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The Best Weed Hot Chocolate You'll Ever Have!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by TickTockCroc, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Hey blades!

    So, as I normally do before I travel home on a 6-7 hour flight (always changes each trip depending on the wind), I cook up a quick batch of oil to put in brownies. However, this time round, I left it too late to bake some brownies.

    I cooked the oil the day before I was travelling (coconut oil cooked in a crock pot on low for 12 hours, using 11 grams of dank, and 2 grams of vaped bud, so 13 grams altogether).

    Since I had no time to bake brownies before my flight, as I took it off the crock pot and strained it close to when I had to leave the house to the airport, I decided to make a quick mug of instant hot chocolate and threw in half the oil (there was around close to a 1/2 cup of oil) and gave the other half in hot chocolate to my bro who was travelling with me. My tolerance is super fucking high. And let me tell got me smaaaaaaaaacked! Way more than usual when I have to force down 2-3 brownies!! Just gulped the whole damn thing, didn't taste bad at all. It must be so nice to chill with a weed hot chocolate while smoking, but I had to rush. It must have been strong because it was just the raw oil, not baked in anything, just mixed with hot chocolate, and so practically no digestion process is needed. DEFINITELY reccommend it on a cold winter night in front of the fire!! You feel the effects within the hour, and the peak sets in at the 2 hour mark for sure. But if your tolerance is low use much less! I was fucking smacked!!

    Anyone else tried this? :hello:
  2. btw it made the flight feel like 2 seconds lol
  3. no offense, but i think you might be doin something wrong when making it. it shouldn't take 6.5 grams to get high in one dosage. that seems a bit much and quite frankly, expensive. i smoke the best bud around on a daily and smoke hash around harvest time and even with my tolerance i don't need 6.5 grams of buds in one serving.

    i haven't cooked or done anything with coconut oil before though. is the flavor pretty bold? I like chocolate coconut, thats why. might have to try this!
  4. #4 TickTockCroc, Dec 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2010
    believe me my friend - I am on my 2 weeks tolerance break right now - I was smoking every single day, morning until i sleep, for 8 months, dank only, hashes, etc. I go through an ounce every four days to a week. I had a 2 week tolerance break at the 4 month mark, but it slipped back up to usual after 3 days of toking lol. I think I need a way longer tolerance break period. (and I really am not trying to brag, I'm more ashamed for getting my tolerance up this high).

    But yeah, that's how much I need. My dealer sells edibles, and when I tell him I need as much as I need from him (because his are less potent then mine, but he has way more variety of foods), he's always like "woahh....."


    But yeah.. thats why I'm saying use much less!

    The coconut taste is there - it is not OVERPOWERING, but yes, its there - makes it MUCH nicer instead of regular canola oils. Didn't think of that, but yes, it won't make you feel sick like your chugging pools of oil. It has a nice taste! Very nice for brownies! Coconut oil is just much higher in saturated fat content than any other oil or butter, which THC absorbs to, and so you end up making danker batches of edibles.
  5. Coconut oil and every other oil absorb thc in the same way, regardless of saturated fat content.
  6. I hear ya bro. I'm just on my 3rd generation of growing and just now got in to making large amounts of hash. Lately i've been smoking hash only and having multiple edibles a day lol. I just made 15 cookies with 2.5 grams of hash and have to eat like 6 to get a decent high. I can literally see my bowls of hash getting fatter every time i load em. Looks like i'm on the road to your tolerance lol.

    Well anyway, i still have a good amount of trim i need to put to use. I'll definitely try this.

  7. Umm.. where did I mention that the process of absorption was different? Im pretty much a medical marijuana connoisseur. Its an oil... so it will bind to the oil as it would any other oil.. pretty obvious..

    I was simply stating the fact that coconut oil has more saturated fat (it is solid at room temperature), so there is obviously more surface area for THC to bind to. As a result, more surface area means more THC is likely to be absorbed. These are not stoner myths. These are scientific facts.
  8. #8 Paleo Edibles, Dec 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2010
    That's what you don't understand dude, it doesn't need more saturated fat to make the THC "more likely to be asbsorbed". Lol. I was just correcting your mistake, so people don't think what you're saying as fact is true.

    Check your facts. No wait, just re-read my post. Saturated fat content doesn't have an effect on the solubility of cannabinoids in a lipid mixture. All lipids catch lipophilic drugs the same. PUFA, Saturated, monounsat - it's all the same when it comes to infusion. Even in digestion, only MCT's (which coconut has) are digested differently.

    I was simply stating the fact that coconut oil has more saturated fat (it is solid at room temperature), so there is obviously more surface area for THC to bind to

    This statement doesn't make any sense. Just to let you know. You might want to double check your sat fat info.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion! What kind of oil did you use?
  10. #10 TickTockCroc, Dec 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2010
    I like how you change around the words of my quote to fit your argument. You said I quoted: '...the THC "more likely to be asbsorbed" Lol.' As you stated above.

