Legalization vs Repeal (Control vs Freedom)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Hank Scorpio, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. [ame=""]Legalization vs Repeal (Control vs Freedom) - YouTube[/ame]

    Help make that video go viral why are people on this site supporting mainstream media who support legalization (your only allowed to grow a limited number of plants) There are plenty of examples to not let government regulate and control (screw up.) like tobacco for instance: by regulation the government poisons tobacco with cancer causing pesticides, then claim cigarettes cause cancer, Learn from the mistake.

    What is better legalization or repealing the unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users? The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. Legalization seems to limit the public's ability to be self sufficient and sustainable.

    I want to be able to grow my own food, medicine, clean energy/fuel, fiber without being bullied by corrupt authorities just to stay in line with the “collective” by growing a limited amount of plants! Why is anyone wanting to limit a plant safer than drinking water? Some of us are tired of poisonous high energy prices and want to grow safe hemp for food, energy/fuel, fiber, medicine, hempcrete and so much more!

    Switzerland Legalizing Up To 4 Marijuana Plants January 1 - Toke of the Town

    Thomas Jefferson was a hemp farmer. There are documents in Library of Congress where George Washington states that he liked sitting on the back porch smoking a pipe of hemp. In early Colonial times people could pay their taxes with hemp!

    Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolf Diesel's engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolf Diesel's death.

    The government repeals other laws so lets get rid of the corrupt laws!

    Phoenix Tears
    Make The Medicine « Phoenix Tears

    U.S. National Library of Medicine - 815 Worldwide PubMed articles on Cannabinoids including THC curing Cancer
    cancer cannabinoid - PubMed - NCBI

    The U.S. Government owns Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants (real cannabis is superior)
    Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - US Patent 6630507 Abstract


    In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure High THC Hemp Oil.
    In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)
    18,000 children starve to death every single day.

    Hemp would solve world hunger and most of the world problems like the energy crisis, deforestation, disease, repair our soils and renew with vital nutrients and so much more it would take too long to list, if you want to know more Read Jack Herer's Book online for free, The Emperor Wears No Clothes at The Book «

    Cannabis is safer than drinking water. Water can kill you, cannabis can't.
    Strange but True: Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill: Scientific American

    Man Denied Religious Rights CANADA: A COUNTRY WITHOUT A CONSTITUTION | Myles O'Howe

    Myles O'Howe | Gardening, Hemp, Mystery, Research, Science, Space, Sustainability
  2. If only there wasn't so much ignorance related to MJ. Although it is changing rapidly....good post...
  3. I disagree. This is the same type of incoherent ramble that we typically see from this... person. It is so rife with unsubstantiated and over-jumped conclusions that I can barely take it seriously.

    What am I supposed to draw from this? We need to overthrow the government to cultivate hemp? Great! Now what? You can die from too much water? Great, thanks for the trivia. You also die without enough water, which cannot be said for cannabis, but who really cares either way? Come to the Activism and Legalization forums and preach to the choir. Want a cookie now?

    The Government is corrupt and we need to overthrow it! This is akin to a prisoner announcing to the general prison population that they are all locked in cages and should escape. Thanks for the advice.

    Easier said than done. It's really easy to point out a problem. It also very easy to regurgitate rhetoric to support an already very obvious problem to an obviously sympathetic crowd.

    What's not so easy is suggesting a solution or, at the very least, some practical action that could bring us closer to a solution.

    Hank, you feeling alright man? Where's all the usual rheortic about Nazi's and Jews? You must be under the weather. :p
  4. WHAT THE FUCK you are very misleading NOWHERE did i claim we need to "otherthrow" government WTF

    We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. We don't want legalization of marijuana which leaves the government to control and regulate it. When a law gets repealed it becomes null and void=we are free to grow cannabis no need to overthrow government THEY WANT VIOLENCE to bring in the new world order.

    preaching to what choir? as if people were paying attention and informed of truth! You are a joke!
  5. Nefarious, the OP makes a very good point with this post. It is undoubtedly in our best interests to avoid any overreaching regulations when cannabis becomes legalized. It can only lead to other problems if the government tries to limit the number of plants we can grow or the number of grams we can possess. We will see how this grow limit pans out it Switzerland, but I believe it will only lead to the eventual repeal of cannabis cultivation and possession laws altogether. Distribution will likely be a different story, however.

