Marijuana dependency/addiction/withdrawal is REAL and SERIOUS (chronic users)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by nvrissv, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. #1 nvrissv, Dec 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2015
    Edit: dependency/addiction/withdrawal was REAL and SERIOUS for me. It happened to me which is why I'm saying it's real.
    Just a warning that this will be a long read, thank you to anyone who reads and contributes.

    I'm writing this because I have questions that I can't find the answers to and I haven't been able to find anything anywhere about how marijuana physically affects your body. I'm writing about my personal experience and I would like your opinion and for you to share your own personal experiences. This thread is for chronic users that smoke at least a g everyday.

    I hit the bong at least 10 times a day for about 8 months straight and it really started to have physical affects on my body. Being a small girl at 90 pounds smoking so much everyday had made me lose any body fat that was there to begin with. (I've heard that weight loss is common with chronic users) why is that? Is it because smoking speeds up your metabolism or is it because my body thought I was hungry all day from being stoned all day that it just used all my body fat? (I'm actually asking you guys)

    When I lay in bed, I couldn't feel at ease unless I was stoned.. It was like my being stoned felt like my normal, like how being sober feels normal for people who aren't chronic users. I could go through everyday life as normal and no one would even know that I'm stoned because it was just so normal for me. Smoke when I wake up, before I go to work, on my break at work, when I got home, before practice, before dinner, before bed and then do it all again in the next day.

    Whenever I was sober I realized that I had ZERO appetite, it's like my body was hungry but nothing ever satisfied my hunger.. I would feel full after the tiniest bit of food, but my stomach would still growl as if my body was hungry but I honestly could not eat another bite.. So i always just got high before eating just so I could actually enjoy my meals... Has this happened to anyone else?

    I also could not sleep without being stoned. Smoking so much all day everyday had fucked up my body temperature regulation.. I don't know if this is a thing because I haven't been able to find anything about it really. Please correct me if I'm wrong but your body temperature rises when you're stoned and by being stoned all day everyday it makes your body think that's the temperature it's always supposed to be? So when I was sober laying in bed, my body was physically hot to touch and I would be so uncomfortable and would get the WORST night sweats (literally dripping sweat) and the only way I could be could feel at ease and comfortable was if I got high.

    I honestly felt like my body was soo dependent on weed and my body was just fucked and couldn't function properly and normally unless I smoked weed... Has this happened to anyone else? I've asked a couple friends but none of them smoke as much as I did so I guess it never affected them this way?

    Being sober was just awful and I couldn't enjoy anything about being sober, I could not function. I could do normal things like work and cheer and walk and all that shit but honestly the worst was my body physically felt uncomfortable and weird (idk how to explain it) like being stoned was seriously how I felt normal...

    I really don't think that marijuana dependency/addiction is taken as seriously as it should be. The SWED lifestyle is so popular nowadays that you honestly sound just sound stupid if you said "I'm addicted to weed and I need help" because there ARE successful stoners that have their shit together so it's hard to see it in a negative way. (Which is how I felt because I could go on with my everyday life normally high as a kite) One thing different about my situation that may be different than yours is that marijuana is not legal where I live, my boyfriend DOES NOT and WILL NEVER smoke weed (his preference) and him and the rest of my family hated the fact that I was a chronic user, so I pretty tried to hide it every time I smoked (usually in my car)... And I honestly just felt guilty that I HAD to be stoned for every single thing I did in my life.

    And after a while I wanted to quit because I didn't even want to get high all the time and I was only doing it because it was honestly the only way I could eat and sleep normally. But every time I tried to quit, the withdrawal symptoms were so unbearable that I just gave in and got high because it was so hard on my body. And I just couldn't resist smoking.. Whenever I debated skipping my wake and bake session, I would always decide against it, my thought process was "you better get super high now because you know you'll wish you were high later when you can get high" but every time I did that I always wished instead that I was sober..

    The first week of December we found out that my aunt (who is practically my second mother) had stage four cancer and was admitted to the hospital with only a few days left to live.. It was shock to my whole family because she never told anyone this was happening to her. My world had honestly shattered, we went to see her at the hospital and she looked so ill. She looked like she had no life left in her, like a skeleton or a corpse. They had her sedated so we weren't able to talk to her and she wasn't able to even see us or hear us. I stayed at my parents that weekend (where I wasn't allowed to smoke) I did anyways when everyone went to sleep and woke up early the next morning to get high before we all went back to the hospital.. It was late morning by now and my aunt was literally on her death bed but I couldn't help but think about where I could go get stoned because my morning buzz had already started to wear off.. My aunt passed took her last breathe within the hour, and I felt so fucking guilty for wanting to get high instead of being with my family.

    I wanted to quit so badly but I just couldn't. And I didn't want to ask my boyfriend or anyone for help cause I was afraid they would throw it in my face and say I told you so and not take me seriously. So I still didn't quit, but one morning I blazed in the house not knowing my boyfriends mom was home and later that day my boyfriend told me his mom smelled it that morning and WAS NOT impressed. He angrily told me that I could never smoke in or outside or anywhere near the house ever again. I angrily yelled at him what the fuck am I supposed to do then and he said well it would be nice if you just quit, I broke down crying and sobbed I want to, I want to but I need you to help me, please.

