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Noob Smoking Mistakes you have witnessed/ done.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mc9391, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Well basically when someones first trying weed they tend to not inhale right or something. But have u seen someone ever just make a dumbass smoking mistake that just made you think wtf? I have once or twice. The dumbest one that comes to mind is when me and my friend were smoking out a mutual friend of ours who had smoked maybe 1 time with us before and didnt get high. We were smoking a bong, my friend hit it then I hit it, then i passed it to my other friend who was a noobie. He proceeds to BLOW into the bong, no bull shit, he BLEW into the bong and got water all in the slide and made the bud fly out the bowl onto some carpet. I was just like dude wtf!?! his lame ass excuse for doing it was "i thought thats how u were making the bubbles." Needless to say he never caught onto the herb. What are some of your stories with dumbass people trying to smoke and just doing something stupid?
  2. Haha thats a crazy story umm lemme tell u sum dumb shit i did:
    I remember one time i was seshing with some friends but i had a lot of experience with herb prior to this sesh but every makes mistakes. So i got the blunt like the 5th time and i was holding on to the cherry and my finger was burning i said "yo where's the blunt"? I relize the cherry was burning my fingers so i dropped it and me and my friends were laughing like nuts! :D
  3. lol OP once i was seshing with like 5 friends, and it was my first time using a bong. i was going along okay, had a few cones and then everyone went inside to play ps3 or whatever, and i was still outside with the bong and weed.

    i was just fucking round being an idiot when i did what you're friend did and blew into the bong, not thinking about the physics of it. safe to say water went shooting out the cone piece, wetting all the weed in the bowl.

    luckily, it was my weed, my bong, and not a single person saw. to this day not one of my friends know i made such a rookie error and i am now the biggest stoner in the group who they all come to for advice and whatnot :)


  4. i think theres a thread on here somewhere but i cant find it...

    any way the most common is always getting up with my weed in my lap.. although i have been rolling a couple times and have one hand on my roach with the weed in the paper about to put my other hand on the joint and roll, but the wind picks up and blows the paper up and there disappears my weed :/
  5. I think I've done a good job of not being a dumb ass while smoking but I had the hardest time inhaling properly in the start and I've taken some crazy huge hits I wish i hadn't because I coughed so bad and I felt like throwing up after.

    One of my friend does a lot of dumb things though. I've seen him cough into a pipe and blow everything out of the pipe and we let him light a blunt once and he made a cherry run down the side
  6. i fucking hate that :mad:
  7. Lmao Ive done that before blow into the bong, luckily the weed didn't get wet or go anywhere and my mates didnt notice :D
  8. When I first started smoking, this was like my 2nd time with some friends and we were smoking out of a pop can (Terrible idea, but I didn't know at the time) and I dropped the bowl all over the forest floor (We were obviously in the woods). Needless to say, my friends were like "wtf." Then another time I blew out all the weed in my pipe. But it was my weed and I was high as shit so it's all good. Haha.
  9. Haha, I've seen so many people blow into the bong. I had a friend that always n***** lip the joint. I would get so pissed I always called him out on it.
  10. Only real "rookie" mistake I've ever made:

    Me and my homies blowin some dosha, gettin high and coolin. Then another homie shows up with a bit of weed and a white owl, tells me to roll up a blunt. I'm high as hell by this time, after 2 blunts and some bowls, so after I break down the bud and bust up the white owl, i start to roll it, and rolled it inside out somehow. It still worked though.
  11. This kid was trying to hit my bong, but didn't know you had to pull the slide out to get the smoke, and he just kept sucking and sucking and sucking and just straight up burned an entire bowl pack. I was dude?:confused::confused:
  12. didnt hold the carb on a bubbler everyone started baggin on this guy
  13. Man I've seen so many noobs hold a bong sideways or even backwards, so weird.
  14. I have two;
    1) It was one of my buddies birthdays, so you know we gonna have a fat session. There's about 5 people in his room, with the birthday boy kicking it djing. Only two people could roll in this group (me and him), so it was up to me to roll the joints. I rolled 3, with roughly 1.5 grams in each. There was one kid who didn't smoke, but was chill with us doing it and had no problems. We spark a joint up, finish it, and light up another one. The friend who doesn't smoke looked at us with his eyes looking so tempted, I asked if he wanted a hit. His eyes lit up with pure joy. Then, when everybody's watching, he proceeds to put the lit side into his mouth and try to inhale. Needless to say, he spit it out. No big deal though, things happen and it's a good story. :cool:

