The Gaza Freedom Flotilla 2 thread...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. Damn, sounds like the flotillas been delayed. Cue smokinp's crocodile tears.
  2. Delayed being the optimum word my friend...

    Nothing will stop or shut up those that oppose the behavior and actions of Israel against the innocents of Gaza. Nothing.

    The eyes of the world are upon Israel. Every move and action being watched and measured.

    Remember that every action has a reaction.

    Peace and Love my friend and may the cloud of hate that blinds your mind lift and let you some day see right from wrong...
  3. I don't think someone who thinks all press out of Israel must be a lie, and who thinks that all people who criticize your absurdities are fanatical government agents can lecture anyone else about hate.
  4. I do not want a row with you my friend...

    But i will say this. I have never stated that all of the press out of Israel was a lie.
    Some is so obviously biased that it is laughable but you know very well by now that i reg quote Haaretz...
    In fact i read it every day.

    Less hate and more love my friend.
    May the sun shine on you every morning you rise and ease the pain in your heart...

    Peace and Love...
  5. #25 dudedude4, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2011
    No use lying when the proof is in the pudding... er, I mean, in this thread

    You got all ZOMG ISRAEL NEWS!!! MUST BE LIE!!! but then it turned out to be quoting a UAE paper so you withdrew. Of course, if you had just read the article you would have figured that out pretty quick, but your knee-jerk hatred of everything Israel got in the way of that. You saw it said "Israel News," and you immediately tried to shut it down, even though it was quoting a UAE story. you're fooling nobody.
  6. #26 SmokinP, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2011

    This truly is the last time...
    You remind me of a friend of mine who is a nightmare to go drinking with...

    Him: "Come on man, one more drink won't kill you"
    Me : "Ok fuck it, one more but thats it"
    20 mins later
    Me : "Ok man, lets go"
    Him: " Ah we will have one more, sure why not ?"
    Me : " Ah for fucks sake !"

    And on and on and on until moi or him keel over and are brought in around the bar to sleep it off with the other drunks...

    If you go back through the thread and re read it you will see that i was saying "Really" as regards Israel News a source that i have my doubts over.
    If it had been Haaretz or some other reliable and fairly unbiased Israeli media source then i would not have said "Really"...

    I hope that explains the situation a little bit more clearly for you.

    Now i'm off out for an evening of jazz and cocktails and hopefully some fine ass...

    Peace and love...:smoke:
  7. #27 dudedude4, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2011

    Yes, your knee-jerk anti-Israel reactionary mindset apparently blocked you from seeing that the article was quoting a United Arab Emirates journalist. This is clear. This is why it helps to read the article before you shoot it down because it's "Israel News," which you arbitrarily have a problem with.
  8. [​IMG]
    Israel extends Gaza blockade to Greece, Canadian Boat to Gaza challenges political interference |
  9. These people can not pick and choose how they want to enter and leave nations. Good for Greece for finally showing these useful idiots a lesson they have to respect Greek Law and even international boundary rules. Also they got a good lesson on how to properly leaving nations and respecting international maritime rules. Note: You need permission to leave a port it happens here in Canada all the time. Also lets hope our government throw the book at them.
  10. In other news, four dutch journalists who was to set sail with the jihad-flotilla, have decided not to. Beeing journalists, they wanted transparancy and some facts about certain things on the table, rather than just beeing fed propaganda. but at every turn, they were stonewalled and blocked from getting even the simplest of information disclosed.

    Like say passenger manifest. During training in "non-violent-resistance" one dutch journalist recognized Amin Abou Rashed, a Hamas representative in Holland who also got ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. A known supporter of terror and violent jihad.

    Then there is the financing. The flotilla organizers claim it is all financed by small donations from a lot of individuals and minor organisations. However, no-one is allowed to sift through the financial records to see from where the contributions originate. Later it was revealed that the Hamas representative in Holland, Amin Abou Rashed, fascilitated the purchase of the vessel in which amongst others the dutch delegation of activists is supposed to sail on.