    He took my bong, my pipe, my buster, my papers, and my bags of halves. The first week was the worst for withdrawal. I would have multiple hot flashes (they felt like hot flashes) a day, I'm guessing due to the irregulation of my body temperature. I probably got a total of 8 hours of sleep for the week. And I don't think I finished a full meal for at least 3 days. At night I felt so cold but would be drenched in sweat, I was hot then cold, hot then cold, hot then cold. It was honestly so awful. Everything was hazy, like I was sober but not fully sober.. I read somewhere that you get physical withdrawal symptoms because your body is detoxing all the THC? And if you have a higher metabolism your body is detoxing faster resulting in more severe symptoms? Any thoughts on that?

    Now, I'm not saying this happens to everyone but I'm saying it happened to me and anyone that says marijuana dependency/addiction/withdrawal isn't real, is wrong. And I'm not saying smoking weed everyday can't work for everyone because it can, given certain circumstances.. Like if you live in a state where it's legal, and everyone around you is accepting of it, and it doesn't even affect some peoples bodies like it affected mine. I'm just telling my story and I would love to hear your opinion and your story. Now, I haven't quit smoking dope forever.. But I certainly will not let it control my life the way it had for so long. I took simple things like being able to enjoy eating sober and being able to fall asleep naturally for granted, which I never thought I would. And I've learned that life is about balance and everything should be taken in moderation. I mean, once I'm fully detoxed, I hope to enjoy a bong rip when I go out to a party, or to just relax on a day off, you know?

    I apologize again for the long post but a lot of these thoughts have been from when I've been stoned and thoughts from when I was going through withdrawal. I just needed to get this out so thank you again for taking the time to read it if you have :)
  2. #3 parkster, Dec 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2015
    Lol I have all the things you do and smoke way less. Its just what you have to go through when you dont smoke. Withdrawl sucks, buts at least it cant kill you like the other drugs. Its actually helped me in the hunger department cause i've been trying to lose weight for awhile. I only crave when im stoned, so if I limit my toking to a couple times a day, I barely eat and which puts me at a calorie deficit. I actually have lost 11 pounds this past month because weed has curbed my appetite so much when I dont smoke. I also have excessive energy when I don't smoke, so I can workout throughout the day. In a way the withdrawals are helping me achieve the huge goal of getting in shape.

    1. there is no such thing as withdrawals from marijuana
      • <li>there are no physically addictive properties in marijuana<ul><li>there is no such thing as marijuana addiction.

    shove that up your pipe and smoke it with the other prohibitionist shills..thank you, good night.[​IMG]

  3. Hooooooly fuuuuuck I was just saying what happened to me and was wondering if it's happened to anyone else because I don't know of anyone else that it has... How the fuck am I a prohibitionist? Did I say make weed illegal? Like fuck I would smoke all day everyday if it fit with my lifestyle but it doesn't, and I'm not fucking saying this happens to everyone or even anyone else at all.. I was just saying what fucking happened to me
    I don't know anything about anything, which is why I made this post, to see if shit like this even is a thing? Like I don't know I'm just telling you my personal experience, in my personal experience I did have physical withdrawal symptoms.. You can get physical withdrawal symptoms from being addicted or dependent on ANYTHING.
    I'm not telling anyone to stop smoking weed or even that you're bad for smoking everyday or if you smoke weed this will happen to you anything.. Like if it works for you that's great for you, as long as you're happy. I'm saying that I smoked a lot everyday for all the wrong reasons and I wasn't happy, and it did not work FOR ME.. Obviously it depends on the person and the persons life and the people in the persons life, every person is different. Like I'm not shitting on smoking weed, I was just fucking saying what happened TO ME.. I was sharing my personal story.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you don't have to be fucking rude about it.
  4. You can have withdrawals from almost anything as well as be addicted to almost anything. Things that give you pleasure will have the opposite effect if they are withheld from you.

    "Drugs that have a long half-life take a long time to be broken down, and withdrawal effects occur slowly," he says. "A lot of times, the effects are so subtle that the individual may attribute it to something"

    Heavy pot us can cause physical dependency -

    "Marijuana addiction is linked to a mild withdrawal syndrome. Frequent marijuana users often report irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and/or various forms of physical discomfort that peak within the first week after quitting and last up to 2 weeks."

    "Frequent and heavy use of marijuana can lead to physical dependence. Marijuana dependence occurs when a person"s body adapts to the marijuana and is only used to functioning properly when the marijuana is used."

    "A complication in conducting research in this area has been that THC metabolizes slowly, making subtle withdrawal effects difficult to detect"
    Therefore a higher metabolism results in more severe withdrawal effects

    "Current research supports that marijuana is both physically addictive and psychologically addictive."

