Maoist Struggle in Nepal (Warning Graphic)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by BuddhistStoner, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. #1 BuddhistStoner, Jul 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2011
    ‪maoist struggle in nepal(q)‬‏ - YouTube
    (Warning Graphic)
    Maoism has been growing in the peasantry in Nepal. Maoist rebels have a following of many common people. They continue to struggle against the ruling class there. Notice the inclusion of women to liberate themselves from the shakles of religion and capitalism.
  2. There should be a warning about graphic content in that video, because it begins by showing images of people with their heads split open.
  3. yea sorry about that. I am baked out of my mind right now and didnt realize to put that. thanks for the heads up
  4. ya... didnt like 50 million chinese die under mao? great leader....
  5. and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? right.... BTW please ask that question to the US government the leader of the free world.

    Anyways back to the topic please
  6. so because the US government lies that somehow means Mao is innocent?
    just wanna see where your coming from, proof? any links you have that contradict whats been written about?
  7. I've already covered this in the thread on Socialism. Read the links there.
  8. There was a Maoist movement in Nepal until it was stabbed in the back by leadership that lacked proper vision. There is no leadership with proper vision in Nepal to carry through on the tremendous gains that were made before the leadership came up to the limits of their understanding on how to propel the revolution forward. The revolution in Nepal was always bogged down in nationalism and unless leadership with proper vision emerges all we can see come about in Nepal is another Cuba (spit) or a post-revolutionary (post-1976) mini-China (puke).

    Still to this day though I listen to the music from Eight Glorious Years a lot (highly recommended documentary link pasted below), and of course would love to see things change for the better in Nepal, but as of now there is as little hope of there being a Maoist revolution in Nepal as there is basically anywhere else in the world. The most promising situation is that unfolding in India led by the CPI(Maoist), yet they're still bogged down in nationalism as well.

    Eight Glorious Years of Nepali People's War : Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
  9. Whut. You support violence, love Mao and while not support US gov. They are the same thing.

    Your logic reason doesn't make any sense.
  10. Dear God that is the lamest thing you can say these days. Because it has definitely been over used. Actually a few years before they did have the means and ability to make some. Read up a little before making stupid anti Iraq comments.

    As for the post, the intro to that video is fucked up :(
  11. Sooooo what is this video supposed to teach me?

    I saw some black screens with text from a language i don't know, and i saw some clips of warfare.

    No information about what their struggle is about, who is a part of it, or anything.

    Just clips of violence.
  12. Op blames capitalism for the struggling of class and led to ruling system. He failed to understand that China was under rule of communist which lead to dictatorship. His logic reason doesn't sound.

    Is this op trolling?
  13. If you would read Marx and Trotsky you would realize that there has never been a true communist society. Maoism like Stalinism is just a cult of personality with leaders who only understand that violence = fear=power, not a dictatorship of the prolateriate.

  14. Then when will it sound?
  15. First of all, there is no violent Maoist struggle going on right now, the Maoist have joined the mainstream politics of the country. They, for a time, had much popular support in the country, and even won elections democratically. However, they abandoned their positions and gave way to different power to parties that LOST the elections. Kind of a pussy move IMO.

    Also, please don't glorify the Nepalese Civil War, I know people who have been killed on both sides. I agree with a lot of their plans to rid the country of feudalism and to modernize the country, however I am less willing to sympathize with people that kill innocent bystanders. The Nepalese Civil War was basically a war of two equal evils. The government was corrupt and inefficient, and had it coming. The Maoists preyed on the injustices in our society and used for their political gain.
  16. I agree that the OP did not do well in explaining much of anything about the situation in Nepal. I also can tell from a screename “BuddhistStoner” that this person isn't a seasoned communist scholar by any means. Forgive them, we are all learning here and the OP has definitely demonstrated that they‘re able to change their mind if they went from Buddha to Mao.

