Paranoia and privacy

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Headphones, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. Paranoia often concerns our sense of privacy.

    But we created privacy from our sense of paranoia.

    If everyone took the time to look at their flaws and the mistakes they've made, and any insecurities they have about themselves. Would we be more willing to forgive one another and actually relate to one another? Progress our species on the right side of the fork in the road where we go beyond trying to survive and conform to societal boundaries and behavior walls that were made specifically to block our individual egos from other people egos. We fear judgement from gods and we fear judgement from each other and we fear judgement from ourselves. Often. We fear admitting that we are trapped in the very constructs of behavior that were made out of fear.

    Some plants seem to make us understand ourselves and we find that we are afraid of actually, truly, understanding ourselves.

    I think we gotta let them win man.

    How bad are we really, to each other? Maybe we make war and do bad unto each other because were are afraid of each other and afraid of percieving the world in ways that make us feel uncomfortable?

    Or maybe I'm just speaking for myself. I definitely feel that my life could have much more. But my life may have so little only because i have become afraid of reaching out and taking it. But ask yourself if you have ever or are now fearful or worried about something? If there is anything within you that you stuck away and makes you feel less about yourself. Then accept it and look towards being better. Greater. More talented. Be willing to accept other people's deepest, privatest things. Be willing to encourage other people to reach higher levels, and remove that idea that your sense of self should be better, and alone at the top. Remove the idea that you can never be there. Help convince the people who dont want you in great esteem of the fear that causes them to be as such, insecure. Stop being dicks. Start being the coolest person you think you can think of, the one who is just fine with everyone else.

    Be this guy


    You guys and girls know what I mean or what?
  2. Right on im with ya ! Once i started acknowledging and accepting the flaws of myself. It improved several aspects of my life and helps me live more freely and focus on others.

    Open your mind
  3. If only!
    But yet I cant help but assume that we are the way we are, because thats the only way it works. Lack of competetion is lack of quality. And if you're competing for instance with your gender, then you ought to be thinking about your weakneses most of your time, and when you think about them, you can't but notice that others don't have them, and thus feel weaker.

    I am too stoned and am not sure I expressed myself in the best way, but my only goal is to be convinced that there's actually a better way than mine.
  4. I love that mentality.
    Then, when I'm driving, I see a cop and remember that my perspective has little bearing on their actions. I can safely drive 10mph over the speed limit, but that could be determined 'dangerous', even though no other cars are on the road. Hell, it could be night time and the officer could be riding my ass after a late shift, and instead of pulling over like a good boy, I speed up to leave him behind, and instead am ticketed for speeding because I might be "trying to race."
    I guess my point is, we typically unnecessarily fear judgment from a lot of people. Social circumstances come to mind for the majority of people.
    However, there are many times expectation of judgment is a reasonable defense mechanism that keeps us safe, in many, many situations. The variety of which, inspired by social situations, may bleed over into the situational inspiration.
    I am of the belief that good parenting can help develop the tools to overcome that particular area of bleeding.

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