Losing Weight

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by FuckBeerGetWeed, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Lol you're kidding me right?

    Fruits and veg improve digestion, clears out the lymphatic system, regenerates cells, detoxs all the organs, gets glands working properly, purifies the blood, and many many other things.

    All of these are related to weight loss. The body is a system and a machine. Its all related. If you improve one thing you will improve something else atleast a little bit.
  2. #22 philevans1992, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    You clearly don't understand the body as a machine since in one of your previous posts you literally said "forget about calories"....

    Yes you are right the body is a machine. A machine runs on fuel. If you feul your bodu with an excess of calories, it will increase in size. If you don't give your body enough feul it will decrease in size. If you think disregarding calories will help in weight loss, how could u possibly say you have any understanding on the basics of nutrition?
  3. #23 Storm Crow, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2011
    I dont see how telling him to eat "healthy" fats and to eat 6 times a day , or to eat lots of fruits and vegetables is going to help him lose any weight.

    Healthy fats- you didn't read the article, did you?- you just read the title and jumped to a conclusion. :cool: You won't learn much like that! :p

    Eating 6 times a day (SMALL portions) is recommended by doctors as a way for diabetics to normalize their blood sugar and lose weight. I am diabetic, so I know this from actual experience! Both my doctor and the dietitian he recommended suggested it.

    And eating lots of fruits and veggies is an excellent way to cut calories! You really need to learn a bit about nutrition! Let's start you out with something I made for the elementary school kids years ago- even the kindergarteners understood it! :rolleyes:

    Apple Caloric Equivalency Chart
    (1 apple = 80 calories)

    1 2.75 ounce bag of Potato chips.................................5 1/2 apples

    1 2 ounce (tiny) Snickers Candy bar...........................3 1/2 apples

    1 2.5 ounce bag of Oreos bite-sized cookies...............2 apples

    1 Twinkie..........................................................about 2 apples

    1 Apple Fritter.............................................................3 3/4 apples

    1 Pudding cup...............................................................2 apples

    2 cups Pop Secret Popcorn............................................1 apple

    8 ounces (1 cup) Jello with sugar..................................2 apples

    40 ounces (5 cups) of Sugar-free Jello..........................1 apple

    8 ounces (1 cup) Fruit Yogurt.............................about 3 apples

    10 Wheat Thin Crackers.................................................1 apple

    Those snacks can really put on the pounds! And which will fill you up longer? 10 "Wheat Thins" or one apple? (It blows my mind watching "Wheat Thin" commercials- they are trying to sell them as a "healthy food"! :p When they are loaded with sugar and fat!)

    And when you eat yogurt, get plain and add fruits and stevia- that makes it into a healthy snack, and not overly-sugared sour milk! Think about what you are eating!

    My kids bought ice cream yesterday- I abstained, instead I grabbed a frozen banana, added milk and frozen berries, stevia and lemon juice, blenderized it- and made a soft serve "ice cream" that was both delicious and healthy!

    Learn to cook from scratch! It is the only way to avoid getting stuff in your food that you don't want! Commercial food is filled with so much crap that it isn't funny! The American diet is KILLING US! :eek: It also makes us crazy because our brains do not function right without Omega 3! (You likely won't read this one either, but I'll put the text in for the smart kids!)

    “Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions.”

    The corollaries of the obesity epidemic that plagues developed societies are malnutrition and resulting biochemical imbalances. Low levels of essential n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) have been linked to neuropsychiatric diseases, but the underlying synaptic alterations are mostly unknown. We found that lifelong n-3 PUFAs dietary insufficiency specifically ablates long-term synaptic depression mediated by endocannabinoids in the prelimbic prefrontal cortex and accumbens. In n-3-deficient mice, presynaptic cannabinoid CB(1) receptors (CB(1)Rs) normally responding to endocannabinoids were uncoupled from their effector G(i/o) proteins. Finally, the dietary-induced reduction of CB(1)R functions in mood-controlling structures was associated with impaired emotional behavior. These findings identify a plausible synaptic substrate for the behavioral alterations caused by the n-3 PUFAs deficiency that is often observed in western diets.

