Vapourizing Freshly Cured Pot (Doesn't Work)

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Kurt123, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. Hi. The title says it all. I harvested September 7th, and have since dried and cured my buds. The stems snap like a match, and the smoke isn't harsh, so I assume I did it properly.

    Smoking it works fine and gets me high. Vapourizing does not. I don't know why vapourizing doesn't get me high with this pot (and only this pot). It is not too wet still. It just... doesn't vapourize? I even cranked the temperature of the vapourizer until it was basically smoking it. Still no dice. Put it in the bong, and I'm high.

    Here's what I did: Dried plant hanging upside down in cardboard box until the leaves were crisp. Put manicured buds in paper bags until the bud leaves were crisp. Let buds dry 2 more days. Put buds in a pickle jar for 2-3 weeks, opening it every 1-2 days.

    What should I do? Any idea what's going on?
  2. id just smoke it out if the bong :smoke:
  3. did you look at the resin glands under a microscope? just curious. seems weird but I've come across some bought weed that was like this
  4. your using a grinder right?

    if you got any keif from it, try vaping that.

  5. Vaporizing Strait from the plant Does Work... You must not be doing Something right, btw 375 works fine no need to fry your buds, you just need to be patient. :smoke:
  6. I've vaped straight off the plant before and had it work fine:confused: What vape are you using?
  7. It's not straight off the plant, it is dried and cured and ready to smoke. I'm not sure why this pot doesn't work but other pot does. Even an increased temperature does not vapourize it. The pot is good to smoke. I don't get it.
  8. increased temp is not a good thing. the closer you get to combustion the more you destroy the THC (not an expert, but do know my favorite herb!). I suggest between 375 F to 385 F. Just my two cents.
  9. I've vaped freshly cut bud lol, try a little harder. :smoking:
  10. yeah man, try harder ffs! I mean, do it all exactly the same, just TRY harder :D
  11. im vaping weed thats been curing for a week but i know what your talking about. I only vape and ive been vaping for awhile and every now and then i would get weed that wouldnt produce much vapor in the vaporizer and i just went back to my dealer and said i didnt like it and he gave me something else that vaped better. the weed looked fine so i didnt get why it wouldnt vape. Maybe it wasnt ready yet? get a microscope and look at the tricome color, if they arent cloudy or amber and more clear than it probably wasnt ready to be harvested.
  12. This has been my favorite way of being able to use my just harvested plant this past week. Not sure why it's not working for you? Sorry!
  13. That's kinda wierd.. whenever i don't get vapor i just bump the temp up a little and it works fine. I have a cheap chinese vape though.. the temps are not even close to what it says it is. One of these days i'll get a digi laser thermometer and write down the actual temp it's at according to what is it says. Shoulda got a vapor buddha. Ohh well..

  14. What is your recommendation on the extreme q temp if you or anyone else uses or has on?

    I am curious bc I have been at 400 lately but I'm gonna turn it down....I was concerned I wouldn't get all my thc haha

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