    I do not support violence, that's why I'm a Maoist. As soon as we end capitalism, I'm becoming a hippy. There is different kinds of violence. Violence used to stop a rape is different than the violence of the rapist. People don't say, “oh, lets not stop that rape because then we'd be just as bad as the rapist”. We live in a world that has long passed the ability to produce adequate food, clean water, shelter, and health care for all, yet see people dying all around from treatable conditions. The world doesn't have to be like this. The capitalist system is violence on a whole other level, it's grinding people up as we speak in a thousand ways, and sending all-too-many people to an early grave. Violence used in service of ridding the world of the horrendous conditions that is the daily reality for the vast majority of humanity is liberating violence, not the oppressive violence carried out daily in countless ways by the policies of the capitalist class dictatorship, and through the armed forces under their command, in service of maintaining their elevated $tatus in society.

    I don't have time to type the book that is needed to properly get into everything here, but I want to speak briefly to the “Mao killed millions” capitalist class slogan. Learning about Mao and what really went down during the revolution in China from school textbooks and such is the same as going to a preacher to learn about atheism. Yes there were some mistakes made during the Chinese revolution and we who see communism as a science and not a doctrine can learn a lot from those mistakes, but do note that there is a tremendous amount of distortion and uncontextualized BS floating about regarding the Chinese revolution (1949-1976). I recommend you watch the talk by Professor Dongping Han linked below, who lived in China during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and indeed the whole conference that talk was a part of to hear other first-hand testimony.

    REDISCOVERING CHINAS CULTURAL REVOLUTION 1b. Dongping Han QA : Revolution Books : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

    There's just no way to properly dig into these things in a short conversation (if we could there would be a lot more communists), but I've used the term “capitalist class dictatorship” and most people are not going to understand what I mean by that, so at risk of derailing this thread I'm going to paste a paper I've been working on here that begins to lay the foundation for why it is necessary to have am armed force under command of the common people for there to be any fundamental change for the better in the world.


    (incomplete rough draft, no title or proper intro yet)

    Labor is the only thing that produces wealth. Over the centuries humanity's labor has produced tremendous wealth, but due to the workings of the capitalist system that wealth is currently concentrated in the hands of a class of people who run a “democracy” theater show, but who actually rule over the world via dictatorship.

    We live under the dictatorship of the capitalist class; failure to recognize that fact, which is necessarily coupled with a failure to properly understand the nature of the capitalist system, will guarantee that you cannot act to fundamentally change the world. Here I will dig into the various mechanisms that the capitalist class can use to maintain their dictatorship. This paper will be more about identifying the nature of the capitalist dictatorship, in the next paper I will talk more about how that dictatorship can and must be eliminated.

    The dictatorship of the capitalist class flows from the fact that individuals are allowed to own the means to produce the goods that are required of us to survive. They control the flow and price of goods, and decide whether or not goods even get produced at all. As long as individuals are allowed to own the means of production then maintaining their dictatorship is just a matter of pushing buttons for them.

    It's helpful to look at some examples of ways in which people try to “regulate” the capitalists and how they fail to pose a threat to the capitalist dictatorship.

    You constantly hear the liberals preaching about how we should raise taxes on the rich, increase minimum wage, better benefits for workers, etc.. They put forth these requests thinking that this will somehow help the common people, but the capitalist class just laughs at such things. If you raise taxes on the capitalist class they simply raise prices. There will never be a time when minimum wage is $20 an hour, but the costs for the goods that are required of us to survive remains the same. If you piss the capitalists off too bad they'll just roll back production, roll back jobs, raise prices, move operations to other countries, etc.. until they either succeed in getting you to fully serve their interests or in creating such bad conditions in society that the common people turn against you.

    So essentially what the liberals are doing when they request for the capitalist class to be taxed in one way or the other (higher taxes, minimum wage increase, better worker benefits, unions etc..) is begging them for money. It's no different than the logic that a chattel slave should've just tried to talk the slaveowners out of their situations. Sure, talking to them about it might do a small amount of good on some level, but it'll never fundamentally change the situation. Furthermore, talking to them will not be what forces them to toss us a few more crumbs. They toss crumbs when they feel that resistance is growing to their system in such a way as that it could affect their profits, or when they feel that tossing more crumbs will increase work productivity. Of course, sooner or later, these crumbs are just extracted from the common people in other ways as the capitalist vampires perfect their mechanisms to extract as much of our blood as they can without having us drop dead in mass or refusing to willfully produce more people in our social situation (those who own little to no means of production).