    Since most of you don't speak "Sci", here's Granny's translation – “The US diet sucks big time and we are fat, undernourished, and crazy because of it. We get WAY too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. Not getting enough Omega 3 can make you crazy because without it, the CB1 cannabinoid receptors in your brain aren't made right- a chunk that is supposed to be attached, isn't! Broken receptors give you “impaired emotional behavior”. So we think it's the low Omega 3 diet is making the US totally nuts!” :eek:

    Diet plays a far larger part in our mental and physical health than most folks believe! Learn the facts, EDUCATE YOURSELF! :yay:

    Granny :wave:
  4. replace the steak at night with a chicken breast... preferably skinless. but even with the skin it would be better than steak.
  5. #25 philevans1992, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I didnt need to read the article as i've been linked to it dozens of times before by people trying to have simolar arguments with me. Just because it's an article doesn't mean its reputable. I won't go further than saying it doesn't cite any actual studies, and it is featured on a site that sells hemp products....

    And while diabetics may benefit from eating small meals throughout the day ( i really dont know much about diabetes), there are absolutely no reputable studies that show that eating small meals aids in weight loss.

    As far as the fruit thing, i appreciate your condescending breakdown of foods for me but i promise you my IQ is above 75, i am not retarded. If you compare a food that is wholly made of sugars (carbohydrates) with a food that consists mostly of fats, obviously the food with carbohydrates (which is 4 calories per gram), is going to be lower in calories than a food of the same weight in fat (9 calories per gram). If you have to make a chart to understand this then maybe you are the one with the learning diasbility. Fruits may be more satieting than fats, but protein is generally considered more satiating than fruits. 8 oz. of plain chicken breast is enough for a whole meal for some, and it has about 300 calories. However, this is still mostly irrelavan to weight loss. He didnt ask on advice on ways to be more satieted throughout the day. He asked how to lose weight, which is a very simply matter that you and many others try to overcomplicate in order to justify obstaining from processed foods, and so that you can vent your "vast" knowledge of nutrition that you mostly pick up from biased articles and word of mouth.

    Yes, omega 3 fats are good for you. But so are omega 6 fats. Hell, theres no (conclusive) evidence that ANY fats are bad for you. Theres no reason that one should limit any food from their diet. If anythings going to make you go crazy, its not going to be an omega 3 deficit, its going to be obsessing over what foods you have to eat and what foods you can never eat. Every food has macronutrients and micronutrients, and is therefore healthy to an extent. Its a matter of moderation.

    OP, if you want to lose weight, figure out your basic metabolic rate (its an easy google), mulitply your activity factor, and eat at about a 500 calorie deficit until you've hit your target weight loss. Dont cut out any foods you love. As long as you eat an adequate amount of protein and fats, you can eat WHATEVER you want and still lose weight.
  6. #26 Storm Crow, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2011
    I post up news articles because most folks are not comfortable with PubMed studies! And it is not that Omega 6 is bad for you, it is that our American diet is so overloaded with Omega 6 that it throws things out of balance! This leads to many disorders, both physical and mental.

    The imbalance-

    Importance of a balanced omega 6/omega 3 ratio for the maintenance of health: Nutritional recommendations. (2011 - Pubmed)
    Importance of a balanced omega 6/omega 3 ratio for... [Nutr Hosp. 2011 Mar-Apr] - PubMed result

    "The modification of dietary patterns has led to a change in fatty acid consumption, with an increase in the consumption of ω-6 fatty acids and a marked reduction in the consumption of ω-3 fatty acids. This in turn has given rise to an imbalance in the ω-6/ω-3 ratio, which is now very different from the original 1:1 ratio of humans in the past. Given the involvement of ω-6 and ω-3 essential fatty acids in disease processes, the present article examines changes in dietary patterns that have led to the present reduction in the consumption of ω-3 essential fatty acids, and to study the importance of the ω-6/ω-3 balance in maintaining good health. In addition, an assessement is made of the established recommendations for preventing a poor intake of ω-3 essential fatty acids, and the possible options for compensating the lack of these fatty acids in the diet."

