Are there enough middle class jobs for all poor people?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Messiah Decoy, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. You have to be sadistic as fuck to acknowledge there will always be poor people and still take away every public means for survival.

    Even most millionaires don't mind paying higher taxes. I say all the libertarians flood a couple of states secede from the union and leave the rest of us alone. Then you can have your free market, survival of the fittest experiment without involving millions of people who enjoy sleeling soundly knowing their family will never starve or dig through garbage to survive.
  2. You have to be sadistic as fuck to acknowledge there will always be poor people and still take away every public means for survival.

    Even most millionaires don't mind paying higher taxes. I say all the libertarians flood a couple of states secede from the union and leave the rest of us alone. Then you can have your free market, survival of the fittest experiment without involving millions of people who enjoy sleeping soundly knowing their family will never starve or dig through garbage to survive.

  3. mm yes. Don't promote theft and you are a sadistic fuck.

    It'd be amazing if the millionaires would just keep that tax money and give it directly to the poor without having to fund the government to do that exact same thing, huh?
  4. Most of America don't view taxation as theft. More reason to wait for Oil Rig Libertopia

    I'm sure they'll keep that tax money and put it to good uses. More defense of supply side economics. Shame.

  5. What's your point?

    Remember that picture of the point and your head?
  6. I'm sure there's no reason behind the correlation when corporate taxes decrease poverty goes up, right? Mmmm, all this charity, mayne!

  7. Maybe they realize representative government isn't all bad.

  8. Yeah because a representative government secures corporate welfare to keep the rich, well, rich so they can tell people like you "Oh yeah, I'd love to pay more in taxes"

    correlation =/= causation.
  9. When was the last time corporate taxes were cut, and how could that possibly create poverty?

    If we had 0% corporate tax more businesses would bring jobs here, more jobs equals less poverty.
  10. #90 Messiah Decoy, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2012

    The rich don't need corporate welfare to stay rich, that's just the icing on the cake.

    You just can't wrap your head around the fact that most millionaires don't mind paying higher taxes.

    Maybe they realize it's a small percentage of their net worth and don't give a fuck if it's used to support the old, the poor, or the military.
  11. Depends on the kind of jobs. If the jobs are white collar or pay too little, they won't effect poverty much.

    Corporations already have plenty of tax loopholes. What really gets them excited are subsidies and we know how much libertarians love subsidies.
  12. Here's an idea...

    remove corporate taxation altogether..BUT make all profits be part of someones paycheck.

    Profits are pay, for the shareholders. So that isn't a stretch at all...used to be how it was done.
    No more hiding income within the corp, evading taxes....they pay their income tax, and stfu, just like billions of workers do on a daily basis.
  13. Sounds like you're saying you'd rather forego greater employment and economic growth, and instead just redistribute the wealth we have. That won't get us anywhere...

    As long as all corporations can take advantage of tax loopholes that's fine, but when only the biggest can weasle a deal that destroys competitiveness in the market.

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