Lower leaves dying and others show......

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Pastivity, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. #1 Pastivity, Jul 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2010
    I have had some lower older leafs wither and die, which is okay because of new growth. The problem is that I have been noticing on the dead parts of the leafs have some kind of white or light colored spots? Kinda flaky looking like salt even. I may be just that it is the nutrients drying out or something? I have pictures below any input is appreciated. The first one is still alive on the plant but is showing signs of this white powdery substance. It is kinda hard to see if the monitor is bright. The other are the leafs that I took off very easily. For additional information on the grow please refer to the link below. Thanks

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  2. it looks like your plant is trying to conserve water by pulling it out of the leaves, but hard to say for sure from the pic.

    could be a couple of different things mainly overwatering or nitrogen overdose.

    i tried to go to your grow journal but i got lost somehow. not sure what happened

    anyway, a little more info would help me help you.
  3. Hey man, sorry to hear about your plants!

    Other then that bit of white powdery junk on the leaves, are there any other signs such as color change, extra droopy leaves, so on? and how low are these "lower leaves" that are dying? like very bottom, within the bottom half...?

    I wish I could be of more help, but Im really of no use when it comes to hydro! haha
  4. Thank you nate_vt & farmerjane for your response.
    The problem is with 1 out of the 4 I am currently growing. I haven't added nutrients for about 2 weeks :eek:. The reason being that I had added nutrients that I have never used before. Namely the M.O.A.B. stuff which I have taken a pic of in my journal. On top of that, I also added a low dose of the 3 part flora nutrients. (low as in 1ml ea) It is a 2.5- 3 gallon tank.The leafs where the lowest ones on the stem. I mean they where changing color from the green to a yellow/green. Leaning more towards the green though.

    The base of the stems are showing the purple dots and color. This plant I forgot to mention has been through a lot of trauma by my hand so I was kinda surprised its still going. I mean the leafs weren't even raised on their own anymore. I had been resting them on the adjacent pots so they could get some better lighting. I don't understand what you mean by conserve water farmerjane. I keep the system topped off with water and the humidity stays between 75-85. Do they conserve water in dry weather or more humid weather? The medium stays nice and dry except were the water meets the pot but that is about 2 inches from the top.

    I didn't log on this morning so I had already tried to treat for a Phosphorus deficiency before the lights went out today. Got that info from a mj horticulture book. Had pics too so I hope I did the right thing. I will get back to you on this to see how it turns out.
  5. 4 Days Later
    The plant is still losing leafs but not very quickly. I have added nutrients and I also flushed the medium of the affected plant with a very mild nutrient solution as to wash away any build up on the sub surface. The last leaf to come off today was a pale green with very little signs of damage.

    Plant #1 is doing okay as far as new growth and the medium to newest leafs are doing their thing. I have taken pics of the bare stem (not really bare because of new growth) where the leafs have been falling/ coming right off. Other than that the rest of the set up is doing great. Also, I'm not trying to do a lot of "extra" things to try to revive the plant to its original state because trying to cater to the one may in turn kill or damage the others.

    The need of the many out weigh the few in this case. I will continue to monitor and thanks for the replies. New pics added of the new growth on journal.

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  6. Day 4 and a half
    Well the last pic I had taken with the blotches on the leafs had stopped advancing. I'm happy to see that all that could have been needed was some general nutrient regiment and patience to fix the problem. Thanks to all who were interested and for those who helped. Further updates on Plant #1 can be found on my journal.

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