    And ofcourse, there is the recipient of the "aid" the vessels are carrying. Spokespersons of the jihad flotilla, have more than often said it will go to UNHCR which do a bit of humanitarian work in Gaza. Though ofcourse, the UNHCR effort in Gaza is well supplied from Israel, but that is another topic.

    But it have surfaced, that it is not certain that UNHCR is to be the recipient, and indeed, there is no coordination with UNHCR either. So who remains in Gaza that can receive the goods and distribute it? Why, Hamas naturally.

    A Hamas that already confiscate relief and aid shipments, and then proceed to sell it back to its own people at extortionist prices. Among many other crimes against their own population and not least Israel, who they unilaterally have declared war against the moment they gained power in an INDEPENDENT Gaza. Hence the blockade to begin with.

    This flotilla is not about sending aid to a starving people, as Gazans are by and large not starving. In a couple of weeks, a new enourmous shopping mall will open in Gaza, stocked to the brim with all kinds of luxury goods, and with all facilities, including a multiplex cinema.

    If aid was the purpose, how about then redirecting the flotilla to say the border between Turkey and Syria, where thousands of syrian refugees live in very squalid conditions. Or to the tens of thousands refugees from the Libyan debacle.

    And if the aid absolutely have to go to Gazans, why not go to an Egyptian port, and transfer the goods to Gaza through the Rafah border point. Oh, wait, Egypt got Gaza under lock-down as well, silly me who thought it was just Israel...

    If it was about human rights, why not send a flotilla to Saudi-Arabia in support of womens-rights, which are soerly lacking in that country. Perhaps offer up some driving lessons for free?

    No, this jihad flotilla is a PR stunt by various jihadi organisations, Hamas included, whos primary goal is to provoke a confrontation with Israel. It is its only purpose.

    Some naive westerners in the flotilla may think it is for humanitarian purposes or whatnot. But then again, most these are socialists that already got a bit of a lacking grasp of reality.

    From my own home-town, the City-councilman from the communist-party is down there hoping to set sail some day soon. The irony beeing, that in Gaza, if he was an ordinary gazan, he'd be arrested by Hamas police on the spot for beeing gay...
  11. Freegaza - News section
  12. A little bit about why the blockade is there in the first place...

  13. I hope Israel send this "illegal flotilla" to the bottom of the sea where it belongs.

  14. Why do you want them to die a horrible death? Drowning? that would suck. why do you want them to die. In all honesty that sounded like a pretty immature statement. You do illigal shit too, remember. Tokin up is illegal.
  15. How is the Freedom Flotilla "illegal" ?
  16. according to international maritime law the blockade is legal, which would make blockade-running illegal.
  17. Indeed. The blockade is fully legal, and Israel is entirely within international law if/when intercepting vessels bound for a blockaded port. Even if that intercept should happen in international waters. Also, Israel may use force as necessary in order to enforce the blockade.

    So if blockade runners do not acknowledge hailings to stop and allow a boarding party to board and inspect, they can open fire on the blockade runners. A shot across the bow as a final warning, and if not heeded, to cripple or sink the blockade runner.

    If the boarding party is attacked in any form, they are allowed to take any proportional measure they see fit to secure the safety of the boarding party.

    Though Israel beeing in its full right to keep up and enforce the blockade, as long as Hamas is in power in Gaza, it do not mean that it is strategically or PR-image wise benefitial. Israel could ease the blockade, allowing civilian traffic to and from Gaza, under provision of all cargo and passengers be inspected to ensure no weapons or other military equiptment is supplied to Hamas, or that known and wanted Hamas operatives or other terrorists can enter or exit Gaza.

    Ofcourse, this would require Israel to use more resources to uphold its blockade. Rigerous inspection is more cumbersome than just blocking all traffic, but it would at the very least be more acceptable according to international reservations regarding the current blockade enforcement.
  18. Leaving a port without permission is a felony......

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