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Wanted the real stuff but got sativex

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Vinton, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. It will work for my MS spasms but do you think it will help for my tourettes tics and ADHD?
  2. Well, given the fact that both Tourettes and ADHD delve into the activity of the central nervous system...mabey?
    however, it seems more like a depressant would help with that, for instance I hang out with a friend that has Tourettes, a very sever case where he occasionally sucks air in through his clenched teeth, makes a whistling sound...whenever he drinks heavily his ticks slow down by a large amount...
    I myself have ADHD, whenever I smoke I feel anxious, and in general nervous when I'm off my meds for it...but when I'm on them, I feel the high like I should and I'm not nervous at all.

    So you might wanna think about a different med for your tourettes and ADHD, and I doubt highly that pot with help either, the same goes for anything that deals with the nervous system in general.

    Thats about how I would surmise it.
  3. Well! I saw my GP today and I agreed to give me sativex for the leg spasms.
  4. Please post back with results. There is a lack of first hand knowledge of this product in the USA, since the American government will not approve its use.

    Sativex IS the real thing, though, not like Marinol, which is artificial, its an actual concentrate of cannabis, very good for MS is what I have read. I'll be checking back in a few days, so keep us posted.

    Anyone else have experiences with this?
  5. There are questions about the effect of CBD on people.

    Any information you can provide about how it effects you is extremely important to people.

    We are trying to figure out how to determine if a strain has CBD in usable quantities or not. Any symptoms of it in your body could be very very helpfull.

    Do you know if there is any changes in blood pressure? Any munchies? Sleepy? Perhaps a warm feeling? Does it make you tonge go numb?

    Anything .. please.

  6. I don't know about tourettes but ADD/ADHD is helped by Sativas. I have Asperger's Syndrome (a spectrum of autism) and Sativas have a definite beneficial impact on my focus and anxiety. I've known a lot of others with ADD/ADHD that also find benefit from the Sativa strains.

    Anyone with Asperger's should definitely stay away from the Indica dominant strains as they're usually make things worse for focus, memory and inability to deal with anxiety properly.

  7. Actually cannabis can be very helpful in dealing with the symptoms of Tourette's and ADHD. I have both and smoking has helped me to achieve a fairly normal quality of life by calming my tics and helping to keep my moods/energy stable. There is also a lot of research showing that it can be *very* useful in dealing with tic disorders.

    Before you start offering advice, I would suggest in future that you use the following link, it is your friend.
  8. Vinton and Hendrix, both of you need to click that first link in my sig- it is your very best friend when it comes to MMJ!:hello: There are sections on Tourette's and ADD /ADHD that you need to read.

    Sativex, being a simple extract from the plant, should work almost as well as natural herbal cannabis.

    Granny :wave:
  9. I tried it. Its quite similar in effect to a strong tincture, but it tastes like a**

  10. maybe the anxiety isn't from not taking your meds but from not taking your meds... hmm?

    like you don't need them, you just need them cos you weren't taking them so your bodies like, "hey fuck you man, go get those pills!"
  11. Buy some street pot man you don't need a rec - find the weed man. I have no experience with Sativex but I know weed will help your tourettes.

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