    Legalize: (Law) to confirm or validate (something previously unlawful)

    something previously unlawful??? when was cannabis or rather the cultivation, use and consumption of cannabis made unlawful in the US?

    Early history - Legal history of cannabis in the United States

    Legal history of cannabis in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    before we "legalize" marijuana, let's THINK about what that means in legislative terms.

    Regulate: to govern or direct according to rule

    Control: to exercise restraining or directing influence over : (i.e. to regulate)

    Tax: to make onerous (troublesome/burdensome) and rigorous demands on

    is "legalization" the incremental corporate takeover of the cannabis industry via government legislation (over-taxation, over-regulation and over-control)?

    is that what we want for the cannabis industry? i dont!

    here's what i want:

    cannabis exempted from the DEA's Controlled Substances Act (like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and other "drugs") and ALL local, state and federal criminal penalties in the US for the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, sales, trade, sharing, possession, consumption and use of cannabis for industrial, medicinal, nutritional and recreational purposes repealed. (NOT reformed)

    REPEAL Cannabis Prohibition for Industry, for Medicine, for Nutrition and for a Safer Form of Adult Recreation! Let's work on ENDING Cannabis (Hemp/Marijuana) Prohibition once and for all!

    P.S. here's another useful definition


    1: a written agreement between belligerent nations

    2: a combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices

    3: a combination of political groups for common action

    I dont think "legalizing" will put the cartels out of business.
    Legalization sounds like incremental corporate takeover of the
    cannabis industry via government legislation
    (over-taxation, over-regulation and over-control)

    Marijuana Bills Run the Gamut from Legalization to Repeal | The Partnership at
    A number of states that had previously legalized medical marijuana are considering changes.

    Nobody has the right to restrict access to a plant safer than drinking water...

    Medical Cannabis has been legal under state law in California since passage of the California Compassionate Use Act of 1996 ("Prop 215" or California Health & Safety Code 11362.5) under a certain conditions.
    Unfortunately, it is still illegal even for legitimate patients, under Federal law (Gonzales v Raich Supreme Court case).

    We need to REPEAL and make sure NOBODY limits this plant, NO AGE restrictions are people crazy to want to be slaves restricting peoples access to a plant safer than water. IF A KID IS SICK HE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WAIT AND DIE IN THE PROCESS OF WAITING FOR PERMISSION

    What will people say to the suffering and dying when cannabis is legal and we can only grow a limited number of plants (not allowed to grow enough plants to feed the starving)

    THOUSANDS of children starve to death EVERY DAY over 30,000 STARVE TO DEATH EVERY DAY because the most nutritional food source on earth hemp is illegal.

    I don't eat meat, RACIST bastards are attacking people in India saying the reason by people in india are "fucked" is because they smoke cannabis and eat the seeds! seriously people believe this shit because of propaganda! as people die and suffer from starvation (lack of access to food hemp is superior food)

    Hemp Foods

    Hempseed is considered by leading researchers to be one of the most nutritious superfoods known to man. This is because hempseed is made up of the ultimate balance of all eight essential fatty acids (EFAs), including a near perfect balance of omega-3 to omega-6. In addition, hempseed is packed with protein and is wheat, soy and gluten free. Add to that the fact that hempseed contains 66 percent of the bioactive protein edestin — a protein used to manufacture antibodies. That’s more than any other plant on earth!

