My first Journal..indoor hydro

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by WhiteWidowCroni, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hey guys i am new with the form i got my litte guy...just transfered into hydro system yesterday....i got a 8 gallon tamk...(for use when i clone) and fed him his nutrients yesterday. ph today was around 5.5 was a little low earlier. i attached some photos this is my first gro period let alone with a hydro system. i used white widow. i think the plant looks good but i would love to hear your opionions on the matter......the plant total age is 1 week yesterday.

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  2. Looking Good ,

    Thank ya, .. .. For Sharing Ming .. .. .. :)
  3. Wish you luck!
  4. i was going to check the ph today it was good but the water is so murkey you cannot see the this ok or what should i do....i have had the system up since tuesday....its actually a bubble ponic system and i am using fox farm nutriens
  5. Don't know much about hydro, but I'll def keep an eye on this one. I'm using seedsman seeds white widow, what about you?
  6. exactly the same....
  7. #7 WhiteWidowCroni, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    1/24/10 this are the updated photos...i cleared out the smell and water by using 2 tbs of 3% peroxide and everything seems to be swell the ph has been steady and seems like all is well.:hello: Please let me know what you guys think about the growth and if anything is wrong or should be done....i would greatly appriciate it i am currently using fox farm hydro nutes *edit* these are seedsman white widow feminized seeds *edit*

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  8. ights are WAY WAYYY to far from her, lower your lights. See how she is stretching for light? Get her closer.

    As far as nutes, JMO, empty it alllll out, buy spring water, and keep nutes off for the first 2 weeks.

    Good luck,..
  9. Here is a pic of mine, just 7 days

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  10. #10 WhiteWidowCroni, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2010
    *edit* 10 Days old *edit* yea i think part of my problem was using a 15w aquarium/plant bulb....that was 18 inches long so i replaced it with two 45w aquarium/plant bulbs that are about 4 feet long i think thats why he was stretching was because of the lights so now there is sufficient light he should be good!

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  11. 1) What ya Thinking friend. Always check the pH.

    2) The water was Murky, What ya thinking Ming .. .. ;)

    3) You never grew in Hydro, .. I suggest ya visit me my man .. . .. .. :)

    Clear your water || || || || ||

    Much Respect, .. For Try Ring ta Grow, .. ..

    Hope ta Hear From ya , .. .. .. :)
  12. yea i never grew before and im taking it head on...i check the ph every day..make sure she looks good and spin her 1/4 around every day.....she is 100 times stronger today with the new lights im so glad i decided to upgrade.....this is a huge learning experience also.....i cleaned out the tank yesterday with 3% peroxide and some warm water to makesure everything is ok....the smell has left and water is a little green tinted from the fox farms nutes....i cant wait for her to grow big and strong.....and thanks for the info White_Widow_Man but i figured if i was gonna grow i wanted to dive in to an advanced method....besides a little stretching all is well!
  13. I'm glad ya got that sorted, its just SoOoOoO0O0o0O0o0o0oo00o .. .. .. ..Important ||

    Yea, Drop by my thread anytime, if ya have a question, or, PM if you feel better that way,.. .. However,

    It's always nice to get yourself out there, So peeps can get acquainted with you, .. .. :eek:

    b well till next time my friend .. .. .. :)
  14. Yeah I think you made the right call upgrading the lights, there was clear stretching before. Also in my 5.5 weeks of experience with this strain, I would say I have realized she does not need a ton of ferts. At the 2 week point I wouldn't give more than 25% of the reccomended doses on the bottle. Especially if this is your first time, it is way easier to feed her more if you think you've underfed her, than to have to deal with problems from overfeeding.

    Next update should show some nice progress with the new bulbs!
  15. I am on my first grow of WW as well. My only concern that I see is I think you are using those gray tubs. If it is what I think it is, light can penetrate it. You might want to get some aluminum tape and cover it. The way to know for sure is to turn off the lights and put a flashlight in it. If you can see light, you may wind up with problems. Also, did you say what the temperature of your bulb is? It should be 6500k for veg. Good luck!
  16. #16 WhiteWidowCroni, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2010
    *edit* 13 days *edit* This is a little over 3 days with the new lights and wow she has grown quite a bit.....and her stem has gotten alot stroger in that time. Sorry for the lines in the photo...for some reason the light makes them show up evern on my screen. i appreciate the info you guys sucks its 1 plant in a 7 gallon tank. Quick question......evern if i use less nutes she will still be able to soak them out of the water?

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  17. I don't know much about hydro setups, but I know that over the duration of my grow, I have noticed that she needs waaaay less than the reccomended doses on the bottle. This has also been reccomended to me by other people on here growing seedsman seeds WW. I know it isn't too specific, but hope this info helps some.
  18. Looking nice and healthy.
  19. Nutrient absorption seems to be a factor of ph and temperature. As long as you can keep them in the correct range, your plants should be able to take up nutes.
  20. yes but i mean i have 7 gallons of water in my tanks the nutes say to put 1tbs per gallon now this means it would be 1tbs per 1 gallon if i cut back the nutes will it affect the plant....cuz it seems to me to be a waste when im putting 14tbs of one nute and 7 of the other for just one plant.

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