If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by MaxP0wers, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. I wouldn't say greed necessarily stems from not being content with what you have and to put the label "fear" on not being content is pretty broad/bold.

    Eh, those that are greedy wouldn't say they are necessarily fearful :confused_2: I'm just not liking your generalization to drive at a self proclaimed point
  2. it doesnt make perfect sense?...to me greed is synonymous with fear ... and i don't think many people would come out and say that they are fearful...esp the ones that are in the most fear...they fear the most that others will know they are in fear
  3. Like a deer in the headlights :smoking:


  4. Because you fear not having what you would gain if you lied because it's easy to lie.

  5. Agreed . Not to mention, I fuck with dumb people all the time. I find it very amusing to be a good enough liar to make people believe something that is absolutely false, and working the job that I do, there are a lot of dumb people. Makes my life/work more interesting when I'm doing the repetitive task of fitting the same shit together, then welding it all day for a week or two at a time, until we get a break and something new comes into our shop. That's not governed by fear, but my own narcissism.
  6. and underlying your narcissim is most likely fear...whether you even realize it or not
  7. Are you narcissistic because you're fearful? :laughing:

  8. Not really,
    Like there are things i fear, spiders, heights, but i accept who I am and my place in society, and I'm not afraid of gaining or losing such, not afraid of dying either, I'm very in tune with myself, and I'm just narcissistic because I believe people as a whole act out of stupidity.
  9. You're a bloody liar Skunk! :laughing:
  10. Perhaps, but I'm going to argue that I believe what I say to be true, thus bringing us back to my original point, if I believe I have no fear (aside from trivial, irrational ones like I previously stated), than wouldn't that lead me to actually have no fear ? And it would make me honest as opposed to a liar :smoke:

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