    Definition of CARTEL

    1: a written agreement between belligerent nations

    2: a combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices

    3: a combination of political groups for common action
    Examples of CARTEL

    <a cartel of oil-producing nations that controls production and influences prices>

    Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolf Diesel’s engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolf Diesel’s death.
  7. [​IMG]

    Fascist symbol used by Fascist dictators and governments is found in America
  8. You should also point out that the US flag is full of five point stars or pentagrams, clearly indicating that the founding fathers were satanists....:rolleyes:
  9. Just reading the first paragraph was really painful. If you want the first legalization bill to not include any regulations then I hope you're ready to wait till 2020 or later for it to stand any chance at passing. Just because there would be regulations under RMLW doesn't mean it ends up just like tobacco you should read the bill because there are provisions in it that directly address your (border line conspiracy) theories.
  10. Alright we get your want it repealed...that would be awesome! But if they decided to legalize it tomorrow i sure as hell won't find myself bitching because the government controls it a little bit..the government controls my beer and i'm still a-drinkin' it! And who gives a shit about the fascist symbol? ok...its there. cool. in the US your gonna have to settle with what little good the government does for you and don't let em' piss in your cheerios. Yes there are some absurd laws and corruption and all that but it will always be with it.
  11. So I'm completely confused. Not entirely abnormal, I guess. I see the conspiracy theory, I think... But how does Mussolini come to play? Call George Noory, he would totally get it.

    My question, though may be completely basic. I hear constantly about the legislation against cannabis being unconstitutional. Please explain how, with references to the actual constitution. I've wrestled with this a lot, expecting to see the light, but nothing. I can not understand how this is unconstitutional. Is it right? Absolutely not. Are constitutional rights broken in the process? Absolutely.

    4th. \tProhibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause \t \tDecember 15, 1791

    8th \tProhibits excessive fines and excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment \tDecember 15, 1791

    Cannabis users are busted and searched illegally every day.
    Cannabis users are often handed lengthy, excessive jail time and fines due to a conviction (sometimes less).

    But these deal with enforcement of the law, not the law itself. Please explain.
  12. Does U.S. statute point to the International Treaties/Single Convention Narcotics Act as the basis of this law, or a U.S. Constitutionally backed law? :cool:

    When Alcohol prohibition was implemented, it was a Constitutionally-backed law. (Later overturned.) It required a Constitutional amendment to un-do the law.

    Getting out of our present prohibition would mean seceding from the Single Convention Treaty as a nation. It's not a U.S. law, nor do we have any voter-determined representation in NATO or the U.N. Bolivia briefly seceded so that Coca chewing would no longer be illegal.
  13. I have a bit of reading to do, I believe.

    But at present, I don't fully understand how our government is acting unconstitutionally. Unjust, yes completely.

    But also, whether or not you agree with the scheduling, Cannabis is labeled a Narcotic. Not trying to be coy-just trying to understand. Is the prohibition of crack cocaine also unconstitutional (for example)?
  14. Amazingly, YES. It too is prohibited by the same international treaties as the basis of the U.S. statutes as well.

    It's like saying our involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were unconstitutional as well. Congress must officially declare war to make war Constitutional. Instead, we have no declaration of war ever made, U.N. "partnerships" used to enforce these decisions, etc. Again and again, we see we have little to no representation as to what goes on in international affairs anymore because all these globalist groups were set up in order to be able to skirt the home countries' constitutions without the people having any say in these actions.
  15. Repealing the laws against cannabis would TAKE AWAY (remove) the ability for the globalists, CIA to control the world! Think about it the CIA control the drug trade they infiltrated the media, and the globalists control the world food, medicine, energy supplies. The globalists, new world order, illuminati, jesuits, vatican are all against cannabis, think why!

    FBI and Police Informers and Infiltrators will infest any group and they have phoney activist organizations established. Their purpose is to prevent any real movement for justice or eco-peace from developing

    1) The message doesn't get out. 2) A lot of time is wasted 3) The activist is frustrated and discouraged 4) Nothing good is accomplished.

