Army of fake social media friends to promote propaganda

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mushroomsatsuji, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. Army of fake social media friends to promote propaganda - Computerworld Blogs

  2. fucked.

    can't wait to live in the woods.
  3. Honestly this doesn't suprise me.

    I bet they have accounts on every major message board already, including this one. I mean if they could inject mis and disinformation straight into the marijuana community, why wouldn't they do it?
  4. Yet another reason to support Ron Paul. Huge federal government? No thanks.
  5. Hey, nothing to worry about after-all! LOL

  6. thats people for ya
  7. Yeah the patriot act started out that way too. Just sayin.......
  8. Is mushroomsatsuji actually an AI?

  9. sssshhhhhh...if the AI finds out you are aware of it, and plan to expose it, you're toast...:eek:

  10. We have a breach. Deploy the sentinels.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. You sounding like a disinfo agent yourself now with your advocation for ron paul. theres nothing the elites want more than ron paul's economic policy, and slashing all social safety. ron paul even wants to privatise the school system. thats 100% in line with what the oligarchs want. something is very wrong with ron paul. one of the biggest disinfo agents out there is alex jones. and guess who he supports? ron paul!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Holy fuck humans are so fucking fucked.
    God damn it.

  13. He doesn't want to privatize school's those are under the authority of the states.

    Ron Paul would shift many of those safety nets back to the states where they can be managed better.

    We simply can't continue running with a 13 trillion debt and 2.5 trillion deficit.

  14. Talking about Disinfo agents sheesh. Only one post and its full of nothing but propaganda and lies, hmmm.

    @ JAMAICANBIFPATY if your not some dis info clown I suggest you turn off the TV and do a little good old fashion reading.


  16. [​IMG]
  17. happens everywhere. there's legitimate online services that will boost up your twitter/facebook/whatever profiles with fake accounts to make it look more active and popular. remember newt gingrich's stunt a while back, i believe it was adding up his twitter followers. when the article says the accounts "promote propaganda", it usually means just linking or boosting up google backlinks to get better page results for your profile.

    please, friends, leave your tinfoil hat in your closet for this one
  18. If the Oligarch's want Ron Paul so badly, then why isn't the corporate media pushing for his policies to be put in place? The welfare state ( or the social safety net) has failed and will continue to fail.

    Poverty In America: A Special Report

    Still don't think we have a problem?

    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Thomas Jefferson

    Our public school system is working out well too. :rolleyes:


    The Oligarchs would get really upset if our children became educated and began to think critically. Education should be privatized because our public school system has so, obviously, failed us.

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