fat people are dumb

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by yurigadaisukida, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. :wave:
  2. correction: people are dumb.

    i've seen stupidity in all forms; either surrounded by floors of old grease,
    spray tan, muscles, jizz, bones... you fucking name it :cool:
  3. fat people are not dumb they are just full all the time. Go eat some steak and pasta and then try and answer a bunch of questions, not fcking happening.
  4. Did the studies you looked at differentiate between grassfed organic beef and the normal supermarket beef?
  5. i dont know if the studies against red meat consider organic or not, but i doubt it makes a difference. red meat is probly just bad period.

    i dont understand the organic food mvoement. As long as you eat nutritious whole grains, and veggies, and vitamins, along with eggs and fish and poultry in moderation, exercise, and dont endulge in harmful vices. youll be in perfect health

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