    Physical withdrawal symptoms include: nausea, perspiration, tremors, weight loss, decreased appetite, increased body temperature.

    There is such thing as as marijuana addiction, your body can get physically dependent on marijuana, and there is such thing as physical marijuana withdrawal symptoms. There have been studies in the past couple years proving every one of those statements.. It does not affect everyone but heavy marijuana use can lead to dependency, addiction, and withdrawal. From the early 2000's to a couple years ago, it was claimed and believed that marijuana has no physical dependency on your body and no physical withdrawal effects.. Only psychological but I mean you're fuckin old so obviously you lived in the day where everyone really believed that was true, but it's 2015 buddy, so take your head out of your ass and stop being an ignorant asshole.
    I never said it happens to everyone but it fucking exists.
  6. Look, if you do anything that gives you pleasure all day every day then what do you honestly expect..? There will be withdrawal, and dependancy. But again,this would be the case for literally anything. The point is, marijuana ranks among the lowest of such drugs, in terms of dependancy/withdrawal. Things like alcohol, sugar ect will give you those same symptoms and worse for much less use..

    Im sorry you had to go through that and its obviously real. Please dont misinterpret your situation and tell people that dependancy and withdrawal are symptoms of marijuana use. Its misleading at the least.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  7. you may have formed a habit, but you are not physically addicted to marijuana. It doesn't change your chemical composure such as an unmentionable would do...

    long story short, you may have a habit, but you are not "addicted".

    Attached Files:

  8. Just stop smoking for a week and you'll be good. All it takes is just a week and all those uncomfortable feelings you are having go away. But remember, you can't smoke for that one week or you'll have to start over again.
  9. If you think some hot and cold flashes and loss of sleep and appetite are serious withdrawal symptoms, you are mistaken. Trust me.
    Sounds more like you get anxiety, and the cannabis helps.

    Side note: studies from drug abuse centres and dependence websites are probably not reliable. You might as well quote D.A.R.E...

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk

  10. >


  11. First hand I can tell you there is no such thing as withdrawals, I went from smoking a oz+ of decent bud aswell as hash and oil each week to smoking nothing. The worse I got was my dreams went through the roof.
  13. #18 TotallyToked, Dec 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2015
    I can tell you there is no such thing as X, cause I did the things people say may cause X and it didn't happen to me.

    ^^ That is not a valid proof that X doesn't happen--just that X didn't happen to you one time.
    Its like if I say "the flu isn't contagious. My gf had it and I kissed her plenty while she had it and I never got it."

    All that proves is that its not 100% contagious every time.

    I personally have experienced (rather mild) marijuana withdrawal symptoms. I smoked ~2-3.5+ grams per day for 2.5 years straight (wake and bake, high all day, big bowl before bed).
    I stopped and had a lot of trouble with sleep, appetite, and just feeling kinda bleh for a week or so.

    This is very different from certain other things that do cause serious physical dependencies.
    I quit smoking cigs (was a pack a day smoker for 7 years)--not so horrible on the physical side for me, but very hard in terms of mental temptation/cravings.

    I quit other unmentionable things. It was very hard. (I tried many times to quit and couldn't, end up a wreck at the end of the day trying to fall asleep, telling myself I need to stop this right now, never again, etc... and back to it the next day.)
    Pretty difficult physical withdrawal (for a week+) and cravings that stayed strong for months. And that was with pot to help me through it.
    (I had gotten to the point where I just gave what I had left of my current stash to a friend who also did it, and basically said 'I'm done with this forever'.)

    Anyway, I can personally assure you (and anyone else) that marijuana withdrawal exists. I've experienced it.
    I can also tell you that, FOR ME, it was very mild, and that for everyone who I have personally known who has had it, it was also mild. (And from reading the OPs post, also mild for her.)

    Is it as mild as, say, quitting caffeine after a 4 coffees/day habit? I'd say it depends on the person. Some people will have horrible headaches and tiredness all the time if they quit caffeine, irritability, etc. Others can just stop with little to no detrimental effects.

    My conclusions:
    - Some people, if they use marijuana heavily for a while and then stop, may experience mild withdrawal symptoms (appetite, mood, sleep).
    - Some people will not experience any withdrawal symptoms.

  14. Very interesting... Still all symptoms are all in your head and products of boredom. Yes unmentionables have withdrawals, nicotine and caffeine but I truly believe cannabis does not.
  15. #20 TotallyToked, Dec 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2015

    So lets back up a second. What is your definition of "withdrawal"?
    If you take it as "the physiological processes in your body are out of whack and this is uncomfortable to extremely dangerous", then you could possibly be right, I have no idea. (I think you are not right, but have not fully researched)

    If you take it as "the person experiencing withdrawal perceives negative effects from stopping", then I think you are definitely wrong, as I personally know I have perceived negative effects from stopping.

    EDIT: It looks like the technical definition applies for either physical or mental dependence, so even if its "all in your head" it still counts as withdrawal.


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