    Regulate: to govern or direct according to rule
    Control: to exercise restraining or directing influence over : (i.e. to regulate)
    Tax: to make onerous (troublesome/burdensome) and rigorous demands on

    Legalization sounds like incremental corporate takeover of the cannabis industry via government legislation (over-taxation, over-regulation and over-control)

    here's what i want:

    cannabis exempted from the DEA's Controlled Substances Act and everywhere in the world (like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and other "drugs") and ALL local, state and federal criminal penalties in the US for the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, sales, trade, sharing, possession, consumption and use of cannabis for industrial, medicinal, nutritional and recreational purposes repealed.

    REPEAL Cannabis Prohibition for Industry, for Medicine, for Nutrition and for a Safer Form of Recreation! Let's work on ENDING Cannabis (Hemp/Marijuana) Prohibition once and for all!

    In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure High THC Hemp Oil.
    In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)
    Countless thousands of children starve to death every single day (hemp seeds would feed the world) this is mass genocide taking place

    Alex Jones Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor CIA DISINFORMATION Agent/Asset

    The laws against cannabis are unconstitutional. The patriot Act is unconstitutional.

    "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection." (1987) J.E.C. Shepherd (Canadian historian)

    [ame=]Nazi Germany - A Creation of the Vatican and Jesuits - YouTube[/ame]


    Jesuit Manipulated Catholic Nazis

    [ame=]Ron Paul Illuminati Disinformation - YouTube[/ame]

    Ron Paul is a tool of the Illuminati. Don't tell me you didn't know that. The Illuminati ALWAYS control both sides of the coin. It's called Hegelian dialectic.


    Now don't forget that the Jesuits used Reagan to "out" communists in Hollywood and Ron Paul lead the delegation out of Texas to get Reagan elected President of the U.S. Can you see the connection in all this? Yes, it does mean something because the connections are not few. It just keeps going.

    Ron Paul, JBS, Catholicism, Reagan
    Honoring Pope John Paul II - A Consistent Pro-Life Figure by Rep. Ron Paul


    pope Paul VI in St. Peter's in the Vatican, Rome, Italy. Paul 6 was photographed discarding his coronation tiara on Friday, November 13, 1964.

    Paul VI turned over his external symbol of his office of pope to the United Nations, in effect, resigning as a pope and acknowledging, in a symbolic way, that he gave the powers of the papacy to the U.N.!

    The papal tiara is the visible symbol of the papacy in the Roman Catholic Church!

    Historically, to the best of Our research, all of the popes of the Roman Catholic Church have worn the papal tiara.


    The vatican was in on the forming of the United nations. The Pope at the time (Montini) stated the United Nations is "the last, best hope of mankind..."

    Address during the last general meeting of the Second Vatican Council

    more Proof alternative media is infiltrated. they got all the money to work with, i dont, lay off the attack people, why not direct that energy to something useful like ending cannabis prohibition?

    above Chavez calls Aznar a "Fascist" and below you see they are all really allies.
    Alex Jones thinks Hugo Chavez is a hero of some sort and so do many others in the 'Truth Movement' as well. But if you do some research you will find that Chavez is a devout Roman Catholic Socialist who has given himself many dictatorial powers as Hitler did through the Enabling Act.
    Hugo Chavez

    Catholic Skull and Bonesmen Bush and Kerry attending Catholic Mass on Ash Wednesday.
    (Where a priest makes a mark of a cross in ashes on their foreheads.)
    The Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database (MADID)
    Find the skull and bones on Himmler

    Find the skull and bones on Arnold.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger President of Europe


    "It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us" - Joseph Stalin, Illuminati

    [ame=]Truth Movement Hijacked! Censorship instead of truth. - YouTube[/ame]

    Are people forgetting about the nuclear radiation that is poisoning everyone? Even before japan it was at critical levels, we need our cannabis, we can heal the environment by growing cannabis creating a great source of oxygen that creates more ozone that breathe in CO2 and cool the air. Without oxygen we suffocate, are subject to droughts and weird weather. We need to switch fuels. Alcohol and hemp seed oil still burn oxygen, but create it while they are growing. Gasoline does not.

