Clone gel

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by COMtnMan, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Whatsthe best organic cloning gell or liquid. I am currently having fair results with dipping them in bio root by gen organics then into wet fibo blocks inside dome with 18/6 florescent grow bulbs.

  2. If you read the thread, two threads above yours, it has some good info in it. 3 pages of info to be exact. All about this same subject. Here is some help finding it...

    It has tons of different methods of organic cloning, all from some pretty reliable sources. Everything you could ever ask for and more! :hello:
  3. I've had better luck with liquids, rather than gels or powder.
  4. Earth juice has a gel and a rootstock formula but I ran a side by side with just plain Bcuzz and the Bcuzz treated set all rooted 4 days(all rooted in 14 days) faster than the earth juice set, even though the EJ set had no yellowing even after 21 days(thats how long it took for all on this set to root).
    Like Droid said I prefer the liquids.
  5. I posted this on Marapa's thread on cloning in general and this response was about creating your own gel.

    If you're interested.....

  6. can i use aloe vera gel and water to build a healthier root system?
    Yes but don't forget the Kelp Meal.
  8. I've been dipping the end of cuts into aloe powder (200x) before setting into a solo cup with a mix of my vermicompost, lil bit of kelp and peat. Works better than the root cubes imo. 
    I use something like 1 part vc, 5 parts peat and around 1/2 cup of kelp per c.f. I have been planting directly into it without waiting to cycle, to pretty good results so far. I like the passive humidification with my root cube trays in the dome but the cuts rooted in soil seem to be stronger and healthier in comparison to the peat cube cuttings. 

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