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Official T-Break Support Group.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by GOLA, Mar 21, 2010.

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  1. I searched it, found nothing of the sort. Saw a ton of people were in the same boat as I am with being however far into their respective tolerance breaks. I figured we could attempt to centralize our efforts for knowledge and support to get through our t breaks. Whether it be voluntary or trying to get clean for a test, a break is a break. So if you don't like the idea for this thread then don't comment or post on it and it will die. If you let it die, the death is on your hands. Anyway.

    Yeah I am about a week and half into my t break, trying to get a better paying job. Test will be sometime in the next month. First t break that wasn't my choice, longest previously since I have started smoking was about two weeks due to lack of funding. Would love to hear success stories, tips, and honestly if you just want to come in and rant about how much you hate being away from MJ, the floor is yours.

  2. I don't often find the need to T breaks, but I have taken a few, one for two weeks, one for a month here and there.

    It really is worth it -- nothing is more satisfying than proving to everyone there is nothing chemically addicting and its all in the head, and then lighting up that first bowl after the T break. And since its different every time you never really know what to expect on your first bowl. You might even wanna experiment with something fun like eating a Mango an hour before your next smoke.

    Good luck!
  3. One thing you make sure of while on a t-break...dont neglect food.
    I had a t-break of about 3 months due to being out of work and tryin to get a job, well it was pointless anyways cuz my job now didn't DT haha but i stopped eating regularly while sober. So make sure you keep a good diet even when you're not munchin yourself to death, i dropped almost ten pounds in the 3 months.
  4. Yeah I actually eat less when I smoke, as far as what I eat though is being regulated. I train at a local gym and am always sure to keep my nutrition up. I have heard the best natural way to do it if you have the time, is tons of water, and excercise. Which for me isn't difficult, thankfully to my gym.
  5. First thing I'd like to say is Mangos are the shit. Secondly I honestly could give a shit less about everyone else. I honestly want to do it for myself, and for the job of course. I haven't been employed for months now. After you go so long with doin nothing you get really depressed, well i did atleast. My girlfriend, thank god for her, buys the groceries and I pay the rent. It's just more over I want to be proud for myself and say I wanted this job, so instead of trying to work my way around the system, I am going to earn it.

    And I want to make twice what I make now, and get free health insurance.:hello:
  6. not really a tbreak per say but on day 3 of a dry spell, i find i eat alot better...well atleast healthier lol when i'm not smokin i can get more than 2 bowls out of box of cereal and a gallon of milk:D hard making time go by but luckily i've been working alot this weekend and starting spring cleaning so i don't really think of it
  7. Yeah I am the other way around, sober I say fuck it, I cheat on my meal plan. I don't care, I take it like if I can't have one thing I will have something to fill its place. When I toke regularly though, I eat retarded healthy.
  8. yeah its not that i eat unhealthy high, im just more motivated to eat high.
    when im sober i neglect eating and end up unhealthily eating at like 10 pm cuz i haven't eaten all day. Munchies to me are just a reminder to get my three meals in.
  9. i've always been a junk food junkie when blazing, not sure what it is about a large shake and 3 mcdoubles but i feel the need...
  10. Yeah, as wierd as it sounds my highs are better when I eat healthier. Just are don't know. Can't even remember what it's like to be high. :( I am picked up a qtr today, and its just gonna sit in my stash spot. :(
  11. i got a solution...
    send that shit to Texas and i'll take it off your hands :smoking:
  12. If I could I would, not doing much good here. Just an apple, a big juicy red apple.
  13. Quick question though, since I am trying to actually make this thread work, I am gonna ask you about your three month leave of absence. My first question is, how was the first time back?
  14. its probably the food itself, i know i always feel better eating healthier high or not, its just i am weak sometmes and give in lol
    • Creative Creative x 1
  15. obliterating. i smoked a one hitter of some GDP, and from the absolute No tolerance i was high off the one hitter. so i preceded to smoke another one hitter and go to bed shortly after, but it was well worth the wait. i haven't been high like that in a LONG time.
  16. Im taking an involuntary one right now (dry season). It has only been a about a week but it feels like forever since before the break i smoked at least once almost everyday for about 4 months. Stay strong everyone!
  17. Ok so this might be some support i am looking for. I have been smoking heavily for the last year now. I am considering taking a T-Break cause my tolerance is retarded, but i smoke multiple bowls a day and dont know if i have the will power to T-Break cold turkey. So my question is, has anyone weened themselfs off MJ for a T-Break? did the cut back lower your tolerance at all? Cause from my understanding as long as the receptors in my brain are getting stimulated then my tolerance will not lower at all, is that correct? How long of a T-Break should i take just to lower my tolerance a little bit? I am thinking possibly a week? is a week long enough? I'm sorry for rambling and having so many questions, but if this thread is gonne be the "official" thread this is the spot to ask.
  18. #18 kfx450r, Mar 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2010
    If everything goes as planned, i will probably be joining the air force at the end of the year, so yeah imma smoke the best bud i can get my hands on as much as i can all year until then since it'll be a lifelong t-break for the most part, im sure ill get chances here and there to smoke but for the most part it's over lol, even tho my friend who went in said you get over the fact that you cant smoke very fast, he was never a smoker lol, he mostly did E so its not the same story but im sure its close

    The main reason i smoke is becuz of boredom, no job, all i do is go to school 2 days a week and have nothing to do and just watch tv all day so I smoke to make my boring days funner, but in the air force i will constantly be doing something so it shouldnt be too hard.
  19. If youve been smoking heavily for a year a week wont do too much for you. I'd say 2 at the least. Backing off gradually is a good idea but doing it cold turkey is the best way. Dont forget to exercise to speed up the thc getting out of your system to maximize results

    Good luck!
  20. Started my break today. And am going on a 2 week break. Or, at least till the 2nd of April. Smoked a nice L with a buddy yesterday. Haha, biked in the frigid cold hahaha. Oh, boy. That was fun.

    Alright. Here it goesss.
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