Why is marijuana illegal still?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RAustin, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. i know it was made illegal in the 30's, but they've done so many experiments and proven that its less addictive than coffee, has medical uses, the worst side effect is the smoke on your lungs and the increased heart beat. the same with psychedelics, the only way they're harmful is if you have VERY bad trips or have mental issues. So why does the government keep them illegal? pretty much ANY drug can be used responsibly.
  2. because the government always wants to control what we do with our lives! they never have anything better to do than to make us miserable and collect money from us when we get caught!

  3. I completely agree with you. The government is way too big.
  4. goverment?huh,there's no such thing as a government
  5. ^ lolwut . maybe you should expand. on that. it should be legal though.

  6. maybe you should expand.

  7. what? there is a government, but there shouldnt be. no one can tell us what we can do with our bodies.
  8. i remember when I was in 8th grade and turned rebel...
  9. Lots of unneeded government jobs depend on it.

  10. The government needs to be a lot smaller, or non existent.
  11. I ask myself and others this everyday
  12. Some people want to horde wealth and control other people.

    Evil is real.
  13. WAIT! You can't make it legal, or else all the criminals in the prisons will have to be set free, and you don't want a bunch of prisoners set loose on the country do you? :rolleyes:

  14. I bet whatever jobs they lose would be out done by jobs created in a legal setting

    fuck the dea, they shouldn't be in a job anyway

  15. late bloomer huh...:p
  16. :rolleyes:

    I remember when I learned about the non-aggression principle.

    @OP: It is illegal because it would help the common people too much as a legal substance. In essence, it is too good of a substance. Too healthy. Too useful. Too difficult to monopolize. Cannabis (along with other psychedelics) also helps to open your mind. They can't have people thinking about their current perceptions/prejudices/biases. Might upset their regime.
  17. It remains illegal because several industries have been able to profit off prohibition. Pharmaceutical, prison, alcohol & tobacco...

  18. I am of the mind that this is the SOLE reason drugs are illegal.

    People are not so willing to give up money to pay for protection when they realize they just are not as likely to need it as the govt tells us we are. Therefore drugs and everything associated works as their boogieman.
  19. Let's see: Fear mongering, DEA jobs would be lost, prisons would be closed down, anti-hemp advocates, pharmaceuticals that can't get a patent nor a monopoly because they need terminator seeds firstly. The problem isn't government per-sce, it's those in the government, but that's a whole new topic.

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