    The fascists controlled both sides of WW1, WW2 WW3 can be ENTIRELY PREVENTED except DISINFORMATION IS VIRAL (REALLY POPULAR) and the truth is ignored.

    Sorry for all the information at once, but why is everyone so misinformed? I think I get it, because of controlled opposition and disinformation that is law....We need to change those laws and repeal them. They repeal other laws so why not repeal laws for cannabis and all drugs?

    peoples JOBS ARE controlling opposition this is out of control just like in nazi germany. they get PAID to spread disinformation and support each other, while the truth is generally ignored. i think the people attacking me when i ask for donations ON MY OWN BLOG are the controlled opposition trying to make me feel guilty (i dont get any other donations anyway...)

    Polls Show Marijuana Legalization More Popular Than President Obama «

    We need repealing laws more popular than obama, THEN WE CAN BE FREE AGAIN NO MORE POLICE STATE. repeal any laws that do harm to people.

  16. #16 Hank Scorpio, Jan 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2012
    Absolute proof government disinformation is law, we need to repeal the laws and make Cannabis exempted from all laws everywhere, that limit or restrict the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, sales, trade, sharing, possession, consumption and use of cannabis (hemp) for industrial, medicinal, nutritional and recreational purposes repealed. Nobody has any right to restrict anyone any age, from a harmless plant safer than drinking water.

    Industrial Hemp Regulations

    PROOF from a government website that person means corporation (fictional entity) Your Name on government issued ID is in ALL CAPITOL LETTERS because it means corporation. They only win when people comply and go along with the game. When you enter a DE-FACTO court. Why would anyone want to Submit an Application to be able to grow cannabis?
    Definition of SUBMIT

    transitive verb
    a : to yield to governance or authority

    Man Denied Religious Rights CANADA: A COUNTRY WITHOUT A CONSTITUTION - YouTube

    US Law is Admiralty law, just like in Canada and many other nations with our American style “Democracy”
    The Governor-General's webpage told us that the office of Governor-General of Canada is ‘DE FACTO', which in referring to government means that authority has been unlawfully usurped (assumed)
    Role and Responsibilities of the Governor General: Governor General



    Christian Alber
    The original Organic American Constitution reads: “The Constitution for the united states of America”.

    When Americans agree to have a social security number the citizens of the united states surrender their sovereignty and agree to become franchises of the United States (The Virginia Company of the British Crown).

    Everything in the “United States” is for sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons, airports etc. (Executive Order 12803)

    The ‘Crown' that owns Virginia (USA) is the administrative corporation of the City of London, an State independent of Great Britain and wholly owned by the Pontiff of Rome. Since 1213, the Monarchs of England have been puppet Monarchs under the Pontifex Maximus of the Holy Roman Empire, a corporate body over which the pontiff of Rome is CEO. Since 1300, when the Crown of Great Britain (England) was made a sub-corporation of the Crown of the City of London, the Monarchs of England, as CEO of the Crown of Great Britain have been agents for the Crown of the City. Thus, the real Crown was obfuscated from the eyes of the ‘colonials'. But, anyone who cared to look and reason could have seen this scheme even in the late AD 1700s.

    The ‘common law' of England, since the incorporation of the British Crown around AD 1300, has been Roman Municipal Law, a type of Roman civil law designed to rule over debtor States. The Anglo-Saxon common law, which used only ‘God's Law', ceased to exist with the implementation of the feudal system where all people were subjects of the corporate Crown, and after the Pope's Papal Bull, Unam Sanctam 1302 where he declared: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Subject means slave, as does ‘citizen' and ‘freeman'.