    Mental effects-

    Essential Fatty acids and psychiatric disorders. (2011 - PubMed)
    Essential Fatty acids and psychiatric disorders. [Nutr Clin Pract. 2011] - PubMed result

    "The literature shows that ω-3 fatty acids provide numerous health benefits and that changes in their concentration in organisms are connected to a variety of psychiatric symptoms and disorders, including stress, anxiety, cognitive impairment, mood disorders, and schizophrenia."

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated essential fatty acid status as a predictor of future suicide risk.

    "A low docosahexaenoic acid percentage and low omega-3 proportions of lipid profile predicted risk of suicidal behavior among depressed patients over the 2-year period."

    I love GC, but I also spend a LOT of time at PubMed!
  7. #27 philevans1992, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    So then does this mean that you admit that this is all irrelavent to weight loss, considering none of these mention it?
  8. #28 FuckBeerGetWeed, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Seriously? I can eat whatever i want if i eat 500 calories less than my body
    needs? Why 500? Would the weight loss go faster if i say, did a 800 calorie deficit? But how am i supposed to count the calories of everything im eating? Ahhhh its so fucking frustrating. And how long would it take to lose the weight if i stuck to it?
  9. #29 philevans1992, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    A 500 calorie deficit is optimal because it minimizes muscle loss and going more than that can cause fat loss to actually stall. However, keep in mind you will have to recalculate your needs as you lose weight

    Ij the beginning its a pain in the ass im not gonna lie. You will jeed to weigh out meats, etc. However, after a week or 2 of doing it you will get sort of a 6th sense for it, and be able to approximate for yourself.

    There are 3500 calories in a pound, so at 500 cals under a day you will lose a pound a week. It may sound slow but losing weight always is if you want it to really work.

    Best of luck
  10. Also, i'm assuming that being a male, you care about muscle, so be sure to get enough protein every day. On a cut you want about 1.5g per lb of bodyweight to retain as much muscle as possible

  11. No...that's why I said avoid counting calories.

    You can't eat half a chocolate bar, a couple spoonfulls of ice cream, and a bunch of unhealthy processed foods but keep your calories under the limit. You are not doing yourself any good that way. You will end up gaining back whatever very little weight you have lost. Plus you will not feel better and you will still be unhealthy. You will get bloated all the time, you digestive system will be totally out of whack, your colon and other organs will still be clogged up with a bunch of junk. You will still have inflammation everywhere

    Trust me and the other guys on this. Eat atleast 80% Fruits and veg for just for ONE month and then come back and tell us your results. You will be down 20lbs, if not more. I would say more like 30 lbs depending on how much you exercise.

    Plus it's the summer and most fruit is fucking delicious right now. For breakfast have a smoothie or a bowl of mixed fruit. For lunch haves huge salad with fruits and veg and squeeze an orange over the top for dressing (don't use ANY dressing from the store, they are all terrible for you!). And for dinner have some chopped veggies and dip em in some homemade dipping sauce.

    If you really wanna get into it suggest juicing green leafy veggies everyday and drinking that. Also make some green smoothies. You can find all kinds of recipes on YouTube and google.

    Just search for "raw food recipes" or "green juice".

    You don't have to go all out either...but please just eat you raw fruits and green leafy veggies!

  12. #33 philevans1992, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    If he eats 80% fruits and veggies he'll lose w/e muscle he has and will be way less healthy. Your body needs fats and proteins, which there are very little of in fruits and veggies.

    U say he will gain weight if he eats ice cream and choclate but you dont seem to be able to explain why... So im curious: on my last cut from 160-150, i had fast food 3 or 4 times a week, ate chocolate, ice cream, and tons of other junk food fairly often, and managed to lose the 10 lbs with almost no muscle loss whatsoever. I also had a physical during mid cut and was told im in perfect health. So when exactly am i going to get fat and unhealthy...?

    I dont see how you can possibly think you are more knowledgable on this process when you are being so vague. Clearly this guy is having trouble losing weight, so telling him he doesnt need to count calories is going to hurt him. If you wanna follow this whole "detox" fad, then thats your perogative (there is very little scientific evidence supporting all these toxins and junk in your system that you speak of), but dont act like it preceeds the very basics of nutrition.

    Try reading a textbook.

    OP, if you need any more guidance PM me, id be glad to link you to some helpful articles that will make weight loss both simple and maybe even enjoyable.