    Your explanation of the scientific process of absorption has nothing to do with what I'm saying. The actual process of absoprtion has nothing to do with the amount of saturated fat. It is a process. As digestion is a process. As photosynthesis is a process. And both these processes happen in the smallest and biggest of beings.

    However, if you RE-READ MY POST, be a little bit more mature then trying to change around my wording. I ACTUALLY said: "As a result, more surface area means more THC is likely to be absorbed." "More Likely" and "More THC is likely" are very different meanings << MORE FAT, MEANS MORE SPACE FOR THE THC TO ABSORB! Think of the fat as a room, and the bud as people. If you had 1% saturated fat oil (a small room), and a shit load of bud (people) - not all of the THC is going to fit in that 1%, is it? How is it possible, when there is only so much PHYSICAL FAT for the THC to bind to? You're being very absent minded.
  11. #11 Paleo Edibles, Dec 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2010
    No, you just don't know what a saturated fat actually is, and what it means. Otherwise you wouldn't be saying more saturated fat = better absorption.

    "As a result, more surface area means more THC is likely to be absorbed

    Saturated fat doesn't increase the surface

    As photosynthesis is a process. And both these processes happen in the smallest and biggest of beings.

    Okay...what are you getting at?

    If you had 1% saturated fat oil (a small room), and a shit load of bud (people) - not all of the THC is going to fit in that 1%, is it?

    Hahaha don't attack me when you don't even have a clue what you're talking about. Saturated fat content of a lipid doesn't have any bearing on the extraction or the absorption. The surface area of the bud is the only surface area that matters, NOT wether the fat is saturated or not. A full fat with 0 percent saturated fat will get you as high as a coconut oil fat with 66% saturated fat.

    Here, read this. I'll say it loud and clear: Saturated fat content doesn't have any bearing on infusion, extraction, absorption or bioavailability of cannabinoids. All the fats absorb lipophilic compounds and the phtocannabinoids with the same efficiency, and are digested the same way, with the exception being MCTs.

  12. You sir, are incorrect. Sorry.
  13. Sorry anyone receiving PMs from myself or irregular forum posts is NOT me I've been having troubles sorting this out
  14. Youre both right: Paleo- if you use a little creative thought coupled with the context of the thread, youll understand that OP is trying to state that because of the high saturated fat content, there will be more THC present per serving as compared to other oils. :eek:

    Nice thread man; i'm going to try this soon.

  15. You arent taking into account any measurements for the underlined statement.
  16. #16 Paleo Edibles, Dec 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2010
    youll understand that OP is trying to state that because of the high saturated fat content, there will be more THC present per serving as compared to other oils

    I do understand the statement, it's just a fundamentally invalid supposition!! What don't you understand about that? Saturated fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat all absorb and deliver cannabinoids in the same manner. I'm not trying to be crass, you just don't understand that what Croc and you are saying is bad advice, and wrong to boot. You quoted me and underlined a sentence that goes against what you're saying. Why?

    Saturated fat content of an oil =/= (does not equal) the amount of "fat" the cannabinoids can bind do. Saturated fat is a type of fat. Here's some info from another thread I just posted in:

  17. #17 TheMilkman420, Dec 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2010
    I'll chalk it up to the fact that this a pot forum.

    But the THC does bind to the fat, so wouldnt this statement hold any weight when coupled with the specific measurements used in baking and cooking? I would agree that saturated fat does not increase surface area.

    if all 3 fats absord thc, and one of the said fats (saturated fat) has a high presence in the oil, couldnt it also be said that because of this high presence that the mix would be more potent?
  18. #18 Paleo Edibles, Dec 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2010

    I wont say anything that'll get me warned for "flaming", but you're asking for it. Did you wikipedia what a saturated fat actually is yet? Is that a foot in your mouth?

    if all 3 fats absord thc, and one of the said fats (saturated fat) has a high presence in the oil, couldnt it also be said that because of this high presence that the mix would be more potent?

    Read what you just wrote. If all 3 fats absorb cannabinoids the same or equally, and a certain oil has high percentage of one of these equally absorbing fats, does it make that oil more potent? The answer is no. Saturated fat content has absolutely no bearing on the lipophilicity or the absorption of cannabinoids.

    Is saturated fat the healthiest fat? Yes, but that's another issue. Who the fuck told all you guys saturated fat made more potent edibles? lol. There is a fundamental misunderstanding, and it's that you are confusing total fat content with saturated fat content.
  19. What you want is a high amount of fat per serving if you want to increase the "potency" of your product but it doesn't matter what kind of fat it is(saturated/unsaturated) it will still be absorbed at the same rate. So I would say yes percentage fat matters just not for one type of fat over another.

  20. Originally Posted by Paleo Edibles [​IMG]
    Other: Any pure fat is the best option for cannabinoid infusion.

    No fat can infuse or deliver cannabinoids more effectively or differently, with the exception of pure medium chain triglyceride oil and some strains of coconut oil, which contain MCTs.

    Coconut and palm oil contain a majority of saturated fat, and also medium-chain triglycerides, which are absorbed in the body through a different pathway than long-chain triglycerides, which accounting for most of the fat content of the above mentioned oils.



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