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Ex Smoker in need of help.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pentigram, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Okay, I used to be a HEAVY DUTY smoker. I used to smoke every single day. I loved it. It was an extremely wonderful experience that I would love to do again. Here lye's the problem though. Back when I still smoked (about 5 to 6 years ago) I went to my normal person and got what I needed to get. I took it home, and rolled up a pin J. I knew I didn't need anything more than that.

    I sat on my chair and fired it up. I took my very first toke off it, and that was it. One medium sized toke and started choking (hard) off it. After getting it together I realized that the stuff had a weird taste about it. Not like anything I had smoked before. I didn't think much of it and went back to watching TV.

    After I few minutes I realized something was going on. My throat had went completely numb. I no longer had any feeling in my neck. This scared me, and to make a long story short it sent me into a panic attack. I tried all the things that typically break a 'buzz.' Milk, Vitamin C, Shower, even worked out. I was still stuck on this buzz that I was now terrified of.

    It finally broke roughly 24hrs after the experience (literally it lasted even through the next day) and ever since then I've been way too scared to smoke. I've took oxycodone, and loertabs, but have still been too scared to smoke. Any suggestions as to how to help my fear of smoking?
  2. KNOW where it's coming from, who you're buying it from, etc. You need to trust it. (Most of the time you don't know where it's coming from, but if you hang out with legit smokers that don't waste their time with weird ish, it might be ok). That is all I know haha. Trust legitness, if that makes any sense whatsoever
  3. You have got to be fuckin' kiddin' me...One bad event out of possibly thousands of very fuckin' awesome events and you humans run off. I scoff at you mere mortals.:cool:
  4. Try a good indica that was probably close to a pure sativa that you smoked which caused the panic attack and that happened to me once but i just remembered weed never killed anyone just try to limit how much you smoke at once
  5. if you were a daily, experienced smoker, how could you be sent into a panic attack so easily? physical issues are a big cause
  6. I never understand why people get afraid of highs. When you light up, you can't go back.
  7. You mean other than the fact that he couldn't stop choking and lost all feeling in his throat and neck?
  8. Thanks so much for all your replies. This guy that I had got it from was a newbie in the neiborhood. I had gotten it from him a couple of times before this event went down with no problems. Needless to say there wasn't any love loss between the two of us. We had always been on a semi rocky path since we knew each other (he was a 'gangsta wannabe') which hadn't been that long to begin with. The only reason that I used him was my normal person had been out a few times so I had to go to him.

    I know what some of you mean though by saying this is a one, in a hundred occurrence. I know this. It's so haunting though. I think I need to hang out with someone I trust and get lit. Problem is I can't think of anyone I know that smokes. This scenario happened roughly five to six years ago and I've lost contact with everyone since moving to a new state. -sigh-

    I find Oxy's, and Vicotin have a wonderful body buzz about them. I almost forgot what smoking feels like.
  9. You could always grow your own, that way you know where it came from.
  10. If you do fucked up pills then why worry about harmless weed??!?!?! u prolly had like laced shit or something

  11. I think so too. I just need to find someone I can trust to smoke with. I fear I will smoke again, and get a panic attack (again). I would smoke with my wife, but when I have a panic attack she doesn't know how to get me off it.

    I apologize I'm not trying to wine, or anything. This is just a personal hurdel I'm trying to get over. I need to start with something with a real 'calming' buzz.
  12. #12 wsrd4b2, Sep 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    For calming I'd definitely go indica. Sativas can make anxiety worse, which didn't help you at all.

    You got knocked off your horse, you just gotta get back in the saddle.
  13. Don't fuck around with first time dealers who already have weed on them. If you are in an area with a dispensary, the proper thing a dealer should do is take your money and buy bud directly from the dispensary. You'll receive it in most likely a pill case (if not baggie/pre-rolled joints) with a name of the bud plus origin.
  14. I wish I were lucky enough to live near a dispensory. I however live in a state that hasn't approved it for medical use (Tennessee). I would like to get the medical stuff though. That would be great!
  15. yo dude I don't know what's up with your bud, but stop doing pills

    like, right now. I know vicodin feels great. and that is precisely why you should not do it if you do not seriously need it for pain.
  16. I understand where your comming from. its happenend to me after takin a missive hit from a bong we named Poseidon. You probably just took a hit that went down the wrong pipe or just made your throat raw. Any difficulties talking or anything?
  17. From reading your post I can almost guarantee that you had to stop smoking abruptly, cold turkey, after your heavy smoking career? This is a similar, in fact very similar, experience to what I have had to deal with.

    Most likely you are now trying to smoke because you remember the good times and you are probably stressed out in some form or another.. work, school, wife...

    When you started smoking originally, you probably were not smoking for any particular reason except to smoke, initially, anyway.

    My two sense is this; you have generalized anxiety disorder due to abruptly quitting. Most likely you smoked cigarettes during your weed smoking career and you quit this too, and are now trying to smoke JUST weed - no cigs, which is a great idea, however, your mind is not used to the feeling of being high with no nicotine as it is not the same feeling that you are so much used to.

    My advice; this is odd advice, however I believe it is quite possibly the only way to salvage your smoking career - get twisted... by that I mean cross-faded. More drunk than high. So you are not worried about the high, but it will not be overwhelming for you. Even if you don't drink, it will help you with any anxiety you may have during your career comeback. If you can talk to a psychiatrist and get a hold of a couple benzodiazepenes, you could use those in replace of the alcohol to relieve the anxiety during your first few times smoking. DO NOT DRINK WITH BENZOS! The combo will fuck your shit up.. and unless you are an EXPERIENCED drinker, you will black out almost definitely.

    Also - Only take a hit or two for a few days, to get reaquainted. I know you want to roll a fat blunt and smoke that shit 'cause it used to be sick back in the day, but remember - you have some new troubles on your mind and you are not the same person you used to be.

    Wall of text, but it's how I roll.

    Peace mayne
  18. Thanks to all of you. I'm now back on the wagon and baked as hell. Arck you hit the nail on the head my brother.
  19. #19 Skyed, Oct 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2011
    Coughing = Virgin Lungs Haven't Smoked in a While
    Bad Taste = Not Weed
    Numb Throat = Not Weed
    Numb Throat = Big Hit + Coughing

    Try other stuff, and take it slower.

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