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I'm too lazy to research... what is Decarboxlyation?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by BakeDatHerb, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Ok, I was just curious if anyone could explain to me what happens exactly when you make cannabutter, chemically speaking. I know you got butter, which has fats or something, and for some reason THC breaks off from the plant because it prefers to chill with the fats. Also, I've heard of Decarboxlyation, but don't really know what that means.

    So if anyone feels like givin me a quick chemistry lesson in how exactly THC is extracted/obsorbed by the butter, I would be very thankful. Thanks.
  2. alls i know is you put some weed in the microwave for a said amount of time and the heat activates the cannabinoids thus allowing your body to absorb them better. hope this helps you out.
  3. but theres other ways of doing it of course.
  4. Decarboxylation | Cannabis Culture Magazine

    "Marijuana produces THCA, an acid with the carboxylic group (COOH) attached. In its acid form, THC is not very active. It is only when the carboxyl group is removed that THC becomes psychoactive. When marijuana is smoked, the THC behind the hot spot is vaporized as the hot air from the burn is drawn through the joint or pipe bowl to the unburned material. The liquid THC and other cannabinoids have a boiling point of between 180-200? C (355-392? F). Before they turn gaseous, at around 106? C (220? F), the carboxyl group is released from the molecule as carbon dioxide and water vapor."
  5. Decarboxylating converts your useless THCA which is most of whats on the bud, into THC which gets you high. When decarboxylated, all that THC is active and readily available. Meaning, your extraction into the fats of the butter will be more efficient and more potent.
  6. #7 BakeDatHerb, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    ok thanks. I searched it on the forums before posting this thread but didn't find anything. Thanks though.

    So, I've heard of people using a no-heat method of making cannaoil... and said it worked great. I am not sure how this is, unless there is some other chemical process other than heat that gradually releases the carboxyl group from THCA. This does help me understand a lot more though, thanks.

    The last time I made cannabutter I kept the heat pretty low the entire time. I would guess it got to 200 F tops, and my brownies didn't really work. Maybe it never got hot enough to convert from THCA to THC.
  7. #8 BadKittySmiles, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Decarbing doesn't necessarily require heat, but heat helps things dry, doesn't it :) It's drying out your cannabis, that causes decarboxylation. Many people use food dehydrators more successfully than ovens or other intense heat sources. When making a true no-heat edible or tincture, it takes literally anywhere from weeks, to months, before the canna has been fully 'processed' enough, to achieve a desirable effect. Limiting its exposure to water during that time is crucial, and depending what the edible is, you risk your product spoiling within that time frame.

    Heating in pure oil, or clarified butter with no water, causes decarboxylation, because just like cooking any food, cooking in oil will release vapor and dry the naterial out, even while within the oil. It just takes much longer to decarb this way. Which is why us 'old fogies' used to carefully heat and simmer our oils and butters for 24 hours, longer in some cases. Decarbing while completely dry and the material is exposed to air, cuts this time very drastically.

    Now as far as 'failed' edibles that still give some amount of effect, this requires some understanding of terpenes and the roll they play in our cannabis.


    These are MUCH more easily released from our cannabis, than THC. They can be released into the air to be inhaled upon breaking up the plant matter, and they are responsible for why people feel 'stoned' while cutting and manicuring freshly harvested cannabis. They are also responsible for police officers, claiming they get 'high' in the line of duty when clearing out a bust. It's in fact the terpenes that cause this feeling, not cannabinoids.

    Alpha-Pinene Is found in various trees and plants, including cannabis. "This terpene is at the highest level in the Super Silver Haze. So if you like pine-tree smelling and tasting weed, think of growing this strain, or use it for crossings."

    Limonene "is a cyclic terpene. It is a colourless liquid at room temperatures with an extremely strong smell of oranges." This is where many strains get their citrus orange, lemon flavors and odors from.

    Sabinene is found in high levels in many haze varieties.