  13. Lol I never said he wont lose weight...I said he wont be healthy. What happens INSIDE you is much more important than what is on the outside. If you eat for your health and the inside of your body, you will get your organs, glands, and cells working properly again while simultaneously lose weight FASTER.

    You don't need many fats while detoxing...a few avacados here and there and some nuts and seeds can be thrown in once in awhile. You don't much protein either while detoxing. I'm eating only fruits and veggies now but I workout everyday and I'm not losing any muscle mass whatsoever. I'm actually gaining muscle and strength. Maybe not a freakish amount of muscle, but I don't want that. I don't wanna look like a bulky tough guy lol

    Bodybuilders are not healthy for the most part. Sure, they LOOK healthy, but inside there is not a lot of good going on. I haven't researches this yet, but I would bet that a lot of bodybuilders have a lot of health complications later in life.

    You want to balance looks with health.

    Also there is plenty of evidence that your colon and other organs gather toxins in them lol. The one of the first thing any doctor will recommend to a patient who wants to lose weight is a colon cleanse. This is common knowledge.

    You say you know a lot, yet you say eating sweets and fast food is not bad. Lmao I don't really have anything left to say to you after that...
  14. #36 philevans1992, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I mean you said that the small amount of weight he loses he will put back on, so id say thats equivalent to not losing weight... Amd there's no reason he can't be healthy and still eat the food he likes. Studies that show "junk foods" leading to bad health are almost always correlative, meaning that its not necessarily the cause. In recent years studies have shown that bad health is mostly related to overeating, which is only related because people who's diets mostly consist of "junk foods" tend to eat more calories throughout the day. Have you ever seen Supersize Me? Its total bullshit, the guy is eating 3000 calories over maintenance a day. That will cause health problems, not eating mcdonalds.

    If you can show me any healthy diet that somehow magically makes you lose weight faster than the basic science behind nutrition states, id be very surprised. The fact that you say you can lose weight faster with just fruits and veggies implies that you are eating more than 500 cals under maintenance, which is unhealthy in itself.

    And a healthy diet doesnt "throw fats in every once in a while". The body has a minimum amount of fats it requires per day that needs to be met, as well as a minimum amount of proteins. It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to gain muscle mass without adequate protein, although it is possible to get stronger. I seriously doubt that you aren't losing muscle mass. Then again, i doubt you'd be able to tell because you seem to know absolutely nothing about bodybuilding.

    I actually lol'ed when you made a "bet" that bodybuilders have health complications later in life. Actually, since bodybuilders sole jobs are to sculpt their body, they tend to be educated in nutrition, unlike you. And (i havent reasearches this yet but) id bet that most bodybuilders are alot healthier than you, myself included.

    And you get a colon cleanse because of excess feces built up in the colon. Feces, not toxins. You don't even know what toxins are so stop talking about them.

    If you are going to he arrogant and ignore controlled scientific studies, be my guest, but its just plain silly to argue against proven science with your vague, unproven, mostly retarded opinion.
  15. #37 budsmokn420, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2011
    Shit is toxins, no?

    And mcdonalds is good for you? Lmao :laughing: sorry, no comment. :D :laughing:

    I guess I'll just repost this one of many examples.

    The Raw Food Trucker

    Also, you don't want animal proteins. You want to build your own proteins from amino acids found in plants, nuts and seeds. To get protein from animal products your body must break down that protein and then take in the amino acids and build up your own proteins. It takes more energy than just getting the amino acids from plants. And also you want to focus on detoxing and losing fat first, than gaining muscle mass after your at the desired bodyfat.

    And the detox isn't a long term diet...it's temporary. I know your body needs fat for the long term but while losing weight and detoxing you don't need. Maybe you should research fasting and raw foods first before you come to conclusions.

    Reading government funded textbooks isn't going to help you find the truth...
  16. Fuck im confused. I'm not sure who's advice to follow (not that both of you haven't been helpful, thankyou very much for all your comments)
  17. #40 philevans1992, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    hahahahahahahhaha i see where ur coming from now.... Not gonna bother arguing with a conspiracy theorist.

    Have fun being weak, frail, and surprisingly unhealthy for the rest of ur life. :)

    O, almost forgot. obnoxious too

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