What the fuck is this society coming to?

Discussion in 'General' started by Guest, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. #21 Postal Blowfish, Aug 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2011
    Politically inclined people like to tell us that the poor are just bad people who are naturally entitled because of government programs. It ain't that simple, of course. We shit all over less fortunate people, and why shouldn't they try to get something back? Americans in general are somewhat entitled, and I think it's a combination of how they are raised by their parents directly and by the consumer culture via the media. Paris Hilton is an heiress and really nothing more than that, but she got to be on TV. Why should anyone less fortunate care about what they're taking from society when people like that are only ever given what they don't necessarily deserve?

    The point I was making was more along the lines of consumer culture-inspired prioritizing. I see so many broken ass cars rolling around with rims (and sometimes not even a full set of rims!), and all I can think is it's because they have been encouraged to engage in conspicuous consumption to put themselves on display as more prosperous than they actually are. They do what they can afford, which I think just makes them look foolish. If you're trying to present yourself in a higher station, then better to buy a car you can't afford than put rims you can't afford on a crappy looking car. Or, the best of all possible options: save your money and use it toward actually raising your station rather than trying to lie to the rest of society about your actual place in society. After all, the only thing accomplished in telling that lie is putting your money into someone else's bank statement.

    Rant. Rant, I say! Society. It kinda sucks. You gotta be willing to step out once in awhile and look at yourself and the rest of it critically.
  2. Sounds like an area full of retards in debt. :laughing:

    Food stamps shouldn't buy you fast food either while we're at it... You can buy boxes of noodles, some sauce, and make a weeks worth of spaghetti for next to nothing. Not only that, but it's way better for you. That way we have less people abusing the health care system too! Kill two abusive birds with one stone.
  3. I agree with you. I know what you're saying.

    There's nothing wrong with getting government assistance when you're down. But it seems there's a culture of abusing and living off of government assistance your whole life without trying to get on your feet and make a better situation.

    I see it all the time, a couple with a bunch of kids trying to support themselves on as much government programs as possible. And they don't work even though there's nothing wrong with them.

    Unemployment is designed to help people who are actually looking for work and need help getting back on their feet. It is not designed for someone to live off it for years.
  4. you can put your own money onto an ebt card as well you know
  5. To a certain point. If you are using drugs or alcohol while on welfare you can straight up go fuck yourself because I don't want MY money that I worked hard for, to go to some lazy piece of shit that doesn't want to work, and just wants to be drunk or high all the time.

    And just to clarify, I do support welfare, I just hate it when people say take from the rich. They worked hard for it, and deserve to keep it. If we took from the rich and gave it to the poor, that would show that working hard in life gets you as far as somebody who doesn't work.

    Lets be real now. Waiting for the flame posts.
  6. I'm pretty sure he was just using that expression to make his point... not literally saying that money should be taken from the rich and given to the poor.
  7. Some people absolutely need to do this though...

    My father is single, working a factory job, and has 5 kids...so, as you can guess, expenses can get hard to maintain.
  8. TANF allows kids to wear nice clothes to school and not be ridiculed because they're poor. Don't hate so much.
  9. I'm a middle class white boy who wore shitty clothes to school and got ridiculed as poor. :laughing: and by shitty I mean not Abercrombie and whatever the fuck else the cool kids were wearing.
  10. #30 Verdurous, Aug 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Hollister, etc. You can't afford those brands on TANF. I'm saying like at least the families can get clearance rack clothes for their kids this way.
  11. Yeah, I know I was just saying that even when you have decent clothes you still get ridiculed. I'm all for people having clothes without holes in them though.

  12. I actually agree with you. I didn't mean that entirely. Rich people deserve the shit they work for. But greedy and rich are two different things. And if rich people weren't greedy, they would be willingly offering their extra money in places it would be more beneficial than their own.

    Keep in mind, this may not be entirely coherent. I'm running on a combined 45 minutes of sleep in the past 30 something hours.

  13. ROFL you probably thought you were being so witty. :smoke:
  14. Why do I work only 10 hours a week? Well I I worked anymore I wouldn't get my unemployment..

    That's a chick my girl works with. I just want to punch her straight in the face. Square in the nose, maybe pull her hair Idk but I do know she's craaaaaaaap
  15. I dont think it's necessarily about not wanting to help people, I think it just has a negative stigma about it because so many people abuse the system.

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