US debt problem visualized...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Jesus Tittyfucking Christ.
  2. One of the comments
    "Raising the Debt Ceiling is kind of like increasing Blood Alcohol Levels to Solve Drunk Driving."
  3. #5 AlienBlood, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2011
    Come on man there's no problem. Debt ceilings are different when they're regarding government. Now eat your peas you inbred bitches.

    [ame=]‪Remy: Raise The Debt Ceiling Rap‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  4. holy fuck were,s all the money the usa pays go for the debt?

  5. uh....what??

  6. We are borrowing money to pay back money we already borrowed. So if I am a private individual and maxed out one credit card, then I get another one to pay off the interest from the first one - that's where America is with the debt, except we're like on our 3rd card..figuratively speaking...
  7. With that amount of money, I would build a death star.
  8. [ame=]‪Lego Mini Death Star‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

  9. If money's an issue you can go Saiyan and get yourself one of these.:smoke:
  10. I've seen this before, but I am not entirely sure it was on these forums.
  11. The problem is.... It does not have lasers. I want mah lazer to zap many planets.
  12. hahahah
  13. Once again this is what a friend of mine said in another forum when I posted this Visualization up. Crazy.

  14. Damn, it be hard for me to be friends with someone who is okay with the gov't making everyone's wealth (whatever they may have) worthless over time.

    Please back-hand him.

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