the soil ph and the amount of nutrients in the soil. its reading either 7 or a little before 7 so thats not to much ph so WHATS THE PROBLEM
  13. well if your ph is that high its probably a phosphorous deficiency. that causes stunted and slow growth, dark blue-ish green leaves with dark spots on them, generally smaller plants, leaves that turn brown and contort and drop. in potting soil your ph should be 6.5 so this doesn't happen.
  14. im using happy frog soil. What should i do to correct this add some lime or more nutes
  15. :confused: just a thought, Did those babies get cold at any time?:eek:
  16. no stable temps
  17. oh i seen some that were kind of like that that got cold one time so i thought id ask.:D
  18. Woah Woah Woah Not a major concern. Let me repeat NOT A MAJOR CONCERN. =] your plants ok buddy he just needs a shower, Ill fill ya in soon

    Settle down now, all this fancy testing kits and what not lol.

    Your plant looks like it has either a calcium defiency or an iron defiency, cant remember which, much too high and actually partying with the blunt, but the same thing is evident in both these nutrient problems lockout due to a pH problem.

    But this is an easy fix, simply Flush the plant, This isn't fancy or crazy, its just an easy fix :) Run about 3x of what you normally water with through the plant and you'll see discolored water run out, this is you washing out salts that have built up around the roots, and your plant will be able to breathe happy and eat happy once again =]

    Also, you might turn the plant more often (the sick leaves look shaded by those above), it seems like that area where a problem started up didn't recieve enough sunlight from your bulbs =]

    Awesome plant comrade =]
  19. Just water the girl and give her a few days.. Don't do anything at least a day or two.. She doesn't look too bad to me just thirsty.. I'd monitor her over the next day or two and see if any worsening symptoms occur.. Just get her back on schedule with the water first..
  20. Looks pretty big for 3 weeks , slight calcium deficiency it looks like. Maybe something more..

    Looks like your over or under watering.. hard to tell. But overall I would say fairly healthy and a good size for 3 weeks !

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