
Discussion in 'Politics' started by wackdeafboy, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. #1 wackdeafboy, Sep 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2008
    "Communism attempts to offer an alternative to the problems believed to be inherent with capitalist economies and the legacy of imperialism and nationalism. Communism states that the only way to solve these problems is for the working class, or proleteriat, to replace the wealthy bourgeoisie, which is currently the ruling class, in order to establish a peaceful, free society, without classes, or government"

    i was just wondering, whats wrong with communist??

    what i look from it, it sound like they are having better life style, economy is soo much better that way, and the rich/gov does not control the poor like america does

    no class means everybody is equal and freedom but the only thing i hate bout it is if u take years of study for medical then u might get same pay as workin at mcdonalds...

    \t\t\t \t\t\t

    he might be right guys, we might become "new" age communist or liberty....
    ron paul ftw!!!
    support it!

    but i dont see obama as communist so i dont really think there ever will be communist in america...
  2. Theres nothing wrong with communism, why not go live in China, i hear its wonderful, i'm sure you will be happy there.

  3. no i dont wanna live in china.
    i just wondering why everybody hates it..
    one of em is no class, so everybody get paid equally which i dont like

    connunist is okay to me but i wouldnt support it...
  4. Maybe you should start by looking up a REAL definition of what Communism is...

    Where did you pull that from, anyways?
  5. okay, then link??
    i'm not very good finding politics section... everything that i find is always based what media says.. which it sickens me...
  6. good idea that would never work, there is no ensintive to try harder there, a nuclear physcist makes less than a taxi driver in the old USSR, that is why communism failed and will continue to fail.
  7. Who said communism equals freedom?

    If it´s in the best interest of the nation (or whatever) for you to be the guy that picks up shit, you´d have to be the guy that picks up shit.

    What If I wanna be a bum and not work but not leach of society, I couldn´t do it. Leader says no booze, well then, no booze.

    In communism, the government controls and owns everything, you´d probably be issued clothes and when you grew out of them have to give them back and be issued new ones.
    There´d be a government owned central bank, government owned transportion only etc.

    We had a socialist/communist try over here, didn´t work out so well, got stuck with a dictatorship cause of it.

    It sounds very good on paper, but so do a lot of things.
  8. Communism is the exact opposite of freedom. It's absolute equality. Which means very little, if no, liberty. Even if communism was run effectively (which would be a bitch to do), it still would allow very little room for liberty. That's the problem with communism.

    And I'm just talking about the ideal communist state. How communism plays out in real life is usually much, much worse than how it's supposed to.
  9. It's like the difference between ideal utilitarianism and ideal rationalism.
  10. True communism runs itself.
    absolute equality=absolute freedom
  11. if u think, if ure asolute freedom which means, u can do whatever u want, u want to be this, br that, u can... but the problem is the gov, is they tell u that u have to wear proper clothings for school, and all jobs are pay equality and more, which is stupid.. then it not asolute freedom

    yea, communist is not soo great...
    every gov has flaws...

  12. So, if I wanted to work harder than someone to get one more dollar, but can't because then we wouldn't be equal, where's the freedom in that?
  13. in this age, no it wont, 500 years ago, it probley works..

  14. It won't? That's not really an answer. And communism wouldn't of worked 500 years ago... What makes you think that?
  15. The biggest problem with communism is not that it takes away so many of our liberties, although that is obviously a problem. It's that human nature is not capable of maintaining an ideal communist state. There has never been a completely communist government in all of human history. We are too influenced by our desires for the system to function like it's supposed to, without any major flaws or inequalities. That's why it can't work.

  16. look at china, its workin soo far but i doubt it will last another 50 to 100 years...
  17. China only works because they threw out everything that made them communist. Now they're more like a fascist capitalist state.
  18. Communism has failed so many times in the past I don't understand how people could still believe in it.
  19. [​IMG]

    China needs some of woodies Dustbowl Blues.

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