Looking For A Something To Break Down Old Root Mass?

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by Purplestuff420, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. I'm looking for something to put in my rez to break down old root mass. Any suggestions?
  2. Hydrozyme!
  3. How much do I use in a ten gal rez?
  4. Have you heard of hygrozyme?
  5. microbe lift pond zyme is $16 cheap cheap
  6. hygrozyme is $30/ liter
    Pondzyme is less than $20 and comes in a concentrated crystallized form, so a little goes a long way. I used Hygrozyme before but the cost heavily out weighs the benefits. They both do the same thing so I switched to pondzyme.
  7. hygrozyme doses- 8-10 ml per gallon. a 1l bottle barely lasts one cycle for me.
  8. Ok can i find it at pet stores or do i have to order it online?
  9. if your local pet store has a pond section then yes. it is generally used in outdoor koi ponds. My local garden store has a water garden section so check anywhere that sells pond supplies.
  10. Ok how much of this am i supposed to use? I only have a 10gal rez.No circulation just a air pump, bubble stone in the bottom. And i water her once daily from the top. Thing is I had two plants from seedling's. One ended up male so I cut it out. But his roots and her roots were intertwined. So not wanting to hurt her roots by breaking them apart. I cut his roots a third of the way from the bottom of the net pot. So the is male's root mass in her lush root mass is now dieing. Will that cause problems will the pondzyme help that?

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