Simple Sigs.

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Scary Hairy, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Yep, you read the title :wave:
    Get your simple sigs here!

    I don't make anything special, or hardcore or anything just 5-10 minute sigs.
    If you're interested just post here or send me a message, whatever you prefer.
    If you ask for something too complicated for me, i'll simply decline.
    This is Simple Sigs, not EPIC sigs lol.

    Here are some examples of my stuff.
    (these images aren't sized for GC)






    Anyone is welcome, of course but i have to follow some rules of the forum for sizing. So come and get 'em!
  2. more examples...



    come on, you know u want one!!
  3. I really like this one, you should throw my name in the top left in like a faded light blue. IF THATS NOT TOO COMPLICATED lol.

    Where is that character from though? His head and cloak and everything look so familiar.
  4. that one i don't remember, it was a request from a friend of mine and he's the one who gave me the render, i just did the background.

    i'll do that for u, but i'll do it tomorrow 'cause it's late :)
  5. Ok, ill be postin to remind you!
  6. ok good.
    i only have 2 other sigs lined up so i'll definitely have it ready for u tomorrow.
  7. #7 veeval, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
    could you put a simple thin glowy/smokey white outline around the text in the sig i already have? it took me all night to get this far. sad lol. my brain hurts. i'll stick with pencils and paint haha
    but if you could do that it'd be awesome:smoke:


  8. i had to re-size the image 'cause we're only allowed 300x125 pixels
    and the top left corner doesnt have much room for text...
    so i guess take it or leave it lol.
    here's 3 to choose from.

    Attached Files:

    • s1.png
      File size:
      57.1 KB
    • s2.png
      File size:
      56.6 KB
    • s3.png
      File size:
      58.3 KB

  9. no problem.
    coming right up
  10. These are some nice sigs. Mind explaining how you manage to create the first sig and the Johnny cage one in photoshop or what tools you used?



  11. I think it's Sylvanas who is a warcraft character...I could be wrong though
  12. Can you use this picture and put my name(in lowercase letters) at the bottom in white text?


    Much appreciated and reps your way. :)
  13. Truthfully i just used Paint and other free websites for fonts for those 2 sigs.
  14. oh okay thanks :)

  15. no problem, thanks for coming. :wave:

  16. you too, thanks

  17. lol simple enough :)


    thats a cool picture btw

    ok veeval, you're next

  18. that pic has a black transparency so i can't do any editing to it.

    do you remember what the name of the font was? or do you have another one in mind?
  19. the font was called dust mites
  20. hello bruh!

    mind makin me a simple signature patnah?

    here is the picture.


    and i would love to have my username "laidbacksmoker"

    on the middle bottom where it says "-under the world-"

    would that be possible?

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