Using the Restroom after plugging E

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Grova, Aug 4, 2009.

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  1. Sup GC, so far google has been of no help with this question i have.

    I have taken ecstasy various ways and have plugged various times.

    Today i noticed i had been using the restroom frequently and decided to still go with plugging one tonight.

    Right after i plugged i went out to finish off a blunt and as soon as i was in from that, not even 5min later i had to go #2...

    By that time it had been about 25min and i had definitely felt the roll coming on. I figuered another 10min and it would be alright to use the restroom, that way i gave a little more time to be sure it dissolved.

    My question is this, would going to the restroom after plugging effect my roll at all or would it depend on how well it was dissolved/absorbed?
  2. I would assume once it breaks down in your body and the chemical reactions start making it to your brain, taking a shit wouldn't really affect it. Unless you literally shit your brains out
  3. did you crush it up first? and put it in a cap?
    or just put a pill up there?

    always poop first man.
  4. Lol

    Nice and healthy one before and after ;) :D

    EDIT: Rollin Hardddd off this Red Pistol.
  5. Sorry, i forgot to answer your first question. This time i had no capsules so it was just the full tablet.
    Normally it is thrown in a gelcap of some type.
  6. i really hope you didn't just shit out that pill and waste it..
    next time wait and grab an ENEMA! i would NEVER plug anything without one
    saves you tons of hassle, like putting your finger in your ass..they're only like $2!
  7. how can u call ur self a man after plugging
  8. i dunno why but the post above me made me bust up hahaha
  9. I never took extacy before, but I do think someone put that shit in my drink once. are you saying you stuck a pill in your ass and it gets you rollin? :eek: WTF? I heard about doing that with liquor on manswers, but with E? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::bolt::poke::cry:
  10. I can kinda relate. I had dropped 10 hits of bomb acid. And when i was taking a piss in the woods time froze but sound was still going, i cant even put it into words. It felt like an hour
  11. Shit i didnt read this thread at alll. Lol my bad. Hey about ur prob, i think once it kicks in you shoulb be all good to go
  12. Whenever I go to the bathroom while rolling or tripping or anything I always feel like I am not doing something correctly, like not using some muscle correctly and it is maddening cause like, who the fuck knows how you are supposed to piss and can explain it.
  13. I know EXAcTLY what you mean!
  14. Why do people plug? I don't fucking understand.
    Just swallow it.

  15. Damn dude why you gotta talk shit for one its the box for two its pretty much the best way to take a lot of drugs. You feel it faster and stronger and its not like your gay for doing it..I mean if your comfortable with yourself and know your sexual prefrence.
  16. I lol'd so fuckin hard:laughing: Ill rep ya as soon as I can
    Your body absorbs more through this method of ingestion than through oral ingestion.
  17. ya, you are gay for doing it, hahahahahhaha.
  18. Why u gotta be stickin shit up ur ass just to get high? Sticking shit up ur ass is kinda fucked up mayne :smoking:
  19. just because someone plugs doesn't make them less or more of anything. as far as i know it is an accepted ROA, and that's it.
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