Synesthesia..Do you have it?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TesseLated, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. I didnt know this existed...maybe some of you percieve things like this....Synethesia is
    the automatic conjoining of two or more senses ....I'd say Im way more likely to do this when I'm HIGH...which is why I thought you might be into taking the test for it.

    Maybe I'll send him an email that suggests he get people stoned

    Take a quick test to see if you could be sign-up shit to deal on the area of 'not sure' to take the test for it..

    Its from the guy I posted about on Colbert....has his own lab...


    ^^He's doing research on Time Perception and other topics...NeuroLaw....didnt know that existed

    From site:

    We're running research on how jurors make decisions. Have 10 minutes and want to play juror?
  2. yea....forgot about dre is green
  3. ^^Lol...

    If you have the Science channel a doc. about reality is coming on at 9
  4. time zone?
  5. Symptoms of Epileptic synesthesia -

    yeah ...some of us live with it....
    i actually get hallucinations of all 5 senses....

  6. I can feel scents. It only started to happen when I started to smoke pot.
  7. Everybody who speaks a language experiences synesthesia.
  8. Got to love tripping out on a daily basis
  9. psychedelics cause synesthesia so advising people to do it stoned would be counterproductive
  10. Did you take that 10 question screening test....You may be able to contribute to that research in some way. That's the reason for the course.
  11. Haha..yeah I was joking about that...I'm pretty sure they want their subjects straight..unfortunately.

    It IS an interesting side effect though...

  12. It was EST..

    They gave a great explanation/showing of the double slit experiment...and the evolution of quantum physics...

    That Wormhole with Morgan Freeman came on...THAT was great....They are actually working on building a stable

  13. yup.....
    shit they already got a part of my brain to study.....:eek:
  14. Nearly everyone who's ever been involved with music/audio uses visualization of aural sensory perceptions, myself included.

    Synesthesia is something that can be consciously practiced. It doesn't always have to "just happen" to you.
  15. I don't have it exactly how they described, but when I first heard about it when I was maybe 14, I always thought I had it.
    For instance, every song I know has its own colours and a textures in my head. So when I am on my iPod I don't read a songs title and imagine the song, I imagine how it looks in my head.
    This has proved very beneficial to me so far as a musician. For instance I have been given praise for my mixing and mastering and my ability to equalize instruments to make them sound pleasing to the ear. I use the images in my head as a basis for manipulating the sounds to make them appealing. If that makes any sense...
  16. Exactly. I think that some audio-visual synesthesia in musicians/audio-techs is the rule, not the exception.

    Even your most-basic EQ is going to incorporate some level of synesthesia, with the lower frequencies on the left (in this country....perhaps EQ's work differently in countries with other reading-orders in their dominant language.)

    Reading is also inherently synesthetic, as you're translating visual information to aural information. What I'm getting at it is that I don't think it's really a "dysfunction" of the brain, I think it's quite normal and far more prevalent than most seem to think. Everybody does it, to some extent.
  17. ^^Well, its not called dys-synesthesia....I think they are just interested in those who do it on a regular basis for those that combine alll senses like this...Thats what I got from taking the screening though...maybe not...

    To 420...that is a great ability....I can do it on purpose, but I think they are interested in daily experience type you described....Take it and mail it to 'em...

    And I agree that reading is a process whereby you translate symbols (alphabetic, phonemic) into, ultimately, visualizations (when not reading aloud) ....

    When its seamless, you have that 'movie' going on in your head. This occurs with natural readers, but dyslexics have to be taught how to do it for the most part. Due to non-fluency in decoding, many dont realize this can be done when they are young.

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