    2) One of my other friends (who's older then me and has smoked longer then me), was REALLY high (let's call him MB). We probably finished around 4 grams split between 3 heads. The bubbler gets passed to MB, and everybody's high, not keeping track of time. Someone else finally asks where the bowl is, and we see MB, trying to light it. He stops briefly, looks up at us, and says it's done and he didn't get a hit. We gave him greens. Turns out he was so high he forgot to hold the carb. :smoke:
  15. Kids not using the carb, or putting like all of the pipe in their mouth lol.

    Slightly unrelated but the dumbest thing I ever saw weed-related, was this kid (he decided to start pushing) who thought that .5 on the scale meant $5. 1.0 meant $10, so on....not even fucking joking. He also sold it already broken up by hand, he thought 'the custos want it that way'...

    The sad part was he got his shit through a middle man, so the people buying from this kid were many, many steps down the ladder lol. Got caught in under a month.
  16. Coughing without getting all the smoke out first. Annoys the shit out of me to watch people that can't handle a hit they take (thanks for smoking that much of my weed, dick), then cough it out 1 second later and bitch about how it hurts.

    I HATE when someone doesn't learn, too.

    And not clearing the bong totally.

    AND putting their chin in the top of the bong while preparing to clear it. FUCK, I don't want your nasty chin grease on my lips.
  17. Not holding the carb or not letting it go, torching the fuck out of the bowl, putting pieces in Shitty spots, milking the bong all the way up only to take a bitch hit and waste it all. Holding the joint/blunt and talking, BE SMOKING OR BE PASSING!
  18. I use to torch bowls when I first started smoking but I never did anything over stupid.
    Right now it pisses me off when people blow into our vape and burn the weed. The whole point of a vape is to be discrete and some of these idiots fuck it up.
  19. Lol chin grease!

    1.)Umm.. I remember back in 6th grade a few friends and I were relaxing in the creek and smoking a bowl :smoke: . Of course, we were using a soda can like turds. I went to go hit it and the fucking thing just RAPED my throat. I was smoking for about... 3 months prior. So still a HUGE scrub lol. Well... I coughed... without taking the can from my mouth :( Blew the shitty schwag everywhere haha.

    2.) This was maybe a year ago IF that. It was my first time actually make-shifting a grav bong without all the usual tools. I cut the 2 liter blah blah blah...

    Well.. I usually make a pretty swift bowl :smoke: Something that isn't such a pain in the dick to deal with as far as taking it out and putting it back on and such. I just decided to use a bit of aluminum foil. I packed the bowl... before I put it in the water -_-

    Packed the bowl and submerged my creation. I was throwing a party at the time so my place was fucking PACKED. I'm talking like 40 people in a one bedroom apt :smoke:

    Needless to say, everyone was smoking. I came up with the idea of a grav bong so everyone was stoked...

    Blew the weed everywhere when I stuck it in the water lol

    Whoops! Good thing it was my bud.
  20. Just yesterday a kid I smoke with all the time came back from a t break and Fucking coughed into the bubbler sending weed flying and soaking the rest in the bowl! It was a fatass bowl too and it was the 2nd hit! I was soo pissed argh its like op story kinda, also I have noobs who take wayy more than they are capable of and then get mad when thy get too high when I telk em b4 hand go easy its medical

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