Anthony Weiner-his weiner

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HankMoody, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. So...First Read - Weiner 'can't say with certitude' that lewd photo isn't of him. Hes still my idol, he was hacked, someone hacked a picture of his personal images...and put it on twitter ( in the case the photo is of him) ...Happens to the best of us. Anthony Weiner, a intelligent person, knew its always best to leave your face out of the picture when your flexing your junk around so nobody would be certain it was him. Fuck all the haters.
  2. #2 Limecat, Jun 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2011
    How do you know he was hacked instead of just drunk or had a brain fart and tweeted instead of texted/emailed? Perhaps he clicked the wrong pic and it uploaded "by accident". Sounds a little far fetched to claim he was hacked. I did see one report saying he was involving the FBI and now it says he just hired "private security".

    Here are the links I found on another forum:


    MSM Starting to Cover ‘WeinerGate’ UPDATE: More Details Now Emerging UPDATE: Weiner DM’d a Porn Star? : The Other McCain

    Did Anthony Weiner Tweet a Picture of His Weiner?

    Scrubbing The Weiner (And Gennette Cordova)

    STICK A FORK IN WEINER(shudder) Russert asked W... -

    BREAKING — Congressman Anthony Weiner x-rated photo’s internet CACHE files recovered » Joe Report -

    [ame=]YouTube - Anthony Weiner Refuses To Answer ANY Questions About Lewd Photo Sent From His Twitter Account[/ame]

  3. Why did it take so long to get a thread up about this? I was going to, but thought I'd wait and see how long it would take. Also, I love that chicks twitter description. The classic faux journalist who is actually a political activist.
  4. Luke Russert Impales Weiner With His Own Words |
  5. if you check the EXIF data on all the pictures he's posted, compared to the lewd picture, you'd notice it's completely different data, odd, huh? although it's not complete evidence for a fake, he's done an absolutely horrible job handling this with the press.
  6. Ah yes, 3 foreign wars of aggression, 1 local war of aggression against drug users, and a rampant, out of control Federal Government.

    But lets heckle this guy for taking a picture of himself.

    Regardless of if he took a picture of his dick, ITS A PART OF HIS BODY. People need to grow the fuck up, and quit acting like dick is some sort of righteous holy ground.

    Are we all freshman at high school again?
  7. but politicians aren't allowed to have sex or have sexual fantasies...

  8. Oh I agree, there is MUCH more important stuff out there right now. BUT, the play on words with the name/pic is comical as is how he is "handling" it.

    Politicians are like children, that much we do know.

    A local congressman in Missouri was in the Obama budget meetings today and reported how things went on a local radio show. Said Obama was childish and argumentative in the talks. The congressman said that Obama brought up birthers when referring to the way "you people" (repubs) operate, as an argument.

    Obama is not a statesman or citizen-statesman that the founders had envisioned in our "president" and elected officials. To me he is almost acting like a forum troll with his comebacks to Paul Ryan. He's not for cutting anything, he could make a lot of people happy and start with the Military Industrial Complex instead of entitlements but pretending that entitlements won't bankrupt us without drastic "change" to them is being disingenuous on the Presidents part.
  9. Lol see August Wests signature. Obama is such a good god damn troll.

    Politics is seriously the worlds best theatre.
  10. Certainly this "local congressman" has no biased against the president. Even if this is true, I actually applaud Obama for defending his position and stance, and telling the republicans like it is.

    and i concur.
  11. In all honestly, the media attention on the subject is ridiculous. He said what he had to say, the picture may or may not be him..he doesn't recall taking a picture like that..but it is possible. I only assume it is him after that response. But, i just don't care..what he does in the privacy in his own house, should only matter to him. I believe he was hacked and the hacker found that picture and used it against him. He took a picture of his crotch, so what?
  12. It's very stupid for any person in public office to do something like that. Weiner was planning on running for mayor of NYC in the next election, and this is not going to help - but I doubt that it will be a total campaign killer.

    Funny, if it had been a picture of somebody in a bathing suit, it may not have even gotten anywhere, but apparently underwear crosses the line of acceptability. :hello:
  13. I bet he won't have a problem talking to GQ. :ey:
  14. Anthony Weiner Calls Police On Reporter - Video - Weinergate | Mediaite

  15. Don't know who you're talking about.
  16. Mr. "Big Shot." Mr. "I always got something to say." Aka Mr. Weiner doesn't really have shit to say about this incident, does he? Where has that cocky attitude and bravado gone?

    Weiner is a status quo, pile of dung who supports the war in Libya and Obamacare. When I see him, the smell of warm garbage on a hot summer day comes to mind.

    Is this earth-shattering news? Not really. Should it warrant an ethics investigation if it is found the Mr. Weiner is sending pics of his junk to twitter followers? Yes. I'm amazed at how repubs will defend their kind and democrats alike when situations like this arise. When you subscribe to protecting someone because of their party affiliation you have lost your objectivity.

    Whether its Weiner showing his weiner to someone, or Larry Craig getting busy with dudes in an airport bathroom, we should get to the bottom of it. If Weiner truly has nothing to hide he wouldn't be hiding behind 'his statements' and he would act in a manner of full disclosure.

    [ame=]YouTube - ‪BLITZER POUNDS WEINER! pt.1‬‏[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - ‪BLITZER POUNDS WEINER! pt.2‬‏[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - ‪CNN: Can Congressman Weiner Survive Weinergate?‬‏[/ame]

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