I figured out reality....

Discussion in 'General' started by Schizo420Drums, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Ok this is going to sound fucking WIERD.

    But... oh my god this is insane.

    So, this never happened, mind you I just had a year long t-break... and After one lung hit I got ripped this morning, I mean absolutely blazed.

    So I'm walking, and I start fading in and out of reality, and just letting my thoughts take me where they want to go... and I figured out REALITY!!

    I'm serious, it wasn't a "it doesn't make sense in one way or another" it was 100% possible.

    Each of us is a cell, with certain traits, hobbies, interactions, beleifs, etc.

    Sort of like cells on earth, different properties, some provoke negative reactions, while others can be beneficial...

    It's like that on earth! We're all just cells, cells that have our own "cellular reactions." Eg; The drummers will hang with the drummers and get along, while the nay sayers of marijuana will disagree with the marijuana users about legalization. Different interactions.

    After thinking of SO many more traits about that theory that made so much sense, I remember everything relating.

    It goes on... and on... and on... infinity.

    We are cells, comprised in cells, comprised in cells, continuing the pattern forever.

    Hence the term As Above, So below.

    The vision in my mind was basically a circular vortex... >< sort of like that except circular and going top to bottom...

    Guys, I don't want to sound crazy. But I've never held onto such a firm beleif about anything, because this knowledge has come to me before, yeah I'm schizophrenic but...

    I don't know... I beleive I know so much about reality and that I"m THE one... I know it's a trait of the disease but... fuck this is wierd.

    I really feel like I know it, and I'm close.

    I'll find it...

    Everything is contained within itself.
  2. Can I get some of the mushrooms you ate?

    cause this didnt make sense to me high hahahaha :hello:
  3. I believe I understand what your saying, and it is actually a pretty interesting concept. Though I would probably use it as a metaphor for our effects on the planet (if we were considered it's "cells") rather than to explain reality.
  4. The Ouroboros


    I like your last statement...

    Everything is contained withinitself.
  5. Yep. We're all here and everything makes sense. Human behavior is governed by psychology which follows the rules of biology which follows the rules of chemistry which follows the rules of physics which follows the rules of math....

    And we'll never know why anything exists! \m/ That's OK though; it would be impossible for anyone to ever understand everything anyway. How does something come from nothing? It doesn't make sense, but it still is this way and we all understand it. Enjoy your life. Sounds like you've taken philosophy/spirituality to its conclusion and found faith/God/peace.
  6. It's definately wierd though, like now when I think about highways or cities I just see cellular activity similar to what occurs in our bodies.

    But... it was like the feeling of KNOWING it, I didn't research this, it popped into my head, only happened once before, but I had no idea that it could get this intense.

    I no longer want to do any more psychedelics due to the fact that if I understand reality offa one lung hit, a couple grams of shrooms would most likely mentally provoke me to commit suicide due to excessive life... :S

    I dunnoo... metaphor or not.

    Everything is happening as it is.
  7. #7 Tolkien, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2009
    I have no idea what you said and I want whatever you are smoking.

    However, I recognize the fact that you may have discovered whatever it was you discovered, and although my feeble mind may not be able to grasp it, it may hold many truths.

  8. I think this can go without saying.


    Obamas inauguration.

    We are just inteligent ants. That's all. If we can use our resources efficiently, we might be able to expand in this solar system/galaxy. If we continue to make babies and waste resources, we aren't going to get any further than dinosaurs.
  9. Reality itself is subjective to everyone. What's real to one is different for another. But I do believe there are more logical answers on what reality is than your explanation. You're on the right track, but you have jumped back-and-forth.

    Just know that all life itself all happend on probabilty (or chance). Tired, will explain if people give a fuck lol.
  10. Sounds too much like a friend of mine who went insane.

    You're not experiencing a manic episode right now, are you? :p
  11. I agree completely with this.
  12. I actually came to a conclusion similar to this after a mushroom trip but what I couldnt et passed, is that if everything is like you say and everything is a cell so to speak then what happens when you continue the pattern out as in the earth is a cell in the solar system which is a part of the milkyway galaxy which is part of the universe but is the universe a part of something larger? or the other way around as in are there still smaller and smaller functioning subatomic particles? I dont know but yea that stumped me on my trip. Hope I didnt ruin your enlightenment lol
  13. YESS!!!!

    Sounds and communication had SUCH a big factor in this realization, I just can't put a tab on them...

    Yeah the milky way galaxy is apart of, in a sense, another enormous life form, similiar or different to us.

    It goes and expands, and eventually comes to the point of falling back into the cellular compromise that takes us... It never begins, yet never ends.

    And when you get on this path, and inside you FEEL the realization and actually grasp it and understand it, everything seems so... Yerleptik.

    Whatever the fuck that means, probs not even a word.

    But I dont know guys, if I am going crazy again, myself, along with many others, are the most intelligent people on the planet.
  14. dont think your goin crazy. haha as humans we all have a need to rationalize things and as you start to make connections and associate things with each other as systems or cells or whatever you may feel you know how something works based on your perspective and how you interperet something whereas someone else may percieve that same system as something else entirely and it could seem completely illogical in the way that they interperet everything in their head such as your view of reality.

    im gonna stop rambling im too stoned to do this but i hope that made sense ill try to edit that in the morning if i remember but take it easy man I think we see the world in a very similar way
  15. Well I beleive everybody thinks on different levels of conciousness/perception.

    Like if I smoke a joint and you smoke 8, you'll be more stoned than I will be, thus perceiving things in a different manner.

    Apply the same to sobriety, with the exception of inducing it. It just occurs, naturally.

  16. Check this out man: http://forum.grasscity.com/spiritua...5-what-do-stars-people-cells-have-common.html


    Please post. :)
  17. We are all just complicated bacteria, and the closest thing to a meaning of life is we are programmed to destroy the earth. If you look at everything from the bigger picture, we are so minute. We aren't even pebbles making a ripple in the pond on the scale of things. So think of the earth like our bodies. And think of us like some of the things going on inside bodies (virus' and bacteria..) If you started from somewhere in the universe, and slowly started zooming on on earth You wouldn't see individual people, with their lives, you wouldn't even see neighborhoods. Instead you would see this thriving, living planet. But as you zoom in you see discoloration, and smoke, and filth, huge tall things we built all over it. What would this look like on an MRI? A growth. A Cancer.

    Everything we do, we are just programmed to. Love? No, thats all just chemicals that go off in your brain so you reproduce, keeping our bacteria species going.

    Or at least thats what Joe Rogan came to believe after a DMT trip.

    Happy Toking.:smoke:
  18. Think of it like this:
    Everything that exists, has existed or will exist is at the same time an "atom" and a "molecule"(not literally).
    Everything in this universe combines with similar things to form something larger, the same way groups of cells form organs. in this way, everything is an "atom".

    But at the same time, everything in this universe is made up of groups of smaller things. The same way that people are made of organs. This makes everything into a "molecule".

    I imagine this as a "universal constant" meaning that no matter how closely you look at the building blocks of reality, there is always something smaller to make that up. But that also means that no matter how much power or control you think you have over this world, there's always something above you.

    But everyone has to find their own truth, so don't assume mine is flawless.

    Keep toking and one day you will know what this world has to offer to you :smoke:
  19. haha, i figured out reality a couple times in my life...
  20. I agree except I am a big fan of love :D

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