What the most fucked up thing you've done?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Mogwai, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. One time in 10th grade I dumped food on this chubby fag during lunch.

    9th grade, was in Spanish and the girl infront of me's phone was in her backpack so I stole it.

    This guy dropped his phone in class and didn't know it so I took it and asked all the females for naked pics

    I had a party at my house and my friend who was kind of a dickhead bought 2 bottles of jack so I stole 1.

    I didn't have any cigarettes so I walked down the street to my friends house and stole his moms pack off his back table.

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  2. i think the worst thing i ever did was to short these two girls i used to sell to. i shorted them every single time cause they were just really really stupid, and couldn't drive so i had to deliver. i know this is probably the worst thing posted in this thread since we are all smokers :confused_2:
  3. a few years back, me and a friend (at the time) used to drive around the neighborhood, i was driving and he was in the passenger seat, and he would smash peoples mirrors with this big metal pole, we smashed about 10 mirrors on peoples cars.
    (with same friend) we went over to this kids house we didnt like and he smashed a glass window, it shattered and made a huge noise, we drove off in hysterical laughter.
    then a few days later the guy whose window he smashed, came over to my house and spray painted on the side of my house, when i found out i went over his house to beat the shit out of him and he wouldnt come out of his house, so i kicked his letterbox over and his parents were threatening to call the police.
    I did this exact same thing, we would rub eachother when we were probably 6 or 7, then in the 5th grade she gave me a hand job(I didnt orgasm obviously) and I tried putting my dick in her it didnt work though.
  5. I use to think I was crazy when I would get similar ideas. It feels good to realize im not the only one who thought of stuff like this.
  6. When I was in the 2nd grade I took a kid who had spina bifida walking cane from him and made him chase me because his walk was funny. I know I was just a kid but damn thinking back on it still makes me feel bad. As young as I was I could still tell it really hurt him. I carry alot of guilt for this to this day.
    The most fucked up thing i've done is probably just the sheer amount of lying I did to my parents growing up, I obviously regret it being in my late twenties!
    I remember when I was maybe 5 or 6 me, my best friend and his older brother used to catch frogs in a bucket. If youve ever played with a frog you'd know that if you rub its lower back it will immediately jump forward. So being the little assholes that we were, we'd take the frogs onto the third story balcony of my friends house and well....im guessing you can fill the rest in.
  7. In 2nd grade me and my best friend would walk to his house at lunch cuz it was nearby. On the way back one time we saw this old lady moving incredibly slow up the sidewalk across the street, we wasted some time until we saw her go into the house and then we waited a few more minutes....then we rang her doorbell and ran

    Probably the most gangster shit ever

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  8. Stolen from many stores when i was a minor.. a few friends and acquaintances also..
    done alot of drugs..
    dropped out of high school grade 12 ( parents split and i was living on my own at the time so had to work)
    dated this hoe for two years and thought i was inlove :s  (was on some serious shit hahahaha)
    Went car hopping (breaking into cars).. worst was i once stold something from a dead man it was like his grave certificate in a brief case.. but i had the heart when i realised the next day after opening the case cuz it was locked too put it back the next night by breaking back into the car LOL
    also almost threw a desk at a teacher once.. cuz she was singling me out infront of all my classmates when there was kids way worse than me and she called all my friends parents saying i was a bad kid which i really wasnt at the time.. anyway my friend stopped me and she got suspended without pay and i got suspended also but i cant remember why :bongin: she didnt know i was gonna chuck a desk at her so thats not why haha
  9. egging peoples houses.. smashed a pumpkin onn somones front door and car..
    flamming bag of dog shit..
    haha ohh man..
    I was a good kid..
    picked on this girl in elementary but every one did ( feel bad she was always picked on and it was pretty bad)
    uhhhmmm... stole my friends ipod to buy drugs my gf at the time convinced me we needed money for some unmentionables and being in that state of mind i didnt think much of it and sold it to some guy., I DID HOWEVER END UP TELLING HIM THE NEXT DAY cuz the dude was like a bro to me and even got him a new one shortly after..
  10. put this asshole in the hospital cuz my ex cheated on me..
    wow this is better than confession :)
    havent been too church since i dont even fuckin know.. and i was born catholic and baptised and all that junk.. but dont believe in that crap
  11. Many, many unmentionables.

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  12. i never understood the whole "my gf cheated on me so im going to beat up the guy" thing. why would you beat up the guy when its your girl that cheated on you lol.
  13. Dealer shorted me about a full eighth on an ounce purchase once, so I got really fucking mad and broke into his place, stole a few ounces of weed and one of his bongs for good measure.
    Still feel bad about it, only thing I can say is the guy was a scumbag and had been shorting me for a long time, just got a scale and weighed that O, was literally like 24 grams.... fuck you bud.
    Thing is i'm not that type of guy, never broke the law before that time besides well possessing weed. this fucker had it coming though.
  14. because i dont hit women.. that answer your question? lol she even hit me i had my friend who was a girl hold her back
  15. I came here to post the most fucked up thing I've ever done but after reading through these posts and seeing how tame they are I think I'll just keep quiet . . . . .
  16. #860 Infinite Experience, Nov 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2014
    I used to steal liquor from the supermarkets when i was a teen, I eventually became quite the Kleptomaniac and it went from every once in a while to me stealing 3-4 bottles a weekend. Now that I look back on it, it was extremely stupid, in the long run I gave myself irrational anxiety and paranoia about getting caught.

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