    Myrcene, or β-myrcene, - THIS is the terpene available in some fruits and plants, including mangoes, that causes people to feel that eating mangoes before smoking, will get them 'higher', which is somewhat true, only if the myrcene levels are high enough, and not diluted by so much plant flesh. For a more reliable effect, simply sniff your preferably fresh bud the instant you break it open, and enjoy that nice fragrance, just prior to smoking it. True widow strains develop high levels of myrcene.

    The fresher the herb, the more terpenes it likely has available. The terpenes are released so easily, that in some commercial bud they have often already mostly dissipated, before people have a chance to use the canna, in which case additional terpenes from fruit can help.

    10- 1.8-CINEOLE

  8. maybe you didnt eat enough brownies.....

    how much pot did you use?
    how many brownies did it make.....

    btw...first page of search.....

    also check for info....
  9. ok thanks. I think I understand it for the most part...

    Weed naturally has THCA, but you need to decarboxylate it, which removes the COOH, and turns the THCA into what you want, which is THC.

    You mentioned "drying out"... is this just another way of saying decarboxylate?

    So is it recommended to dry-out/decarboxylate your weed before using it in Cannabutter? I would assume that it is... becuase this would probably make it more effecient to make cannabutter. If drying out your weed converts the THCA into THC, why don't more people do it? I know people who have smoked everyday for years and they never mentioned drying out. I know that's a lot of questions but thanks for helping me understand.

    I used 8.4 grams in half a stick of butter for 8 brownies, of which I ate 6. However when I was done making the CB I only had about half the amount of butter from which I started. The brownies didn't work for me or my roommate though.
  10. See, here:

  11. thanks. So I guess the next time, in order to make better CB, I will perhaps look into ways of drying out before it hits the stove. Thanks for all the info.
  12. A lot of people just don't know about decarboxylation. It's not necessarily the "average" stoner's info. It takes a little digging up and research.

    But that being said, it is well worth knowing and doing for your edibles to make them more potent and reliable.

  13. ok..this means you ate over 6 grams way that should have gone thru you with out effect....

    i am sure it is in the thread...but like you i am lazy....what butter recipe did you use?

    how long did you cook at what heat?

    i can make enough peanut butter for a peice of toast and be fucked up all day! maybe your butter recipe needs help?

    another thought....
    just cus i love it!
    i would recommend trying the peanut butter recipe and swirling it thru the brownies next time?maybe?

    but seriously try working a one dose recipe till you get it worked out ...and you wont have to worry bout wasting your shit!

    best of luck!
  14. He mentioned he only used 200 degree heat, and didn't decarb... so unless he spent a good 14+ hours of heat processing, his cannabinoid conversion had only barely begun. He likely wound up with a very small amount of conversion, and primarily terpenes, unless his cooking pot was left open to any degree, in which case they would have mostly dissipated.
  15. thanks ya'll. I just bought a brownie mix from Tom Thumb. Most didn't call for butter in the recipe, so I just found one that did- it called for an egg, 1/2 stick of butter, 3 tblspoons of water, and the rest of the ingredeints were in the box. By comparing the weight of a half stick of butter, and the amount of CB I had at the end, I deduced that during the process I had lost about a 1/4 stick, so was left with about a 1/4 stick. So I guess I only had about 4.2 g worth of low-mid's in the final product (Cause I started with 8.4). It was on the stove top for about 10 hours, stirring every hour, and it was covered. The heat was on very low- I could touch the side of the pot for several seconds without my finger getting too hot.

    Next time I will try to decarb before I began to cook, I will use less water, probably turn the heat up a little. And they did have a little affect last time... I drank a little and smoked a little bit so I bet I didn't appreciate it's full effect.

  16. i make one dose of the peanutbutter shit with a little more then what i would smoke at one i eat enough for one fat blunt...and there is no way to not notice it! i am is not something that would go unnoticed.........:smoke:

    good luck!!!!:smoke:
  17. it is not something that would go unnoticed.........:smoke:

    Thanks. Yeah I gave em an hour to go to work but they didn't perform. Thanks for all the tips and info, I should do better next time.

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