Pineapple ::CFL Indoor Grow::

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by KillaKush, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. #1 KillaKush, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2009
    I ended up starting this grow because I found 2 seeds from a strain being called "pineapple express" from California I had been smoking on for a few weeks. The smell of this stuff was amazing and smelt identical to pineapples. The setup includes 6 6500k 27 watt bulbs for a total of 162 watts running 24/0. The two plants are 12 days old in the picture.:smoke:
  2. GL dude... i love pineapples
  3. Do I need to transport into bigger containers yet?
  4. Judging from the video, I'd say not.

    When they're about a foot tall you MIGHT want to transplant them into a bigger pot. It really depends on the roots.
  5. #5 KillaKush, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2009
    Are these looking about right for 12 days old? I tripled the wattage yesterday so I think that will speed things up. How often should I water??
  6. they look great in that pic dude.. real nice for 12 days!

    don't stress over then and you'll do fine.

    you don't need to freak about overwatering at this point.. you can safely saturate the soil without worry. (make sure there are good drain holes on the bottom).
    feel how heavy it is and remember how that feels.
    when they need to be watered you'll know when you pick them up.. they wont have that little extra weight to them.

    kind of hard to explain but you'll get it down after a bit..

    but dude.. they look great keep doing whatever your doing :)

  7. Thanks man, could I go to a bigger size pot now or just wait?
  8. are they in16 oz cups?

    if so then let them go a bit longer.. maybe a week.

  9. 12 oz actually
  10. still give them a bit of time.. it's tough if you don't have a good root mass to transplant over.
    a little too late is better than too early imho

  11. nice math

  12. haha I had 4 bulbs and just updated to 6 so I wasn't thinking about it.
  13. it's no biggie. i SUCK at math. and in the grand scheme of things, what does it matter?
  14. #14 KillaKush, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2009
    Exactly, as long as you can count money your good. :smoke:
  15. haha, i can barely do that. i just throw a bunch of money at people and say take out however much i owe.

    btw, nice looking plants. mmmm...pineapple. good luck, hope it goes well.
  16. you dont want to transplant until you pop one out of the pot and tthe roots have formed a solid root ball in the bottom half of soil. this will prevent your plants from becoming too spindly
  17. looks great for 18 days.
  18. looks good dude.. i think they're ready for some food :)
  19. #20 KillaKush, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2009
    What could I feed them that I would have around the house? I've heard of banana/apple peels, does this work? I don't really want to buy a bottle of nutrients because I only have two plants, anything inexpensive that I can get at a local store?

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