    Many think they can regulate capitalism by voting out the bad capitalists and their $elected spokespeople the capitalist politicians. First, we don't get to pick capitalists. Any capitalist who cannot or will not exploit the Earth and its inhabitants to the maximum degree possible will be pushed aside by one who can and will. Capitalists who are the most ruthless in their exploitation are rewarded with the ability to expand and to set prices, even to such an extent that they could take a loss in order to force competitors out.

    Also, we don't pick politicians under capitalism either. Capitalist politicians are $elected largely by those who're the most ruthless in their exploitation of the Earth and its inhabitants, who're also the ones who can afford to fund campaigns and the entire machinery that propagates and enforces the dominant rich White culture and methods of thinking throughout society. Capitalist $elections are simply an episode in their “democracy” theater show. No candidate who does not represent, at extreme least, their most fundamental interest, which is maintaining their ownership of the means of production, will never be $elected. Capitalist politicians are $elected based upon how well the capitalist class believes they will lead people to serve their interests.

    Sometimes its in the interests of the capitalist class to $elect more “progressive” candidates. Such was the case when they realized that mass resistance was growing to them going full-steam ahead with empire-building, ergo they felt they needed to toss us some crumbs to calm us down, but they realized that just the thought of more crumbs was enough to squash enough resistance that they didn't need to throw us any and could continue full-steam ahead in their mission to create an unchallengeable worldwide empire. Candidates like a Kuchinich, Nader, or McKinney (who do not represent the fundamental interests of the common people, but who do support policies that would make the capitalist class have to push a few more buttons in order to extract their fill of our blood) are deemed to be illegitimate and of course their campaigns won't be funded by the big bucks. Furthermore, as I've spoken to, even if they were able to get $elected somehow they will be forced to serve the interests of the capitalist class or the capitalist class will create a “the sky is falling” atmosphere and succeed in rallying and strengthening their fascist base (Christian fascists, “proud to be an Americans” and generally those who're under heavy influence of the rich White culture), which we see happening now even against the extremely small amount of crumbs that the Obama regime was talking about throwing to us.

    It's important to understand how the capitalist class uses their elevated $tatus to bring people to embrace the rich White culture of selfishness, exploitation, and destruction. They are able to maintain overwhelming control of everything that people look to when determining what is “normal” in society. We are social animals who do not wish to step so far away from “normal” so as to be shunned by those surrounding us and/or to risk our ability to secure our survival. Here in the US, by overwhelmingly controlling TV stations, newspapers, textbooks, etc.. the capitalist class can't get everyone to want to be “normal,” but by playing on our natural fears as social animals they drag society in ways to serve their interests. Of course there are people who cast aside that fear and we sometimes call these people revolutionaries, and the capitalist class calls them terrorists.

    (Next: on the role of the armed forces under command of the capitalist class and into how laws are shaped under capitalism)
  17. You can't be budda if you support MAO.
  18. Suprisingly, no he isn't.
  19. #19 BuddhistStoner, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2011
    First of all, why are you being so harsh and acting like you know me? You do not know me. You do not know how much I study DAILY on Communism. Secondly I AM NOT A BUDDHIST. Who the FUCK is a BUDDHIST that smokes weed? Its a fuckin joke get over it.

    You with your arrogant attitude act like you know everything about Maoism. I already knew of the 'revisionist' hijacking in Nepal. I was posting the video of their struggle before revisionism. I follow the Maoist revolutionaries in India also. I also know that there HAS NEVER BEEN A COMMUNIST NATION. When have I EVER SAID OTHERWISE?

    Quit acting like your some kind of Maoist scholar. I am a communist. I follow Marxism-Lennism-Maoism. If you want to claim im a fake a 'troll' then by all means do so. I dont give a fuck. I would expect this from the Libertarians and Republicans on this forum, but not from a fellow Maoist. But hey I guess the world is going to hell after all and we on the left have no real unity. Thanks comrade for your support to your fellow brother. Its all good though.

    Welcome to grasscity by the way. lovely intro

  20. #20 BuddhistStoner, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2011
    Tell that to the Dalai Lama who wrote a Buddhist Hymn in praise of Mao.

    Check this out also

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