Military Industrial Complex - Current "defense" budget is largest in US History...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Limecat, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. why trinidad & tobago?
  2. Pentagon pay cap executive pay reimbursement at $694,000 - The Washington Post

  3. Skynet is here, prepare to be terminated.
  4. how bout be take that predator out with an ak or a 50 cal beowulf ;)
  5. shh dont give em more ideas
    whats wrong wit you?
  6. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    such bullshit
  7. The threat is that they will bring back the draft, but I see it blowing up in their faces. Attacking pension plans and health benefits for veterans will not garner the MIC a lot of support with any enlisted members outside of the big boys club.

    Nobody wants to be drafted firstly, and on top of all that you mean to tell me my pension and health benefits wont even be there by the time I'm done with my forced enlistment? This would make the Vietnam protests look like a cakewalk.

  8. And we call other countries leaders psychotic and psychopaths...

    Forget the fact that we are spending what the entire rest of the planet does on "defense" (which is really just militarism) and we are broke. Can't even get an audit of the DoD...
  9. Report: Budget cuts would hollow military - Washington Times

    That's alot of huffing and moaning for such measly cuts.
  10. while knowing whats wrong is all cool, (not trying to sound like an asshole here)
    but its not enough
    we need the cause and a solution

  12. Obama Waives Aid Curbs on Militaries Using Child Soldiers

    How can we possibly expect to defeat al-Qaeda without drafting the children, it's THEIR WAR too. :rolleyes:

    I would like to see somebody defend the necessity of this military "aid" from a fiscal and constitutional standpoint....

  13. Nothing to see here, focus on Occupy Wall Street...government is goooooooooooooooooood.
  14. #59 NasaJoe, Oct 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2011

  15. I agree. What better way to save the citizens by increasing police presence to catch the bad people with guns?


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