    Roman Law uses the law of the sea because all human institutions in the Roman system are make-believe ships at sea (incorporated bodies).

    The ‘all caps' spelling does not make the ‘legal identity name” (strawman). It is where the family name has been converted into a 'surname – primary name'. The all caps only signifies that the name carries with its use the status of slave pledged as chattel in bankruptcy of the State.

  17. [ame=]World Energy Independence 2012 No more Blood 4 OiL - YouTube[/ame]

    1800 gallons of ethanol per acre=32 barrels of oil (55 gallons in a barrel)

    half of the arable land in USA 235 million acres x 32 barrels hemp oil (1800 gallons)=7,520,000,000 barrels of oil

    USA consumes ~19,150,000 barrels of oil per day (bbl/day)
    USA consumes ~7,008,900,000 barrels of oil per year

    Hemp harvests the most ethanol per acre compared to the alternatives, up to 10 times more than corn ethanol. Low THC hemp plants produce less seed and ethanol per acre compared to other strains. Some varieties mature in 60-90 days.
  18. #18 fattmatt, Jan 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2012
    I like how your against prohibition, and we always need more people for the truth,but chill out with all the other conspiracy shit. It makes us all look bad.
  19. #19 Hank Scorpio, Jan 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2012
    as if the group think mentality around here is normal....:smoke:


    There is more to the world than meets the eye, my documentary got scientists who hated cannabis to now use cannabis :) how can a scientist know until you experiment?. sorry for trying to reverse the reason why the planet is in chaos. if you dont like it too bad.:wave:

    [ame=]Antimatter: The Future is Now (1 of 5) 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]Antimatter: The Future is Now (2 of 5) 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]Antimatter: The Future is Now (3 of 5) 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]Antimatter: The Future is Now (4 of 5) 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]Antimatter: The Future is Now (5 of 5) 1.1 - YouTube[/ame]

    My antimatter documentary has JFK speech about space, educational material to get people on track about antimatter. The science is Real.
    Antimatter: The Future is Now 1.1 | Myles O'Howe

    NASA - Boeing to Build Commercial Spacecraft at Kennedy, Create 550 Jobs


    [ame=""]Watch RUN FROM THE CURE free documentary[/ame]
    NASA - NASA's Fermi Catches Thunderstorms Hurling Antimatter into Space
    NASA - New and Improved Antimatter Spaceship for Mars Missions
    NASA - Status of Antimatter
    NASA - New Launch System to Rival Saturn V
    NASA - Gardening in Space with HydroTropi
    NASA - A Stellar, Metal-Free Way to Make Carbon Nanotubes
    Antimatter Space Propulsion at Penn State University (LEPS)
    Meissner effect for superconductors
    PERMANENT: Asteroid mining, space colonies, commercialization
    NEO Discovery Statistics
    Space Colonization
    ESA - GSP - Towards a new test of general relativity?
    Biofuels: Journey to Forever - how to make your own clean-burning biofuel
    Make your own biodiesel: Journey to Forever
    Hemp Biomass for Energy
    Hemp Biofuels Could Smoke The Competition «
    hemp fuel | hemp biodiesel | hemp ethanol- hemp
    1800 Gallons of Ethanol Per Acre (Hemp is Superior)
    Kanaal van HempTechnologies - YouTube
    UC Berkeley School of Law – The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951


    Edgar Fouche said the key to everything alien tech is Quasicrystals in 1998, Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman won the 2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals.

  20. Very interesting "story" this thread has taken us on. I got confused somewhere along the lines, though. Is Hitler the alien that feeds the masses disinformation?

    Seriously, though. Reverting to stories about antimatter and aliens to justify your point is very creative, but also nonsensical. I don't necessarily think, however, that people like this give the movement a bad name. I think our real threats are those who choose to spread information as it best fits them self. Who are proud that they are high all the time, and choose to inform everyone else of the fact. That's just me though.

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